Monday, January 17, 2022

Building Bhakashal - Character Creation - PCs

Today’s character for the January Character Creation Challenge is one that has a place in my fantasy/pulp pantheon, the Spider (Bhakashal thief). Spiders in Bhakashal are embedded in the context of setting, in a city at the end of time, where reputation and power matter so much, they focus on tasks that can damage important reputations. Stealing from the powerful to show they are vulnerable, extortion, kidnapping for ransom, taking on honor debts for wealth, these are the kinds of jobs taken on by the Bhakashal Brass Blade Thieves Guild. However, the guild has two branches, one dedicated to the marshes and the Raosk, and there they focus on arbitrage, theft, banditry, raiding merchant caravans and incoming ships, etc.

One of the things that Bhakashal retained from 1e AD&D is the faster progression of thieves (Spiders), just like in 1e, Spiders will tend to be higher level than most other party members, by a bit. It is one of the small “bennies” of the class. 

Without further ado, I will generate a 4th level spider, one that would be a good one-shot PC.  


A. Choose a character class

B. Choose a Playable Group and Faction 

C. Generate Stats

D. Calculate Saving Throw Bonuses and HP

E. Add Skills and Playable Group Abilities

F. Choose Deity and Languages

G. Choose Equipment and Clothing 

H. Pick Armor and Weapons and Assign Attack Bonuses

I. Calculate Wealth

J. Calculate Encumbrance

K. Assign Spells/Class Abilities

M. Assign Personality Traits (optional)

N. Customize Playable Group Lore (optional)

O. Name Character

P. Assign magic items (for creating NPCs and PCs above level 1)

A. Choose Class (d20)

Spider - Faction - Brass Blade Thieves Guild

B. Choose Playable Group  (3d12)

Rolled: Saan

C. Generate Stats

  1. For each stat roll 3d6 

2 5 2 /5 3 1/ 1 4 5/ 4 3 6/ 4 5 4/ 4 6 5

S 9 / I 9 / W 10 / D 13 / C 13 / C 15

  1. Apply stat minimums

INT 10 DEX 10 CHR 10

S 9 / I 10 / W 10 / D 13 / C 13 / C 15

  1. Switch any two stats (you cannot produce a result less than a minimum)


S 13 / I 10 / W 10 /D 13 /C 9 / C 15

  1. Apply playable group bonuses

+1 CON +1 INT

S 13 / I 11 / W 10 /D 13 /C 10 / C 15

  1. Apply Ability Modifiers

S - 13 [+2] 

I - 11 [+1]
W - 10 [+1]
D - 13 [+2]
C - 10 [+1] 
C - 15 [+2]/+10%

D. Calculate Saving Throw Bonuses and HP

All classes get a +1 bonus per 2 levels of experience, so +2 base 

Paralyzation STR and CON [+5]

Poison CON and DEX [+5]

Death Magic WIS and CON [+4]

Petrification CON and CHR [+5]

Polymorph WIS and CHR [+5]

Breath Weapon DEX and INT [+5]

Spell WIS and INT [+4]

Hit Points 

Class based, roll or take the average (1/2 HD), d6 for a Spider I will roll: 3,3,5,4 = 15HP

Bhakashal - Hit Points

Table 1 - Hit Point Progression by Class



0-level NPCs/monsters - do not gain further HP beyond start


A. Beastial/Cavaral/Chimerist/Conjuror/Gyre/Jinx/Myrmidon/




B. Justiciar/Mercenary/Spartan/Slayer


C. Monster



All PCs/NPCs have the option of “taking the average” rather than rolling for each level of HP. The average normally rounds up, but in Bhakashal you round down, so a d8 is 4.5, which rounds to 4hp. There is NO CON bonus to HP.

All PCs and NPCs should record their roll for HP at each level. At 6th level and every level thereafter the player can reroll any one of those rolls

All animals/monsters have rolled HP based on their listed HD.

E.  Add Skills and Playable Group Abilities

  1. PCs get a skill(s) related to their playable group


  1. All PCs then get a roll on the Bhakashal Skill table once for every point of INT bonus

Rolled: stoneworker

  1. Playable groups also have abilities

12” on land, 16” in water, 3 natural attacks per round (CCB), 1-2/1-2/1-6, infravision 60’, amphibious, tough skin (WvrsAC: leather), they are surprised on a 1 in 6 and surprise others on a 3 in 6 in forested/marshland environments, and saan with DEX greater than 15 have a prehensile tail.

F. Choose Deity and Languages

Rolled: Xoam – Wealth, Happiness, Luck, Healing 

Characters get the language of their playable group and one other language of their choice, and then one roll on the table for every point of their INT bonus. If a duplicate is rolled, roll on Special Table 1 instead

Start: Saan, Togmu, rolled: Vodnik

G. Choose Equipment and Clothing 

Backpack, 50’ rope, (2) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket, thieves tools - 200 gp encumbrance, 10 gp cost

Clothing: Leather pants and boots, leather bandolier

H. Pick Armor and Weapons and Assign Attack Bonuses

Armor type determines Armor Class, no armor. AC:10, DEX AC:8

Attack bonus for a 1st level PC is +1 to hit, then for martial PCs (a Spider is a martial PC) it is +1 per 2 levels thereafter, so +2 at 4th level.

Initial number of weapons for a spider is 3 and additional weapons at 5th, so just 3 weapons for now. 

Broadsword [+4/+2] 2-8/2-7, WS:3, WvrsAC: +2L/+3N, Critical: Cleave - 75gp encumbrance

Crossbow [+4/+2], 2-5/2-5, WS: 4, ROF:1, Range: 6/12/18, WvrsAC: -1M/+2L/+3N, Critical: remain - 20gp encumbrance

Kusari-gama* [+4/+2]1-6/1-4, WS: 3, WvrsAC: -3M/+1L/+2N, Critical: Entangle

*Weapon disarm on a regular “to hit”

I. Assign Wealth

  1. All PCs start with 50 gp, a 50 gp gem and 50 gp piece of jewelry, plus 10gp per ability score bonus point in whatever form they want. For PCs and NPCs above 1st level, add [100 gp + 100 gp gem + 100 gp jewelry]/level plus 50gp per ability score “+” to wealth.  So that’s 350gp + 350gp gems, 350 gp jewelry and 90gp and 450gp. I’ll convert some of that coin to gemstones.

  2. Deduct cost of equipment, armor and weapons - 20gp

  3. Total: 70gp, 400 gp emerald, 400 gp ruby, 350gp pearl, 350 gp diamond ring 

J. Calculate Encumbrance

  1. Weapon Weights are found in the weapon listings. - 100 gp

  2. Armor Weights are found on the Armor Table - none

  3. Equipment weight is precalculated for equipment packs, otherwise consult the Equipment Weights table - 200 gp

  4. Deduct 50gp per point of CON and STR bonus - 150gp

  5. Total all weight and consult the Weight/Movement table - 350gp more before slowing

K. Assign Spells/Class Abilities

- Surprise: Thieves get the regular chance to surprise targets (e.g. 2 in 6), if this fails they get their thieving percentage (MS) or (HIS) as appropriate, to try and surprise

Skill Bonus: Bhakashal applies a +5% modifier to base thieving skills per point of DEX bonus to all skills but hear noise, read languages and climb walls, read languages is modified by +5% per point of INT bonus. 

- Backstab: +4 to hit, x 2 to damage

- Pick Pockets: A spider can PP twice a round, failure by more than ½ of the remainder indicates detection (e.g. if they have a 30% chance, rolling higher than 65% indicates detection). Also Includes: cheating at cards, switching out, hiding or planting objects, distraction. Divide the PP percentage by 5, and add this to the encounter reaction roll on top of charisma for a confidence game or swindle, to fence an item or fleece a mark.

- Open Locks: Includes removing a component of a mechanism without breaking it, extracting jammed objects, tieing-untieing knots (escaping bonds), reinforcing existing locks, fastening something against removal. NOTE: A successful OL roll means that a binding done by the spider (e.g. tying up a victim in rope) will reduce any chance of breaking the binding by half (e.g. if you have a 2 in 6 chance of untying yourself from the ropes, it is reduced to 1 in 6). 

- Finding and Removing Traps: includes disassembling objects, small item and weapon repair, locate secret doors (passive). Also, thieves can use complex technology (up to and including up “developed” technology e.g. basic firearms) with a FRT roll.

- Move Silently -  If a spider is trying to avoid tripping weight traps give them their regular roll to avoid tripping the trap, if it fails they get their MS roll to avoid.  

- Hide in Shadows - includes both hiding in the dark and hiding behind objects in daylight. Combo Move: spider distracts a target or becomes hidden while in combat with a successful HIS roll (the PC must identify a hiding spot or a distraction method), then makes a MS attempt next round, if successful, the spider can backstab.

- Climb walls - includes acrobatic and parkour moves, e.g. tumbling rolls to avoid damage from being dismounted or knocked prone, tightrope walking, pole vaulting (20’+1’ per point of DEX or STR bonus), high jumping (5’+1’ per point of DEX or STR bonus), broad jumping stand (10’+1’ per point of DEX or STR bonus), broad jump running (20’+1’ per point of DEX or STR bonus), and dive attacks (same damage profile as backstabs, minimum 20’ above ground)

- Read Languages - Includes: reading magic (not casting spells), assessment of jewelry and gems, magic item values, reading of command words on objects, “street lore” if the spider is familiar with the area (e.g. knowledge of who is influential, who is beholden to who, who has pulled off big jobs recently) and knowledge of magic item properties or cursed magic items.

 - Hear Noise - Hear noise actively reduces chances of being surprised, e.g. if the spider applies the skill and surprise is indicated against the spider, they get their hear noise roll to avoid surprise. Active listening requires the spider to be stationary and silent, e.g. cannot be done in melee. Hear noise includes: identify composition and number of unseen group, recognize accents and dialects, hear and remember command words for items used in presence

L. Assign Personality Traits (Optional)

  • Up to four, rolled on DMG tables. Note that players should always get to:

  1. Refuse or re-roll a personality trait

  2. Interpret a personality trait

  • Imposing, moody, rash

M. Customize Playable Group Lore (Optional)

Carries knife and carves statues of a lotus flower (symbol of Xoam) to leave behind at sites of theft, 

N. Name 

Bhama Togul

O. Magic Items

For PCs and NPCs being made above 1st level, assign magic items as follows:

Level / 3 in permanent magic items

Level / 2 in temporary magic items

1 permanent and 2 temporary items

Frog Sword - This sword has a +1 magical bonus. It can be used, in lieu of an attack, to swat aside incoming missiles on a successful "to hit" roll against AC 5. 

Potion of Diminution, Potion of Speed

Ability Scores

S - 13 [+2] 

I - 11 [+1]
W - 10 [+1]
D - 13 [+2]
C - 10 [+1] 
C - 15 [+2]/+10%

Deity - Xoam – Wealth, Happiness, Luck, Healing  

Languages - Saan, Togmu, Vodnik


Skills/Abilities - carpenter, stoneworker

- infravision 60’, amphibious, tough skin (WvrsAC: leather), surprised on a 1 in 6 and surprise on a 3 in 6 in forested / marshland environments

Spider Skills

PP:55 OL: 47 FRT: 45 MS: 43 HS: 35 HN: 15 CW: 88 RL: 20

Backstab: +4 to hit, x 2 to damage

Saving Throws

Paralyzation [+5]

Poison [+5]

Death Magic [+4]

Petrification [+5]

Polymorph [+5]

Breath Weapon [+5]

Spell [+4]

Weapons - Class Attack Bonus: +2

1. Broadsword [+4/+2] 2-8/2-7, WS:3, WvrsAC: +2L/+3N, Critical: Cleave - 75gp encumbrance

2. Crossbow [+4/+2], 2-5/2-5, WS: 4, ROF:1, Range: 6/12/18, WvrsAC: -1M/+2L/+3N, Critical: remain

3. Kusari-gama* [+4/+2]1-6/1-4, WS: 3, WvrsAC: -3M/+1L/+2N, Critical: Entangle

*Weapon disarm on a regular “to hit”

4. 3 natural attacks/rd (CCB) [+4/+2], 1-2/1-2/1-6, WS: 1, WvrsAC: -2M/+1L/+3N, Critical: Cleave/Stab

Equipment: Backpack, 50’ rope, (2) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket, thieves tools 

Encumbrance: +350 gp

Wealth: 70gp, 400 gp emerald, 400 gp ruby, 350gp pearl, 350 gp diamond ring

Clothing: Leather pants, boots and bandolier   

Personality: Carries knife and carves statues of a lotus flower (symbol of Xoam) to leave behind at sites of theft, imposing, moody, rash

Magic Items - Frog Sword - This sword has a +1 magical bonus. It can be used, in lieu of an attack, to swat aside incoming missiles on a successful "to hit" roll against AC 5, Potion of Diminution, Potion of Speed

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