Monday, January 24, 2022

 Building Bhakashal - Character Creation - PCs

Yesterday’s random character generation was fun, so I’m going to try it again. I will roll up an entirely random PC based on the Bhakashal tables. Note that these tables are
weighted, not completely randomized, some results are more likely than others. For example, if you are rolling for class, the four core classes (Mercenary, Seer, Spider, Warlock) are the most likely to come up. The most likely in-game playable group is Saan (lizard man) by a significant factor. 

Today I will roll and see what comes up for a 1st level PC, I will also time the process, to see approximately how long it takes me to roll up a PC for this system. I used a Discord bot to roll all of the dice for each of these results. I only chose where dice rolls were not appropriate. The idea is that this is approximately how long it would take a new player to roll up a PC under my supervision (online or in person). 

Of course, real PC creation takes longer as the player would want to read the options and understand what the different classes do in fair detail, ask questions, etc. This is an example of how long it would take if someone said, “I will roll up a randomized character and take whatever I get, I can ask questions later.” After the first attempt it should be possible for players to do this entirely unsupervised. 

Here we go!


A. Choose a character class

B. Choose a Playable Group and Faction 

C. Generate Stats

D. Calculate Saving Throw Bonuses and HP

E. Add Skills and Playable Group Abilities

F. Choose Deity and Languages

G. Choose Equipment and Clothing 

H. Pick Armor and Weapons and Assign Attack Bonuses

I. Calculate Wealth

J. Calculate Encumbrance

K. Assign Spells/Class Abilities

M. Assign Personality Traits (optional)

N. Customize Playable Group Lore (optional)

O. Name Character

P. Assign magic items (for creating NPCs and PCs above level 1)

A. Choose Class (2d20)

1-6: Beastial (druid)

7-10: Cavaral (monk/magic-user - all/only evocation magic)

11-14: Chimerist (all/only alteration magic)

15-18: Conjuror (all/only conjuration magic)

19-20: Gyre (Generic magic)

21-26: Jinx (spider/druid - all/only plant magic)

27-28: Justiciar (paladin) 

29-36: Mercenary (fighter)

37-40: Myrmidon (fighter/magic-user - potions only)  

41-44: Necromancer (all only necromantic/abjuration magic)

45-50: Phantasmist (Illusionist)

51-58: Seer (cleric - all regular cleric spells and all divination magic) 

59-64: Slayer (ranger/assassin) 

65-70: Spartan (monk)

71-72: Spellbinder (druid/magic-user - all/only elemental and animal spells)

73-80: Spider (spider) 

81-86: Thaumaturge (spider/magic-user - scroll spells only) 

87-88: Theurgist (fighter/illusionist - all/only enchantment and illusion spells)

89-92: Vox (bard - all sound spells and sound based versions of other spells)

93-100: Warlock (magic-user)

Rolled: 30 Mercenary

Faction Table  

Houses of Bhakashal - House–Ward–Crest (foreground/background)-House Magus Warlock–House Ur Lord*

1-3. Xandal

4-6. Tollminder

7-8. Bharin

9-10. Uarnon

12-14. Zoon

15-17. Emarshil

18-19. Pentas

20-21. Horn

22-24. Omravos 

25-27. Magnar

28-30. Viinos

31-32. Kesht

33-35. Klis

36-37. Kallost

38-40. Soronos

41-42. Joshan

43-45. Kolkan

46-47. Dhom

48-49. Ukant

50. Liat

51-52. Ghan

53-54. Acantus

55. Aerew

56. Bontill

57. Westrill

58-59. Himmenghost

60. Omander

61. Zaln

62. Griathon

63. Nintil

64. Ular

65-67. Quannar

68. Ain

69. Lantiller

70. Destwiller

71. Enos

72-73. Iastis

74-76. Jin

77-78. Hyin

79-80. Phars

81-82. Xixfarn

83. Fansall

84. Immasin

85. Omsan

86. Murgin

87-89. Ynris

90. Honan

91-92. Quintos

93. Jolcas

-95. Sinshal

96. Rostus 

97-98. Rillen

99-100. Borasjin

Rolled: 21 House Horn [NG]

B. Choose Playable Group  (3d12)

3-4. Chitin (insect people) 

5-7. Garudin (bird people) 

8-9. Emberi (primate people) 

10-12. Jugyi (turtle people) 

13. Kutya (dog people) 

14-17. Malu (fish people) 

18. Rakasta (cat people) 

19-26. Saan (lizard people) 

27-30. Togmu (frog people) 

31. Urdyll (plant people) 

32-33. Vodnik (castor people) 

34-36. Yalan (snake people) 

Rolled: 20 Saan

C. Generate Stats

  1. For each stat roll 3d6 

1 6 1/ 6 5 1/ 5 1 4 /1 6 2/ 5 4 4/ 5 2 3

S 8 / I 12 / W 16 / D 9 / C 13 / C 10

  1. Apply stat minimums

STR 10 DEX 10 CON 10

S 10 / I 12 / W 16 / D 10 / C 13 / C 10

  1. Switch any two stats (you cannot produce a result less than a minimum)

Switch STR and WIS

S 16 / I 12 / W 10 / D 10 / C 13 / C 10

  1. Apply playable group bonuses

+1 to CON, +1 to INT

S 16 / I 13 / W 10 / D 10 / C 14 / C 10

  1. Apply Ability Modifiers

S - 16 [+3] 

I - 13 [+2]
W - 10 [+1]
D - 10 [+1]
C - 14 [+2] 
C - 10 [+1]/+5%

D. Calculate Saving Throw Bonuses and HP

All classes get a +1 bonus per level of experience 

Paralyzation STR and CON [+5]

Poison CON and DEX [+4]

Death Magic WIS and CON [+4]

Petrification CON and CHR [+4]

Polymorph WIS and CHR [+3]

Breath Weapon DEX and INT [+4]

Spell WIS and INT [+4]

Hit Points 

Class based, roll or take the average (1/2 HD) - I’ll roll - 6 HP

Bhakashal - Hit Points

Table 1 - Hit Point Progression by Class



0-level NPCs/monsters - do not gain further HP beyond start


A. Beastial/Cavaral/Chimerist/Conjuror/Gyre/Jinx/Myrmidon/




B. Justiciar/Mercenary/Spartan/Slayer


C. Monster



All PCs/NPCs have the option of “taking the average” rather than rolling for each level of HP. The average normally rounds up, but in Bhakashal you round down, so a d8 is 4.5, which rounds to 4hp. There is NO CON bonus to HP.

All PCs and NPCs should record their roll for HP at each level. At 6th level and every level thereafter the player can reroll any one of those rolls

All animals/monsters have rolled HP based on their listed HD.

E.  Add Skills and Playable Group Abilities

  1. PCs get a skill(s) related to their playable group

Leather Worker

  1. All PCs then get a roll on the Bhakashal Skill table once for every point of INT bonus

35 - Forester

37 - Forester

  1. Duplicate rolls get a +1 bonus with the existing skill

So Forester [+1]

  1. Playable groups also have abilities

Saan Move is 12” on land, 15” in the water, they get 3 natural attacks per round (CCB), 1-2/1-2/1-6, they have infravision, are amphibious, they have tough skin (WvrsAC: leather), they are surprised on a 1 in 6 and surprise others on a 3 in 6 in forested/marshland environments

Bhakashal Skills (d100)

01-02: Alchemist

24-26: Chef

49-51: Herdsman

74-75: Scribe

03-05: Animal handler

27-28: Cobbler

52-54: Hunter

76-77: Shipwright

06-07: Artist

29-31: Farmer

55-56: Jeweler

78-79: Stoneworker

08-09: Armorer

32-34: Fisherman

57-58: Juggler/Entertainer

80-82: Tailor

10-11: Astrologer

35-37: Forester

59-61: Leatherworker

83-84: Teamster

12-13: Astronomer

38-39: Gambler

62-63: Miner

85-86: Tinkerer

14-16: Blacksmith

40-41: Gemologist

64-65: Musician

87-88: Trader

17-18: Bowyer/Fletcher

42-43: Glassworker

66-68: Navigator

89-91: Trapper 

19-20: Brewer

44-45: Heraldry

69-70: Painter

92-95: Roll an additional skill

21-23: Carpenter

46-48: Herbalist

71-73: Sailor

96 -100: Skill of your choice

F. Choose Deity and Languages

Gods of Bhakashal (4d12)

4. Kurlog – Luck, Overcoming Challenges - dog head

5. Teernak – Creation, Preservation, Destruction - 3-headed, staff, flowers (lilly), dragonfly

6. Murla  – Creation, Life, Water (Rivers) - fish head, mace

7. Shayamal – Justice, Community, Charity – Ruby red body, head of bull, rod

8. Evok – Death, destruction, Transformation, Regeneration, Magic - snake head (cobra), hammer

9. Bemmarg – Family, Food, Marriage - four arms, goat

10. Torphal – Death, Animals, Storms, Disease – antelope head, spear

11. Aeskaros – Anger, Vengeance, Fear – 4 arms, head of lion, sword

12. Rakken – Dance, Creation, Destruction – 4 arms, grey body, red feathers on back, staff, red hawk

13. Golan – Knowledge, Magic, Technology – two faces (front/back), wings of bat, twin scimitars, tree

14. Rjam – Courage, Skill in Combat - tiger head, bow and arrows, vines

15. Xoam – Wealth, Happiness, Luck, Healing – gold body, floating lotus flower throne, boar

16. Maegela – Beauty, Loyalty –  green skin, wings of black feathers, two-handed sword, raven

17. Poniar  – Plants, Earth, Spring, Growth - skin of bark, club, tree

18. Jannak  – Time – skull for head, crown of blood, 4 arms, 4 falchions, rides giant lizard

19. Sithasial – Ocean, Water – head of squid with tentacles, daggers, barracuda

20. Dynas – Strength, Fortitude - head of turtle, club

21. Olapp – Fertility, Growth, Healing - giant, spear, boar 

22. Nesig  – Revenge, Loyalty, Duty - six arms, head of dragon, swords

23. Usam  – Cunning, Deceit, Thieves – silver body, holds lotus and knife, fox

24. Palashurem  – Loyalty, Duty, Honor – half red, half black, battle axe, tiger

25. Tobomar – Bravery, Fighters – green body, holding bow, crow on shoulder, crows

26. Bhamal  – Beauty, Music – orange body, black armor, battle axe, rides giant peacock

27. Haeka – Peace, Contemplation – body of smoke, one eye sun, one moon, snakes

28. Yaal – Death, Cleansing, Rebirth, Righteousness – body of water, trident, rides blue horse

29. Iospha  – Fire – black with red striations,  4 armed, on boar with four flaming axes 

30. Cekala  - Storms, Lightning, Battle – rides on elephant with lightning bolt in hand

31. Uvir – Air, Wind - head of deer, legs of deer, spear, falcon 

32. Mubere – Thieves, Wealth, Excess - head of cat, sword, cats

33. Vekka  – Water (Lake ) – four arms and four legs, two heads, spear, water snake

34. Eddea – Love, Desire – standing on turtle, javelin 

35. Jekrat  – War, Soldiers – 2 faces, back blindfolded, front wears lion mask, sword and axe, lions

36. Worlu  – Purification, winter – green skin, holding bowl and flame, rides elephant

37. Omagh– Death – dark blue skin, black armor, sword and shield, rides golden tiger, mace

38. Qonru – Sun , life, birth, creation – red skin, four arms, sword of fire, rides flaming eagle

39. Iallus – Moon, Light, Creativity - silver body, head of stag, spear

40. Keskittall – Mars, Violence, War - black skin, head of boar, mace and axe 

41. Gallas – Jupiter, Wisdom – head of ram, sceptre, owl

42. Mirres – Mercury, Science, Math – head of wolf, rope, staff

43. Bormal – Venus, Knowledge - elephant head, bat wings, dark blue body, hammer

44. Laras – Saturn , Travel, Hardship, Suffering - crows head, two crows circle head, scythe

45. Nareen  – Darkness, Rebirth – two heads, one snake, one frog, axe

46. Tarasural – Peace, Rest, Contemplation – blank face, golden body, holds lotus blossoms, butterfly

47. Mohlk  – Birds, communication – green body with hawk’s head and feathered wings, mace

48. Yult  –Strength, Loyalty – ape in golden armor, hammer, rides giant lion

Rolled: Uvir – Air, Wind 

Characters get the language of their playable group and one other language of their choice, and then one roll on the table for every point of their INT bonus. If a duplicate is rolled, roll on Special Table 1 instead

Saan and Togmu to start

Rolled: 20/22 Saan/Saan, both now roll on Special Table 1

Rolled: 3,10

Marsh Giant, Sahuagin

Bhakashal Languages - (3d12)* Special Table 1 - (d12)

3-4. Chitin (insect people) 2

5-7. Garudin (bird people) 3

8-9. Humans (primate people) 2

10-12. Jugyi (turtle people) 3

13. Kutya (dog people) 1

14-17. Malu (fish people) 4 

18. Rakasta (cat people) 1

19-26. Saan (lizard people) 8

27-30. Togmu (frog people) 4

31. Urdyll (plant people) 1

32-33. Vodnik (castor people) 2

34-36. Yalan (snake people) 3

  1. Dragon, Black

  2. Dragon, Marsh

  3. Giant, Marsh

  4. Giant, Stone 

  5. Jackalwere

  6. Kobold

  7. Merpeople 

  8. Naga

  9. Ogre

  10. Sahuagin

  11. Wemic

  12. Roll on Special Table 2

G. Choose Equipment and Clothing 

Backpack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket, (3) candles, (3) flasks of oil, lantern, small sack - 250 gp encumbrance, 20gp cost

H. Pick Armor and Weapons and Assign Attack Bonuses

Roll d10 for armor: Rolled: 6 - scale mail (250gp encumbrance, 50 gp cost)

Attack bonus for a 1st level PC is +1 to hit

Initial number of weapons determined by class (4) for mercenary 

To hit and damage bonus +4/+3 melee, +2/+3 missile

Weapons rolled: One melee sharp, one melee blunt, one pole arm and one missile

3 - Bardiche {+4/+3], 2-8/3-12, WS:5, WvrsAC: -1M/+2L/+3N, Criticals: Cleave/Dismount /Sweep/Remain

- 125gp enc- 7gp cost

7 - Horseman’s Flail [+4/+3], 2-5/2-5, WS: 3, WvrsAC: +1L, Criticals: Bludgeon/Dual Wield

 - 35gp enc- 8gp cost

25 - Bec de Corbin [+4/+3], 1-8/1-10, WS: 5, WvrsAC: +2M/+2L/+3N, Criticals: Set Against Charge / Sweep/Vault

- 100 gp enc - 6gp cost

3 - Composite Short Bow [+2/+3], 1-6/1-6, ROF:2, WS:3,Range:5/10/18, WvrsAC: -2M/+2L/+3N, Critical: Remain - 

- 50 gp enc bow 18 arrows 36 gp total 86gp- 75gp cost

I. Assign Wealth

  1. All PCs start with 50 gp, a 50 gp gem and 50 gp piece of jewelry, plus 10gp per ability score bonus point in whatever form they want (100gp) - total: 150 gp, 50gp gem, 50gp jewelry

  2. Deduct cost of equipment, armor and weapons - 166gp Remaining: 34gp, 50 gp gem

J. Calculate Encumbrance

  1. Weapon Weights are found in the weapon listings. - 346

  2. Armor Weights are found on the Armor Table - 250

  3. Equipment weight is precalculated for equipment packs, otherwise consult the Equipment Weights table - 250 Total: 810 gp total

  4. Deduct 50gp per point of CON and STR bonus -250 gp

  5. Total all weight and consult the Weight/Movement table - 596 gp - Move down 1 category in movement rate, drop Bec de Corbin to move up one category in movement

Bhakashal Armor 


Name - (example) - Material






No armor- none - regular clothing/animals





Padded Leather (e.g., gambeson) - soft leather 





Leather (e.g. cuir bouilli) - hardened leather 





Breastplate (e.g., Samnite armor) - metal plate





Banded (e.g. Lorica Hamata) - Metal bands on leather

Scale (e.g., Lorica Squamata) - metal scales on leather








Breastplate/Greaves (e.g., Hoplite armor) - metal plate





Chain (e.g. byrnie) - metal links over leather





Lamallar (Byzantine armor) - overlapping small  metal plates over leather





Plate (Conquistador armor) - segmented metal plates over chain**





Full Plate*** (e.g., panoply)- uniform metal plate over chain




Weight/Movement Table

Weight Carried

Movement Rate Penalty

Less than 500 gp

None - movement normal for playable group

500 gp to 999 gp 


1000 gp to 1499 gp


1500 gp +


K. Assign Spells/Class Abilities

Save versus all combat and weapon criticals (see below)

L. Assign Personality Traits (Optional)

  • Up to four, rolled on DMG tables. Note that players should always get to:

  1. Refuse or re-roll a personality trait

  2. Interpret a personality trait

Rolled: Forceful, Proud, Opinionated

M. Customize Playable Group Lore (Optional)

Rolled: Prefers groups, carves totems, generous 

N. Name 

Rondam Kliss

Note that this process took approximately 15 minutes, but there was no need to roll up spells and low level mercenaries have few non-combat abilities to record. Average time for a 1st level arcane PC is closer to 20.

Rondam Kliss - 1st  level Saan Mercenary Guard - Archer - House Horn [NG]

MV:9”/12” - AC: 5  - HP: 6


Ability Scores

S - 16 [+3] 

I - 13 [+2]
W - 10 [+1]
D - 10 [+1]
C - 14 [+2] 
C - 10 [+1]/+5%

Deity - Uvir – Air, Wind 

Languages - Saan, Togmu, Marsh Giant, Sahuagin

Appearance - Dark green skin, black eyes

Skills/Abilities - Leather Worker, Forester [+1]

- infravision 120’, Amphibious, Tough Skin (WvrsAC: Leather),

Surprised 1 in 6 and surprise 3 in 6 in marshland

- saving throw vrs breath weapon against all combat and weapon criticals

Saving Throws

Paralyzation [+5]

Poison [+4]

Death Magic [+4]

Petrification [+4]

Polymorph [+3]

Breath Weapon [+4]

Spell [+4]

Weapons - Class Attack Bonus: +1

  1. 3 natural attacks/round (CCB) [+4/+3], 1-2/1-2/1-6, WS:1, WvrsAC: -2M/+1L/+3N, Criticals: Cleave/Stab

  2. Bardiche {+4/+3], 2-8/3-12, WS:5, WvrsAC: -1M/+2L/+3N, Criticals: Cleave/Dismount /Sweep/Remain

  3. Horseman’s Flail [+4/+3], 2-5/2-5, WS: 3, WvrsAC: +1L, Criticals: Bludgeon/Dual Wield

  4. Bec de Corbin [+4/+3], 1-8/1-10, WS: 5, WvrsAC: +2M/+2L/+3N, Criticals: Set Against Charge / Sweep/Vault

  5. Composite Shortbow [+2/+3], 1-6/1-6, ROF:2, WS:3,Range:5/10/18, WvrsAC: -2M/+2L/+3N, Critical: Remain

Equipment: Backpack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket, (3) candles, (3) flasks of oil, lantern, small sack

Encumbrance: Drop Bec de Corbin / 100 gp

Wealth: 34gp, 50 gp gem

Clothing:  Reds and blacks, cloak 

Personality: Forceful, Proud, Opinionated, prefers groups, carves totems, generous 

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Building Bhakashal - Session Report Image by Tooth Wu - Artstation - My Thursday group did not meet t...