Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Building Bhakashal - MONSTERS!

I have been thinking about wingless dragons lately, not sure why. Created two new wingless dragons for Bhakashal, the Rust Dragon and the Fanned Dragon. They have been incorporated into the Marshland wandering monster tables. 

Stats below:

Rust Dragon - Number Appearing 3-4, MV: 12”/9”, AC:4 (metal), HD: 8-10, NA:3, DA: 2-8/2-8/4-16, SA: Breath Weapon - steam - 3x per day, Spellcasting, SD: +1 on fire saves, -1 on cold saves, Intelligence: average, Size: 30’ long, 10’ at shoulder

Rust dragons are a dark, rust red in color, with mottlings of dark orange. A rust dragon is much stockier than a regular dragon, and has no wings and a short tail. Its claws are long and sharp, and allow them to climb almost any surface. The rust dragon breath weapon is a cone of scalding steam, 5’ at the base, 20’ at the end, and stretching forward 80’.

Rust dragons are also spell casters and can cast Phantasmist spells, for every age category they get a spell as follows:

  1. Very Young - 1st level spell

  2. Young - 1st level spell

  3. Sub-Adult - 2nd level spell

  4. Young Adult - 2nd level spell

  5. Adult - 3rd level spell

  6. Old - 3rd level spell

  7. Very Old - 4th level spell

  8. Ancient - 4th level spell

They do not have the regular dragon fear aura. 

Rust dragons were originally created by the Theurgist Cillian Koris of House Ain, he crossbred different dragonkind until one pairing bred true creating the wingless rust dragons. No one other than Cillian knows the successful pairing. Cillian bred rust dragons to be used as elite mounts, they can carry 4 humanoids, with their high HD and breath weapon they are formidable if pressed. Cillian rides the oldest known Rust dragon, Magalak, and there are several elite House Ain cavalry units that ride Rust Dragons.

All Rust Dragons can cast Koris’ signature spell, Cillian’s Cross the Eagles, with their “level” equal to their age category.

Cillian’s Cross the Eagles (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1

Casting Time: 1 segment

Range: Special

Duration: 1 round per level

Area of Effect: 1” rad sphere per level

Components: S,M

Saving throw: neg.

When Cillian’s signature spell is cast all victims in the area of effect must save versus spells or become cross eyed for the duration of the spell. Cross eyed victims attack and save at -1, and spell casters cannot use spells for the duration if they fail their save. The material component of this spell is a pair of glass marbles that are rolled between the fingers while casting the spell.

Fanned Dragon - Number Appearing 1-2, MV: 18”/36”, AC:5 (metal), HD: 7-9, NA:3, DA: 2-5/2-5/3-12, SA: Breath Weapon - heat/light - 3x per day, Heat Metal 3x day, SD: initiative bonus, +1 on heat saves, -1 on cold saves, Intelligence: very, Size: 40’ long, 5’ at shoulder

Fanned dragons were the result of natural cross breeding between pan lung dragons and blue dragons. They are wingless but can fly, and they are exceptionally fast, only surprised on a 1, and for initiative they have no modifier, just a roll. Their breath weapon is a searing heat ray, like a column, 5’ radius and 100’ long, any target in the 120 degree “fan” from the dragon to the target can be impacted. It is very thin, so saves are made at +2, but all targets are automatically blinded for 0-3 rounds (d4, 1:0, 2:1, 3:2, 4:3) whether they make their save or not.

Fanned dragons may also cast heat metal as a beastial of level equivalent to their age category up to 3x per day.

Fanned dragons have a huge head fan of dark black that sweeps back when flying, they are scaled, bright crimson with striations of black, and have fins of black on their sides. 

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