Sunday, March 6, 2022

Building Bhakashal - Wounds and Warriors 

Before I start, I want to give some context. I was adopted by my grandparents, and my grandfather was a Canadian World War 2 veteran. He lied about his age to enlist early and became a Non-commissioned officer in the Governor General’s Foot Guards. During the war he was wounded, he lost his left leg and had an oxygen tank at his bedside the remainder of his life. Complications from these injuries contributed to his death at 45 years of age.

I watched my father take his leg on and off, I watched as he used the oxygen tanks to sleep properly at night. I spent time with veterans at the Legion, and knew all of his friends, most of which had been wounded in the war. I saw the looks from other people who knew he was “lame”, those who looked on with pity. I grew up knowing a man who didn’t let his disability stop him from living his life, or doing anything he put his mind to. I watched him struggle with tasks, and watched him push through those struggles. 

My father wasn’t defined by his disability, but neither was he able to ignore it, it just was. My father did not have the same mobility as others, he was different, but he was also strong, determined and never once acted like he was less than anyone else. I grew up around disability, and around wounded soldiers, and I wanted to see it represented in Bhakashal, particularly in a violent fantasy world. 

The city of Bhakashal was founded by warriors, and has a martial culture. Part of that martial culture is the attitude of those who have been either born differently or through combat/warfare have been made different from others. The general public attitude towards those who are different in these ways is one of respect. Bhakashal is set billions of years in the future, and as such social mores and attitudes have changed significantly. The value of a person is no longer tied to them being “whole” or “natural”, people with disabilities are not seen as “incomplete” or “broken”, but instead, like the gods, as mercurial manifestations of the infinite variety of living things.  

When a person in Bhakashal is either born differently (e.g. deaf/blind/missing a limb) or through violence is permanently changed (e.g. a limb removed), note the following:

  1. Some people who have the connections and the power choose to have their missing limbs/blindness, etc. healed magically. This route is only available to some, and even when available is not chosen by many. It is seen as a sign of power to heal such a wound.

  2. Other people seek to compensate for their disability by using prosthetics/replacements for missing body parts, e.g. prosthetic arms, wheelchairs, glass eyes, etc. It is considered a sign of resilience and adaptability to use a technology to deal with a disability in this way. 

  3. Many people who have lost a limb/been blinded, etc. choose to leave their disability as it is, either through lacking the connections to have it changed, or by choice. It is considered a sign of strength to live with a disability. Some of the most formidable warriors and fearsome warlocks in Bhakashal are blind, have one arm, are missing legs, etc. 

This sort of change in perspective about bodies, wholeness and what is “natural” took years to come into its own. For some it will be one of the things that makes Bhakashal as a setting the most “alien” and “strange”. But it is ingrained into the game world, not just in the values and attitudes of the playable groups, but also in the gods of Bhakashal themselves. They manifest a changing nature, regularly appearing as male, female or androgynous, mixing the features of animals along with regular humanoid features (e.g. a god with a human body and stag’s head), Bhakashal’s gods are multifaceted, and many of them appear “disabled” as a matter of course. 

It can be hard to think of people in this way, for thousands of years humanity looked upon the disabled as “lesser than”, but in Bhakashal, where only the warrior’s honor and courage matter, living with disabilities is not seen as lesser.

Sample NPCs

Bhakashal will present, both visually and in the text, examples of disabled NPCs in the setting. Some will have prosthetics to address their disability, some will use magic to do so, others will live with their disabilities. The disabled are seen, not hidden, shamed or just talked about. 

Here are two disabled NPCs that have appeared in my home game. 

Venka Hamajeel “The Cobra” - 4th level Saan -Mercenary Guard - Cavalry - Patrol Sergeant - House Horn [NG] - MV:9” - AC: 5(M)  - HP: 25 

Ability Scores

S - 16 [+3] 

I - 12 [+1]
W - 8
D - 12 [+1]
C - 13 [+2] 
C - 12 [+1]/+5%

Deity - Jannak

Languages - Saan, Togmu, Malu

Appearance - Black hair, copper eyes

Skills/Abilities - Animal Husbandry, Hunter, Leatherworker

- infravision 120’, amphibious, surprised 1 in 6, surprise 3 in 6 in forested/marshland environments

Saving Throws

Paralyzation [+9]

Poison [+7]

Death Magic [+6]

Petrification [+7]

Polymorph [+5]

Breath Weapon [+6]

Spell [+5]

Weapons - Class Attack Bonus: +2

  1. Natural Attacks: 3 at/rd (CCB), 1-2/1-2/1-6, WS:1,WvrsAC:-2M/+1L/+3N, Critical:Cleave/Stab

  2. Broadsword [+7/+5],2-8/2-7,WS:3,WvrsAC:+2L/+3N,Critical:Cleave

  3. Spetum [+5/+3],2-7/1-12,WS:4,WvrsAC:-1M/+1L/+2N,Critical: Set Against Charge, Dismount

  4. Sling [+6/+4]

  5. Battle Chain [+5/+3],2-5/1-4,WS:3,WvrsAC:-2M/-1L/+1N,Critical:Entangle*

*2 rounds to disentangle, additional critical against AC10 to maintain entangle each additional round or to dismount, drag or pull over, Chain AC:3/HP:8


Gess - “Kourmagan” - (MV:15”(run)/15”(swim-amphibious), MD: 6, AC: 5(leather), HD:5, HP:31, NA:3, DA:2-5/2-5/2-12, WvAC:-2M/+1L/+3N, Critical:Cleave/Stab, SA:Climb as first level spider, exceptional direction sense, INT: Semi, Size:L6’ at shoulder,18’ long

Equipment: Saddlebag, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket, (3) candles, (3) flasks of oil, grapnel, horn, lantern, large sack, small chest 

Encumbrance: + 95gp

Wealth: 400gp ruby, 300gp emerald, 700gp diamond

Clothing: Green silks

Personality: Taciturn, Studious, Well-spoken

Magic Items

+2 Marsh Blade - casts Stinking Cloud 1x day 10th level ability, centered on wielder, wielder and all touching immune

Potion of Heroism


When Venka was born her legs did not develop. She learned how to move by using her arms and in this way she can move at a speed of 6”. Venka has significant upper body strength as a result of years of moving around this way and hauling herself up from the ground. 

However, her preferred method of movement is to ride her gess (giant lizard) Kourmagan. Venka has an elaborate saddle arrangement that has grips on the sides, and she can haul herself into the saddle from the ground in 1 segment. 

In or out of the saddle Venka is a formidable opponent. She is deadly with her broadsword, and her powerful arms give her sling real punch. She also has a battle chain, 10’ in length, that she wields in battle from atop Kourmagan, if she is found on the ground she will use it to sweep the legs of anyone who approaches. On a critical hit she may disarm any target in range or entangle any small to medium sized. Finally, she has a spetum that attaches to Kourmagan’s saddle. On a critical hit with the spetum she can dismount an opponent. 

When traveling Venka spends most of her time atop Kourmagan, even when encamped, her saddle and canopy arrangement allows for her to lean back and sleep. 

Venka is quite tall in the torso, and has black hair and copper eyes. She has two tattoos, one on her right arm of a black blade crossed with a black axe (for the mercenary’s guild), another, a black turtle on a green shield, is the crest of her Noble House, House Horn. Venka is a mercenary in House Horn’s barracks, she primarily works the marshland patrols as a cavalry patrol sergeant. Her current assignment is patrolling the Southern marshland road. She wears mostly green clothing and eschews jewelry.


NAME - Gholgak the Charaline 6th level Emberi - Fabricus Inquisitor Warlock - House Dhom [CN]

MV:18” - AC: 6 - HP: 24

Ability Scores

S - 9  

I - 16 [+3]
W - 12 [+1]
D - 10 [+1]
C - 9  
C - C 15 [+2]/+10%

Deity - Eddea 

Languages - Emberi, Saan, Urdyll, Malu, Black Dragon

Appearance - braided beard, bald

Skills/Abilities - Musician [+1], Painter, Scribe

- infravision 120’, +4 on saves vrs brightness related blindness 

- concentrate to reduce surprise to 1 in 6, +4 on saves against sonic damage

Saving Throws

Paralyzation [+8]

Poison [+9]

Death Magic [+9]

Petrification [+10]

Polymorph [+11]

Breath Weapon [+12]

Spell [+12]

Weapons - Class Attack Bonus: + 2

  1. Tetsubo [+2] 1-8/1-8, WS:4, WvsAC: +2M/+1L/-1N, Criticals: Bludgeon/Sweep

  2. (6) Darts [+3], 1-3/1-2, WS:1, ROF:3, WvrsAC:-4M/+1N, Range:1.5/3/4.5, Critical: Remain

Equipment: Backpack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket 

Encumbrance: + 195gp

Wealth: 500gp ruby, 300gp emerald, 200gp, 300gp silver ring

Clothing:  shirtless, skullcap

Personality: Jovial, Inquisitive, Proud

Material Components

- Electrum Piece and iron spike

- Sugar and raisins

- Fabric

- Empty flask

- Parchment loop

- Leather dog collar and emberi bone

- Sling


1. Baglak-2nd lv Saan Mercenary, 12hp, MV:15,AC:6(M),Mace[+3/+1], Crossbow [+2],Spear [+3/+1]

2. Rumuk-3rd lv Emberi Spider, 10hp,MV:12,AC:6(L),Short Sword [+2/+1],Crossbow [+1]

3. Goma-2nd lv Emberi Mercenary,15hp,MV:12,AC:7(M),Scimitar[+3/+2],Staff[+3/+2],Crossbow [+2]

Spells Per Day: 9 - Casting Odds: 77%


1st Level - Ammon Marr’s Missile Inversion, Firewater, Lharr Nezzurazdun’s Shorn Strands, Shield 

2nd Level - Moonsal’s Ichorous Syphon, Rope Trick, Torubalt’s Mighty Tension

3rd Level -  Bantar’s Dogs of War, Nasin Tellbinder’s Whorlogog of Fury

Magic Items

Ring of Protection +2, Scroll: Leomund’s Tiny Hut, Wall of Fire, Bones of Telling

Drums of Dhapar


Gholgak is a warlock for House Dhom (Ward 19 - Crest: half black/half red mask on a grey background), he lost the use of both legs after being paralyzed from the waist down while fighting a marsh giant. Gholgak spent several months researching a high (5th) level variant of Tenser’s Floating Disc known as The Radiant Circle of Gholgak the Charaline. This spell creates a circular disc of energy, 5 feet in diameter, of a dark crimson color. The circle is permanent until dispelled, and the material component for the spell is a ruby of no less than 1000 gp value. The circle floats above the ground anywhere from 3-5’, and moves at a speed of 18”. It can support up to 5000 gp in weight.


Gholgak is short, thick and bald with a long black beard worn in the Bhakahsal fashion (braided with copper points). He has 7 copper earrings on each ear. He wears a black leather kilt and his body is tattooed all over the torso with ancient symbols of power (mainly symbols of hunting, warfare and sorcery, all in dark green). His face is tattooed on the left side with his Noble House crest. His eyes are green. 


In the space atop his disc to his left he has a pile of bleached white bones, each one covered with engraved and inked inscriptions, inside of a small bag. These are his Bones of Telling, these bones are inscribed with powerful runes Gholgak discovered in an ancient magical tome. Up to three times per day when the bones are rolled the roller will be told one truth about whatever subject they choose (a person, a place, a thing). If the subject is powerful (a high HD monster, a powerful magic item) then the truth may be metaphorical or confusingly presented. 

On the right side of the disc is a set of two connected drums, the perfect shape to be placed in one’s lap. These are his Drums of Dhapar. The drums are played with the hand. If Gholgak speaks the command words then once per round while playing when he strikes the drum a target of his choosing within a 3” radius of the drum must save versus spells or be knocked into the air and to the ground. They will take 1-3 hp of damage, spell casting will be interrupted, and their next attack is lost as they regain their feet.

Gholgak is primarily interested in searching the ruins in the marshes and the massive House Dhom archives for ancient tomes he can use to help him fashion magical items. He is an apprentice of Toku Baghk, a powerful warlock at House Dhom whose specialty is creating new magical weapons for the House. As such he has full access to Toku’s laboratory, and her support in researching old magic to create new items. Gholgak will hire out to expeditions into the marshes on the condition that he gets any tomes found, as well as a share of the loot.


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