Thursday, January 6, 2022

Building Bhakashal - Character Creation - PCs

Image of Conjured Water Elemental by Nigreda at Deviantart:

In addition to running regular after school games, I run one-shot games for birthdays, parties, etc. When I run one-shot games, particularly for people who don’t play D&D, I don’t want to give them 1st level PCs as they likely won’t survive the session. I also don’t want to give them high level PCs as they are fairly complex to run. The ideal level for a one-shot, at least in my experience, is 3rd. 

So for today’s entry into the Character Creation Challenge, I will create a 3rd level PC, ideal for a one-shot game. Next up in the list of 20 Bhakashal classes is the Conjuror. The conjuror was my first attempt at a warlock (magic-user) subclass, and is a personal favorite. The idea of the sorcerer summoning and directing monsters has always been a favorite of mine, many people are all about the fireballs, I’m all about using magic to get that demon to do your bidding.

Time to create!


A. Choose a character class

B. Choose a Playable Group and Faction 

C. Generate Stats

D. Calculate Saving Throw Bonuses and HP

E. Add Skills and Playable Group Abilities

F. Choose Deity and Languages

G. Choose Equipment and Clothing 

H. Pick Armor and Weapons and Assign Attack Bonuses

I. Calculate Wealth

J. Calculate Encumbrance

K. Assign Spells/Class Abilities

M. Assign Personality Traits (optional)

N. Customize Playable Group Lore (optional)

O. Name Character

P. Assign magic items (for creating NPCs and PCs above level 1)

A. Choose Class (d20)

Choice - Conjuror - Faction - House Omander [CG]

B. Choose Playable Group  (d12)

  1. Chitin - Insect People

  2. Garudin - Bird People 

  3. Humans - Primate People 

  4. Jugyi - Turtle People 

  5. Kutya - Dog People 

  6. Malu - Fish People

  7. Rakasta - Cat People 

  8. Saan - Lizard People 

  9. Togmu - Frog People  

  10. Urdyll - Plant People 

  11. Vodnik - Castor People  

  12. Yalan - Snake People

Rolled Choice - Chitin

C. Generate Stats

  1. For each stat roll 3d6 

6 6 4/ 5 6 5/ 6 5 3/ 1 5 1/ 2 3 5/ 4 5 2

S 14 / I 16 / W 14 / D 7 / C 10 / C 11

  1. Apply stat minimums

INT 15 WIS 14 CHR 16

S 14 / I 16 / W 14 / D 7 / C 10 / C 16

  1. Switch any two stats (you cannot produce a result less than a minimum)

Switch STR and DEX

S 7 / I 16 / W 14 / D 14 / C 10 / C 16

  1. Apply playable group bonuses

+1 DEX / +1 CON

S 7 / I 16 / W 14 / D 15 / C 11 / C 16

  1. Apply Ability Modifiers

S -7  [-1] 

I - 16 [+3]
W - 14 [+2]
D - 15 [+2]
C - 11 [+1] 
C - 16 [+3]/+15%

D. Calculate Saving Throw Bonuses and HP

All classes get a +1 bonus per 2 levels of experience, so at 3rd level that’s +2 base

Paralyzation STR and CON [+2]

Poison CON and DEX [+5]

Death Magic WIS and CON [+5]

Petrification CON and CHR [+6]

Polymorph WIS and CHR [+7]

Breath Weapon DEX and INT [+7]

Spell WIS and INT [+7]

Hit Points

Class based, roll or take the average (1/2 HD). I’ll roll for all three, 3,5,2 = 10hp

E.  Add Skills and Playable Group Abilities

  1. PCs get a roll on the Bhakashal Skill table once for every point of INT bonus

Farmer, Trader, Trader, so that’s Farmer and Trader [+1]

  1. PCs also get a skill(s) related to their playable group, between farmer, fisherman and trapper, I roll for this and get fisherman, so the list is Farmer, Fisherman and Trader [+1]

Bhakashal Skills

01-02: Alchemist

24-26: Chef

49-51: Herdsman

74-75: Scribe

03-05: Animal handler

27-28: Cobbler

52-54: Hunter

76-77: Shipwright

06-07: Artist

29-31: Farmer

55-56: Jeweler

78-79: Stoneworker

08-09: Armorer

32-34: Fisherman

57-58: Juggler/Entertainer

80-82: Tailor

10-11: Astrologer

35-37: Forester

59-61: Leatherworker

83-84: Teamster

12-13: Astronomer

38-39: Gambler

62-63: Miner

85-86: Tinkerer

14-16: Blacksmith

40-41: Gemologist

64-65: Musician

87-88: Trader

17-18: Bowyer/Fletcher

42-43: Glassworker

66-68: Navigator

89-91: Trapper 

19-20: Brewer

44-45: Heraldry

69-70: Painter

92-95: Roll an additional skill

21-23: Carpenter

46-48: Herbalist

71-73: Sailor

96 -100: Skill of your choice

Playable Group Abilities

  1. Move 12” 

  2. Climb as 1st level spider [85%]

  3. Ultravision at a 120’ range

  4. Surprised on a 1 in 6

F. Choose Deity and Languages

Rolled: Cekala  - Storms, Lightning, Battle

Characters get the language of their playable group and one other language of their choice, so that’s Chitin and I choose Saan, and then one roll on the table for every point of their INT bonus. If a duplicate is rolled, roll on Special Table 1 instead.

Rolled - Chitin, Rakasta and Jugyi. Since Chitin is a duplicate, roll on Special Table 1, result - Stone Giant

So final list is: Chitin, Saan, Rakasta, Jugyi and Stone Giant

Bhakashal Languages - (3d12)* Special Table 1 - (d12)

3-4. Chitin (insect people) 2

5-7. Garudin (bird people) 3

8-9. Humans (primate people) 2

10-12. Jugyi (turtle people) 3

13. Kutya (dog people) 1

14-17. Malu (fish people) 4 

18. Rakasta (cat people) 1

19-26. Saan (lizard people) 8

27-30. Togmu (frog people) 4

31. Urdyll (plant people) 1

32-33. Vodnik (castor people) 2

34-36. Yalan (snake people) 3

  1. Dragon, Black

  2. Dragon, Marsh

  3. Giant, Marsh

  4. Giant, Stone 

  5. Jackalwere

  6. Kobold

  7. Merpeople 

  8. Naga

  9. Ogre

  10. Sahuagin

  11. Wemic

  12. Roll on Special Table 2

G. Choose Equipment and Clothing 

There are standard equipment packs if desired, and clothing suggestions in the playable group listings.

Equipment: Backpack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket - 200 gp encumbrance, 10 gp cost

Clothing - Open front and back skirts made of gold fabric, sleeveless open front shirt of soft leather

H. Pick Armor and Weapons and Assign Attack Bonuses

The best armor a warlock/conjuror can wear without casting time penalty is Samnite armor, a breastplate, greaves and manica. AC 7, 200gp encumbrance and 30gp cost

Attack bonus for a 3rd level arcane PC is +1 to hit

1 weapon at 3rd level, as Chitin have natural attack routines I will take a crossbow for distance attacks:

5 natural attacks per round, CCCCB* [+1/-1] 1-2x4/2-5 WvrsAC [-2M/+1L/+3N] Criticals - Cleave/Stab

*for natural attacks you use either STR or DEX modifier for TO HIT, whichever is better, so that’s +2, and you use STR for the DAMAGE modifier, which is -1

Crossbow [+3/0] 2-5/2-5, WS: 4, Range: 12/18/20, WvrsAC: [-1M/+2L/+3N], Critical: Remain

I. Assign Wealth

  1. All PCs start with 50 gp, a 50 gp gem and 50 gp piece of jewelry, plus 10gp per ability score bonus point in whatever form they want

So that’s +10 to allocate, so I will go for 150gp, 50gp gem and 50gp bracer

  1. Deduct cost of equipment, armor and weapons

Equipment - 10 gp, Armor - 30 gp, Weapons - 8gp total = 48 gp, remaining: 102gp, 50gp gem, 50gp bracer

  1. For PCs and NPCs above 1st level, add [100 gp + 100 gp gem + 100 gp jewelry]/level plus 50gp per ability score “+” to wealth.  So that’s 200gp + 2 100 gp gems + 2 100 gp bracers plus a 500 gp ruby for a total of 302 gp, (2) 100 gp gems, 50 gp gem, 50 gp bracer, (2 )100 gp bracers.

J. Calculate Encumbrance

  1. Weapon Weights are found in the weapon listings. - 40gp

  2. Armor Weights are found on the Armor Table - 200 gp

  3. Equipment weight is precalculated for equipment packs, otherwise consult the Equipment Weights table - 200 gp

  4. Deduct 50gp per point of CON and STR bonus - these two cancel each other out

  5. Total all weight and consult the Weight/Movement table - 440gp

No adjustment, and the PC can carry up to 60gp more before shifting down a movement category from 12”

Weight/Movement Table

Weight Carried

Movement Rate Penalty

Less than 500 gp

None - movement normal for playable group

500 gp to 999 gp 


1000 gp to 1499 gp


1500 gp +


K. Assign Spells/Class Abilities

Like Warlocks, specialist casters like Conjurors permanently memorize spells, they do not have spell books and do not have to memorize their spells for the day every day.

However, unlike Warlocks, specialist casters like Conjurors DO NOT use the percentage chance to successfully cast and potentially fail casting odds. 

In exchange for these benefits, conjurors have:

  1. A restricted spell list (conjuration spells and assorted miscellaneous spells only)

  2. They are restricted to permanent memorization of spells of a level equal to half their current level, rounded up,  e.g. a 5th level conjuror can permanently memorize up to 3rd level spells.

  3. The number of spells they can cast per day is not 1 per level, it is instead based on the spell casting progression of a silver dragon. In Bhakashal, the specialist casters emerged from expertise gained from silver dragons.

The number of spells in the Conjuror’s permanent memory is normally determined through adventuring, but since we are creating a 3rd level PC from scratch, use these guidelines:

For NPC/PC warlocks from 2nd to 5th level, assign Level + [INT bonus] x 2 spells

For NPC/PC warlocks from 6th to 9th level, assign Level + [INT bonus] x 3 spells

For NPC/PC warlocks from 10th+, assign Level + [INT bonus] x 4 spells

So for us that is Level + [INT bonus] x 2 spells = 9 spells

Lower level spells are more common on the scroll lists, so Bhakashal recommends that you take the total number of spells and divide it into bands, give the most spells to the first band, the second most to the next band, etc. 

A third level conjuror can cast up to 2nd level spells, so we can divide this as follows:

1st - 6 spells

2nd - 3 spells

Rolled randomly for each level:

1st - Amillian's Ambient Avian +

1st - Charm Person

1st - Khostin's Vermin Throng +

1st - Mount

1st - Push

1st -  The Tailor of Munnar the Mad +

2nd  - Forget

2nd - Jauncil Tinnobassar's Avian Guardians +

2nd - Scare

Bhakashal Spells

Amillian’s Ambient Avian (Conjuration)

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: touch, Duration: 1 hour, Area of Effect: 1 square mile per level, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

When Amillian’s Ambient Avian is cast, a bird from the area will fly to the caster and take a seed from them. Once consumed, the bird will fly up and over the AOE, high and low, for an hour. The bird will swoop low and high. When it returns it will immediately transfer all visual and auditory knowledge from the bird to the caster. This knowledge would include things like:

- Where streams, rivers and lakes are located

- Where animals gather or hide

- What areas of the town/city are busy with people

- What facilities (with signage or obvious purpose) are where

- Exit and entrance routes to a city/area

- Tallest buildings/largest forests

- Bridges and bodies of water

The material component of this spell is a seed from a green plant that has been soaked in distilled water for a week.

Khostin’s Vermin Throng (Conjuration)

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 round/level, Area of Effect: special, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

When the vermin throng is cast the caster summons 1 giant rat to their location for every level of experience. These rats will swarm the target chosen by the caster, disrupting spell casting, until killed for the duration of the spell. Each successful hit by a rat has a 5% chance of giving the victim a disease. The material component of this spell is a small silver whistle.

The Tailor of Munnar the Mad (Conjuration)

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: touch, Duration: 1 day/level, Area of Effect: 1 target per level, 

Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

When Munnar the Mad died he left this spell with his local guild as part of his estate. The tailor, which appears as a small, eminent looking Vodnik dressed in robes of bright color, will appear and can provide the caster (after consideration of numerous options) with one appropriate, perfectly fitting outfit for any occasion or location. For each level of the caster, another may be so-fitted. Each fitting takes one turn. The spell relies on the caster’s understanding of the occasion or event to shape the materials provided. The caster must set any other parameters, e.g. dress me casually for a formal event, etc. Cast after a way of the ward spell this can be more effective. The material component of the spell is a coin equivalent to the level of expense associated with the clothing (e.g. a cheap outfit – copper coin, most luxurious expensive outfit – platinum coin) a piece of silk, and if the caster wants to keep the clothing after the duration of the spell, a ruby of 100-500 gp value depending on the quality of outfit requested.

Jauncil Tinnobassar's Avian Guardians (Conjuration)

Level: 2, Casting Time: 2 segments, Range: individual, Duration: 5 rounds/level, Area of Effect: special, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

When cast the avian guardian spell summons into existence two small, winged extra dimensional beings that look like a cross between a bat and a monkey. These two creatures flit and fly near the caster until someone shoots a missile in her direction. The avian guardians will knock missiles out of the air before they strike the caster, giving her an effective AC of 2 against hand propelled missiles, and 3 against device-propelled missiles. The avian guardians do not confer an AC bonus against melee weapons, however, if attacked by a melee weapon the caster can opt to forgo the protection and have the avian guardians attempt to snatch the melee weapon from the attacker on a successful saving throw versus paralysation (one save attempt per creature). This may be attempted as many times as desired, once per round each, until the end of the duration of the spell. The material component of this spell is a pair of flying insects (dead or alive) and an arrow or crossbow bolt.

Material Components (total encumbrance: 15gp)

Right Belt Pouch: Small silver whistle, (5) seeds 

Right Belt Pouch 2: (4) pairs of flying insects and (4) crossbow bolts

Left Belt Pouch: bag of powdered brass (5 uses), (3) skeleton bone fragments

Class Abilities:

  1. +10% on the "to know" percentage for conjuration / summoning spells

  2. Read and speak silver dragon

  3. Conjurors get a +20% on encounter reaction rolls with silver dragons

  4. Conjurors get the spell progression chart of a Silver dragon, so in this case: 

Spells Per day: 2 - 1st, 2 - 2nd and 1 - 3rd level spell

  1. All conjuration / summoning spells (marked with a “+”) are cast as if they were 2 levels higher with respect to two variables, e.g. range, AOE, duration, spell-like effects, etc.

  2. The ability to substitute more expensive / rare components in any given summoning spell to control selection or options available. So for example, using seeds from a rare plant for Amillian’s Ambient Avian could double the AOE, or substituting a magical crossbow bolt for a regular one in the Avian Guardians spell might triple the number of guardians produced, etc.

  3. All Warlocks and their subclasses in Bhakashal have level titles associated with each level of experience, as well as tasks associated with their chosen path in the House. This PC has decided to become a Scribus Warlock, a warlock who will focus on writing and researching spells. At third level their full title would be: Scribus Preserver Conjuror Bruk Imosst the Azure, and their tasks would be: Researching, organizing and maintaining texts and scribal materials for the House.

L. Assign Personality Traits (Optional)

  • Immaculate, Pessimist, Well-Spoken, Soft-Hearted

M. Customize Playable Group Lore (Optional)

  • Face paint with curves and circles to indicate kin relations

  • Does not eat in front of others unless necessary

  • Does not lie unless absolutely necessary

N. Name 

  • Bruk Imosst the Azure

O. Magic Items

For PCs and NPCs being made above 1st level, assign magic items as follows:

Level / 3 in permanent magic items (round down)

Level / 2 in temporary magic items (round up)

So they will have one permanent and two temporary magic items. 

These are rolled for. First roll for two temporary items:

  1. Potion of Gaseous Form 

  2. Scroll of 3 spells: Firewater, ESP, Tellentir’s Spell of the Quinquagenarian Screens*

And one Permanent Item:

  1. Folding Boat

These magic items add 25 gp to encumbrance

Bhakashal Spell

Tellentir’s Spell of the Quinquagenarian Screens (Conjuration)

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 round/level, Area of Effect: 1”x1”x1” cube per level, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

Tellentir’s spell is useful for situations where the caster is relatively exposed to missile fire. The spell conjures 20-50 (d4+1 x10) floating screens that surround the caster at random intervals and random heights within the area of effect of the spell. Each screen is the height of the caster and 3 feet across. The screens are made of a light substance, similar in consistency to parchment. Any missile that is shot towards the caster will suffer a -1 penalty to hit for every 10 screens conjured due to obscurement of vision. The screens may be easily pushed aside, but doing so will slow the movement rate of the victim by ½ for the duration of the spell. The material component of this spell is a small piece of parchment with the command word of the spell written on it 50 times. 

*Note that Conjurors can cast any warlock spell from a scroll, but they take a [10-INT bonus]% penalty on the casting roll and they may not memorize the spell permanently, this applies to firewater and ESP. Tellantir’s spell (3rd level) is on the Conjuror list, so they can cast it without penalty, or wait until  they are 5th level and then they can memorize it permanently (with an appropriately modified “to know” roll)

Bruk Imosst the Azure - 3rd level Chitin Scribus Preserver Conjuror - House Omander [CG]

MV:” - AC: 5 (Samnite Armor + DEX)  - HP: 10


Ability Scores

S-16 [+3]

I-16 [+3]

W-14 [+2] 

D-15 [+2] 

C-11 [+1]  


Deity - Cekala  - Storms, Lightning, Battle

Languages - Chitin, Saan, Rakasta, Jugyi, Stone Giant

Appearance - Face paint with curves and circles to indicate kin relations

Skills/Abilities - Farmer, Fisherman and Trader [+1]

- Move 12”, climb as 1st level spider [85%], Ultravision 120’, 

Surprised on a 1 in 6

- +10% on the "to know" percentage for conjuration spells

- Read and speak silver dragon, +20% on silver dragon encounter reaction rolls 

- All conjuration spells (marked with a “+”) cast as if 2 levels higher with respect to two variables

- substitute rare components to improve spell parameters

Saving Throws

Paralyzation [+2]

Poison [+5]

Death Magic [+5]

Petrification [+6]

Polymorph [+7]

Breath Weapon [+7]

Spell [+7]

Weapons - Class Attack Bonus: +1

  1. Natural attacks 5/round, CCCCB [+1/-1] 1-2x4,2-5 WvrsAC [-2M/+1L/+3N] Criticals - Cleave/Stab

  2. Crossbow [+3/0] 2-5/2-5, WS: 4, Range: 12/18/20, WvrsAC: [-1M/+2L/+3N], Critical: Remain

Equipment: Equipment: Backpack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket 

Encumbrance: +20 gp

Material Components (total encumbrance: 15gp)

Right Belt Pouch: Small silver whistle, (5) seeds 

Right Belt Pouch 2: (4) pairs of flying insects and (4) crossbow bolts

Left Belt Pouch: bag of powdered brass (5 uses), (3) skeleton bone fragments

Wealth: 302 gp, (2) 100 gp gems, 50 gp gem, 50 gp bracer, (2 )100 gp bracers

Clothing: Gold skirt, sleeveless open front soft leather shirt

Personality: Immaculate, Pessimist, Well-Spoken, Soft-Hearted, does not eat in front of others unless necessary, does not lie unless absolutely necessary

Spells Castable Per Day - [2 - 1st, 2 - 2nd and 1 - 3rd level spell] 

1st Level Spells -  Amillian's Ambient Avian +, Charm Person, Khostin's Vermin Throng +, Mount, Push, The Tailor of Munnar the Mad +

2nd Level Spells - Forget, Jauncil Tinnobassar's Avian Guardians +, Scare

Magic Items - Potion of Gaseous Form, Scroll of 3 spells: Firewater, ESP, Tellentir’s Spell of the Quinquagenarian Screens, Folding Boat

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Building Bhakashal - Session Report Image by Tooth Wu - Artstation - My Thursday group did not meet t...