Wednesday, August 18, 2021

 Building Bhakashal - Playable Groups - Urdyll - Plant People (U)

Art by Nele Deil at Deviantart

Bhakashal is a place of wonder, both natural and supernatural. Years ago the reigning High Beastial created the Urdyll, the “people of the lotus” in the language of the Saan. Over the years they have developed their own society in the marshes around the city. These humanoid plant people share a collective consciousness, and are essentially part of one large plant that covers hundreds of kilometers of the marshes around Bhakashal. Because they are part of a collective mind, they often are slow to respond, and seem disconnected from the conversation. They are generally non-hostile unless threatened, and occupy their time with cultivating their environments so they may grow, and contemplating deep metaphysical truths. Due to their collective consciousness, they have the ability to see into other planes of existence, and routinely communicate with life forms from other planes.

PCs who choose to run a Urdyll are haldak, “the silenced ones” in Saan, their connection to the collective consciousness is fragmented, they are independent and are faster to respond and don’t seem disconnected. Their statistics are represented here. Haldak Urdyll PCs can communicate with regular Urdyll using their minds, but they cannot access the full consciousness and shared awareness. 

1. Physical Description - Urdyll are on average 7 feet tall, with coloring from dark green to light green, with browns, dark reds and blacks striating throughout. Their “flesh” is fibrous, their eyes are large and liquid black, and their “teeth” are silver. All Urdyll have “flowers” growing out of their heads and down their backs and legs, their colors vary, with males shading to oranges or reds, females shading to blues or whites, and androgynous Urdyll displaying purples or golds. 

2. Ability Bonuses - +1 to CON and +1 to WIS

3. Class - Popular classes amongst the largely nomadic Haldak Urdyll’s include Jinx, Warlock, Phantasmist, Slayer and Spider. 

4. Skills - Popular skills amongst the Haldak Urdyll include wine maker, brewer, blacksmith and bowyer/fletcher. 

5.  Abilities -  A Urdyll can breathe underwater, and can heal naturally at 1 HP per day and if they are in a forested area or area with rich soil (e.g. a marsh, a farmer’s field) and they can connect to it they can triple their rate of natural healing while in that spot. A Urdyll can root to the spot temporarily, requiring a full round to disconnect. While rooted the Urdyll will have +2 on all saves, and can only be surprised on a 1 in 6. 

6. Appearance - Haldak Urdyll are enamored with clothing as their “connected” fellows eschew it, so most dress garishly, bright colors, bold patterns and “rings” of thin iron at the sleeves. Since Urdyll have flowers that grow out of their backs, they wear custom shirts with no back, just front, and sleeves, and fine fabric kilts. Urdyll also favor large boots with “vents” in the sides allowing their feet and legs to expand and contract. They never wear hats, and as their body surface grows pretty much constantly, they have no tattoos. They do, however, wear jewelry, but all of it is oversized and their “flesh” grows around it to hold it in place. 

7. Technology - Many Urdyll are accomplished blacksmiths, and Urdyll iron and steel tools and weapons are renowned. Small metallic mechanical contrivances are not uncommon amongst Urdyll, and all Urdyll progress as a Spider with respect to the ability to figure out advanced technology, they get a level equivalent FRT roll to reflect this. The most common technology found amongst Urdyll is the spyglass, and the most popular weapons amongst the Urdyll are their fine steel knives and short swords. 

8. Custom - Haldak Urdyll are generally nomadic by nature, preferring to move around, even if only within a certain prescribed area. They often walk when others stand, and “sleep” standing up. A Urdyll will always focus on themselves first before attending to others, though they are willing to sacrifice for others, and indeed have laid down their lives for others, they have a strong sense of self and focus themselves before attending to others. Urdyll form lifelong bonds with trusted people, and prefer small groups to larger ones for long term association. They prefer to refer to others by last names or titles. Urdyll sing all of their conversation, and when accompanying music they speak. They have low, powerful voices.  

 9. Art - Urdyll emit a resin that softens iron and allows them to smith iron without the required heat, only force being needed. It takes time to work so it cannot be used effectively as a weapon in combat, but it can be used to soften iron that the Urdyll can then “carve” into various shapes. Many Urdyll are carvers, and leave behind or give away sculptures. Urdyll have also made several musical instruments with their iron carvings, the haunting oborre, a cluster of ribbon like wires emanating from a palm sized hollow globe, the wires are connected to a loop at the end, the musician strikes the wires with a small rod, the shrill caysak, a steel “bowl” held in one hand and a steel ball for the other, the ball is striated with holes, striking the ball to the bowl makes high pitched notes that cascade through heavier notes, and the magnificent Ysimmon, a 3 foot long sword perforated with “tubes” through the blade, used in pairs, the swords are swung around in circles and patterns to make sounds. 

10. Gods - Iallus and Poinar are the most popular deities for the Hadak Urdyll, Urdyll part of the collective have no deities. 

11. Virtue - Urdyll value honor above all other virtues, their word is their bond, and they are valued for their honesty and fair brokerage. Urdyll also treat attacks on their reputation and character as being as serious as attacks on their person.

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