Monday, May 3, 2021

Building Bhakashal - New Classes - The Myrmidon

Image by Nathan Park Art at DeviantArt

The Myrmidon

Chambrace the Tayl slipped behind the curtain, it’s luxurious dark purple folds were heavy enough to weigh against his chest.

He hoped there wasn’t an outline of his body showing. 

He stayed perfectly still as the servants cleaned the huge hall, as the clank of plates and knives being scooped up mixed with the shuffle of overworked feet. His breathing was shallow but steady, he pushed through the ache of his legs, standing for so long left them tight.

Finally, things were quiet and dark enough that he sought to move. He dropped the robes he had worn when posing as a keep servant. Sliding along the back wall, he peeked out from behind the curtain.

The hall was lit by stabbing shafts of moonlight, but appeared empty. He donned his mask.

Chambrace crept across the room, the hallway to the north was his goal. Chambrace had obtained the plans for Ykag the Yellow’s keep from Cithin Fane, a Bhakashal assassin, in exchange for a trio of potions of plant growth the assassin wanted for an unspecified job.

Chambrace felt for the mark, but a deal was a deal.

Now he reached his goal, a loot room in a tower with no stairs or ladder. Ykag had bat like wings, he flew up to the room when he wanted to retrieve anything. Chambrace hoped the information he had was current. 

Then there was the guard. So deep in Ykag’s keep there were few guards, this one was doing sweeps with his ranseur, drilling alone in the empty space of the tower.  Chambrace estimated the space between him and the guard. The myrmidon waited for the guard to lunge in the opposite direction with one of his mock strikes, and he bolted at a fierce speed.

Chambrace was wearing only a breastplate, greaves and manica, leaving him unencumbered, and he was upon the guard as he turned. His gladius went straight for the guard’s neck, the soldier’s helmet lay to the side by his chair.

The guard went down with a gurgle. He dragged the body into the shadows, looked around, then sheathed his weapons and lifted up a necklace with a small, round sphere on it. He pushed the sphere against his nose and took a deep draw upon it.

The powder of the potion inside filled his lungs, and he felt the instant rush of levity, his body felt warm, then cold, then his body began to dissolve into whisps of smoke, and he rushed upward to the top of the tower, sliding in gaseous form through the cracks between the doors into the chamber. 

He was inside. 

The target of his interest was a sword, here it was part of a set, sword, spear and helm. Chambrace had no desire for anything but the sword, a gladius like his own but sporting a platinum blue blade covered with ancient runes. The sword, an intelligent blade named Balgath, was forged to slay devils, and Chambrace had made the enmity of a warlock who had a slew of abishai at his disposal. 

He wanted this blade.

He recited the incantations of Crayne Mistboru’s Devious Closure in his mind, three times through the incantation, and the effect of the last potion was nullified, returning him to his regular form. 

Chambrace figured the guard would be replaced at some point, and he would then be discovered, so he worked with a sense of urgency. He scanned the ground around the sword, the woodwork it sat upon, for any signs of runes, protective circles, sigils or wards. None appeared to his eye.

He then took out the only thing he carried other than his sword and dagger, a wooden rod about 2 feet long that was strapped to his back. He pulled it off, and touched the sword with it, then gave it a push. It slid out of its spot and Chambrace dared to grab it’s handle.

It felt solid, the sword touched his mind.

The myrmidon immediately sheathed the sword in his belt. He did not want to be dealing with that right now. The final component of his plan remained. He took the wooden rod and began to knock things over, the armor and helm crashed together, he pushed over a collection of perhaps magical pole arms, they clattered to the ground. He found a small treasure chest and sent it smashing to the ground.

That should do it.

Then the myrmidon took out another potion, this one was in liquid form, and he quaffed it immediately.

It tasted like cold braganberrys.

His visual field dropped away to a swirl of colors, then his body transformed, where Chambrace the Tayl once stood, a tiny dragonfly flitted and flew. Chambrace flew to the shadows of the wall above the doors. Within a few short minutes Ykag the Yellow flew up to the doors and pulled them open, his eyes scanning for a thief caught in the act. He came in, a wand of some kind in his hand, and Chambrace flew out as soon as the warlock passed beneath him. 

The myrmidon flew down and over the heads of Ykag’s guards, and heard his cursing echo through the halls as he flew away... 


The Myrmidon is a unique combination of fighter and magic-user, one that focuses exclusively on alchemy and potions. Originally I was going to make an alchemist class, but the spell selection was not cooperating, and it seemed too thin. Then I got the idea to do a multi-class fighter/myrmidon for this class, so they are as formidable as a fighter from level 1, as they advance their potion making skills get better, and the spells they have access to allow them to improve how potions work. 

Myrmidons condition their bodies through ancient rituals to be able to handle repeated use of potions, and they cast spells differently. They carry out rituals at leveling, and when completed they get access to a new spell. These spells have casting times, that represent concentrating until the spell effect manifests. If struck while casting the spell is interrupted but not lost.

A myrmidon is always training their body to the peak of ability, and they experience ability score increases over time. 

Other than a small list of spells, myrmidon’s condition their bodies and minds to take in magical effects through potions, and brew potions for the most part rather than scribe spells.

HD: d8

Weapons and Armor - As mercenary (fighter)

Level Progression - As Warlock

Ability Requirements - STR 10 CON 10 INT 15


All Myrmidons get access to all weapons, the weapon proficiency profile (number of initial weapons, new proficiencies and non-proficiency penalties) of a mercenary (fighter), the to hit table of the mercenary, and the best of saving throws between the mercenary and the warlock (myrmidon).

Myrmidons can improve one of STR, DEX or CON by 1 point at 3rd level, then again at 6th, 9th and 12th. This is the result of constant training and use of meditation/rituals to change the body while adventuring and between adventures. Myrmidons dedicate at least an hour a day to body training. Those who do not do so very consistently will not get their ability score bonus at the next level. 

All myrmidon’s have the alchemy skill, and are considered sages with a major field and specialization in alchemical lore. 

Spell Casting

As mentioned a myrmidon does not “memorize” spells, instead, she creates potions. Myrmidon’s can create potions from 1st level, though the odds of success are lower at lower levels. 

Magic for Myrmidons

  1. Potions can be brewed only if the myrmidon has access to a laboratory. It can be done without a library, but the odds of success are halved.

  1. When the myrmidon has completed their research and their preparation, they will cast a Dolejain’s Union of the Sympathies on the concoction, and roll for a successful brewing. The odds of successfully brewing a potion are ½ the myrmidon’s “to know” percentage, plus 5% per level of myrmidon minus 2% per level of the closest spell effect the potion will duplicate, and requires 1 week of work, - 1 day for each point of intelligence above 14. 

  1. If the attempt fails, the failure/harm odds are 5% per level of the closest spell effect the potion will duplicate, e.g. a failed attempt at a potion of flying will have a 15% chance of a harmful result. If the attempt is unsuccessful each additional week of work adds +5% to the odds, max 25%. If the last check fails the brewing is not possible for that myrmidon. If the myrmidon has help, take the average of the INT scores for all assisting, add this value in % as a bonus to the base odds of success, and use this for the myrmidon’s chances. 

  1. Once a potion type has been successfully brewed, every subsequent attempt gets an additional 5% cumulative bonus, e.g. the next attempt gets an 5% bonus, the subsequent one gets a 10% bonus, etc. 

  1. The cost of brewing a potion is 100gp per level of the closest spell effect the potion will duplicate, this assumes access to a library and a laboratory. That cost is doubled when the myrmidon does not have access to a library, it triples if they don’t have access to a laboratory, if they lack access to both it quadruples, representing the approximate cost of using someone else’s library and laboratory, assuming they can find someone willing to give them access.

  1. Potion brewing requires the use of a fantastic component sympathetic to the effect of the potion, e.g. a potion of flying might require the feathers of a giant eagle, a potion of growth might require the heart of a giant lizard, a potion of clairvoyance might require a beholder eye, etc. This is not part of the cost, and must be obtained. Generally if the component is from a more powerful magical source then add a 5-10% bonus to the chance of success, if it from a less powerful magical source then just roll without modifiers. If there is no fantastic component the potion cannot be brewed.

  1. Once successfully brewed the potion will fit the standard profile: potions last 4 turns +1-4 turns, if a ⅓ dose is taken that duration is divided into ⅓, if a half dose is taken the duration is divided into ½, etc. 

  1. Potion Types - The following types of potions can be brewed by a myrmidon:

    1. Any potion listed in the DMG or any other standard OSR source

    2. Potions based on listed spells, e.g. potion of lightning bolt, potion of stone shape, etc.

    3. Potions based on variations of listed spells, e.g. a potion of dexterity that increases your dex like a strength spell

  1. Myrmidons get a +2% per level bonus on their rolls on the potion miscibility table. However, any natural roll of a 1% is still an “explosion”, and only a roll of a natural 100 is a “Discovery”. If the result is over 100% but not a natural 100 roll, the result is “Compatible”. 

  1. There is a very small list of myrmidon spells, as their primary method of using magic is through potions. They do have several spells they can cast. However, spells are not memorized formulas as much as rituals undergone once, then their effects are permanent and they merely have to concentrate for the casting time to manifest their effects. Each one comes at a different level. 

1st Level - Dolejain’s Union of the Sympathies

2nd Level - Seig Torson’s Expedited Elixir

3rd Level - Merreonath’s Amazing Transforming Draught

4th Level - Einar’s Duplicitous Potion Relocation

5th level - One of:

a) Crayne Mistboru’s Devious Closure

b) Hronntal’s Dueling Draughts

c) Illmonter’s Potion Precipitate

d) Korkuun the Terrible’s Instantaneous Libation

e) Merreonath’s Marvelous Elixir Enchantment

f) Tamarshan’s Potable Enhancer

Then any one of the spells from a) to f) above per level after that, so by 10th level the myrmidon will have all of these spells to cast.

Myrmidon’s cast one spell per day per level of experience.

Myrmidon Spells

Dolejain’s Union of the Sympathies

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 1”, Duration: permanent, Area of Effect: 1 potion, Components: V,S, Saving Throw: special

When cast, Dolejain’s Union of the Sympathies takes the components of a potion and brings them together (details above). It cannot be cast immediately on the same batch of components immediately after a previous failure, the batch must be re prepared.

Sieg Torson’s Expedited Elixir

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 1”, Duration: permanent, Area of Effect: 1 potion

Components: V,S, Saving Throw: special

When potions are consumed it normally takes 1 segment to take out the potion, one to drink the potion, and 2-5 segments for the potion to take effect (so 4-7 segments total). When the Expedited Elixir is cast it acts as a catalyst, and when the potion is consumed the effects will occur as soon as the potion is consumed (so 1 segment to remove potion, 1 to cast spell, 1 segment to consume). 

Merreonath’s Amazing Transforming Draught 

Level: 2, Casting Time: 2 segments, Range: touch, Duration: instantaneous, Area of Effect: one potion, Components: V,S, Saving Throw: special

When this spell is cast upon a potion the potion must make a save versus magical fire, with a modifier of +1 for every level of the caster. If the save is successful the potion has been converted to a gas, and this confers 2 benefits. First, the myrmidon (or others) may inhale the potion rather than drinking it, causing it to take effect instantly. Secondly, potions that normally have more than one “dose” in them have an extra 1-2 doses added. 

Einar’s Duplicitous Potion Relocation

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: permanent, Area of Effect: 1”x1” per level, Components: V,S, Saving Throw: neg.

When this spell is cast the myrmidon becomes aware of all the magical liquids in the AOE of the spell (they will not know what they are, but that they are magical). They may then opt to switch out either: 

Any one of those potions with another 

Any one of those potions with one on their person

The enchantment is transferred between potions, otherwise they appear identical to their original form. A myrmidon might wish to carry either a cursed potion or a potion of low value on their person for the swap. 

Crayne Mistboru’s Devious Closure

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: Touch, Duration: permanent, Area of Effect: Creature touched, Components: V,S, Saving Throw: none

When a potion or potions have been consumed and the myrmidon is under the influence of their magic, Crayne Mistboru’s signature spell ends the magic immediately, so another potion may be consumed with no risk of harm to the imbiber. If used on someone else who has consumed a potion its effects are neutralized. If used on a potion its magic is neutralized. 

Hronntal’s Dueling Draughts

Level: 3, Casting Time: 1 hour, Range: 1”, Duration: permanent, Area of Effect: 1 potion, Components: V,S, Saving Throw: special

The dueling draught’s spell works to combine the magic from two potions into one. When the myrmidon casts the spell and mixes the potions, roll on the potion miscibility table in the DMG but add 5% per level to the roll, with results of greater than 100% allowing the myrmidon to pick the result off the chart. Note that “permanent” results on this chart register as a full day instead. 

Illmonter’s Potion Precipitate

Level: 3, Casting Time: 1 turn, Range: 1”, Duration: permanent, Area of Effect: 1 potion

Components: V,S, Saving Throw: special

The potion precipitate allows the myrmidon to precipitate out the basic magical essence of a potion into a concentrated powder that can be consumed like a potion can be drunk. When this is done the new powder will have one of the following differences from the original potion (roll d4):

1 - Double duration

2 - Double range

3 - Double power

4 - Reduced Save

Results that make no sense for the potion in question should be re-rolled, and some effects will have to be interpreted. For example, if the spell was cast on a potion of giant strength and the result was “double range” then the result would be re-rolled. If the result was “double power” this would result in the category of giant strength going up one (e.g. from hill giant to stone giant), rather than “doubling”. There is a small chance that the spell may malfunction, leading to an explosion (50% - 1-2 on a d4) or ruining the potion altogether (50% - 3-4 on a d4). This chance is equal to 2% for a myrmidon with 18 intelligence, 4% for one with 17 intelligence, 6% for one with 16 intelligence, etc. 

Korkuun the Terrible’s Instantaneous Libation

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: 1”, Duration: permanent, Area of Effect: 1 potion

Components: V,S, Saving Throw: none

Korkuun’s ingenious spell allows the myrmidon to create a potion on the spot using a sample taken from a recently killed monster (only monsters, no animals). The monster must be a fresh kill, no more than a turn dead at the outside, and the myrmidon must have had a hand in the slaying, otherwise the spell will not work. The monster and the sample must both be linked to the intended potion’s power in some way as well. For example, a piece of a giant’s finger for a potion of giant strength, a treant’s bark for a potion of plant control, etc. When the myrmidon casts this spell she rolls her “to know” to determine if the enchantment was successful. 

Merreonath’s Marvelous Elixir Enchantment

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: instantaneous, Area of Effect: 1”x1” per level, Components: V,S, Saving Throw: neg.

The elixir enchantment has two applications, only one of which can be used for each casting of the spell:

On the first application, all enchanted liquids (e.g. potions) in the area of effect must save versus frost with a one point penalty for every 3 levels of the myrmidon, or freeze solid in one round. Potions so frozen will take 1-4 hours to defrost in moderate temperatures, but will be salvageable when defrosted. 

On the second application all enchanted liquids in the area of effect must save versus magical fire or boil in one round, rendering them useless. In addition, their containers must make a save versus magical fire or explode when the potion boils, doing 1-3 hp of damage to the possessor of the potion.

Tamarshan’s Potable Enhancer

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: touch, Duration: special, Area of Effect: special

Components: V,S, Saving Throw: none

The potable enhancer can be cast upon a magical potion of any variety. Once so cast, the potion can be substituted for the standard material component of any given spell, assuming that component is neither unique nor magical. The swap has to be related, e.g. if you swap out the material component of a jump spell with a potion of healing nothing would happen. However, if you make a direct or related swap (e.g a potion of levitation) then it is possible to achieve much better results, an indirect swap will achieve somewhat improved results.

Direct Swap:  all parameters of the spell are doubled, unless the potions effects are stronger than the spell, then the potions effects are doubled. E.g. if you substitute a potion of flying for a feather in the spell fly then all parameters, duration, range, AOE etc. are doubled. Impacts of the spell are also doubled, so if the spell allows movement at a particular speed that is doubled, if there is damage it is doubled (before modifiers), and if there is a saving throw then the following calculation must be made (20-listed save = X, X/2 [round up]= Y, new save is old save +Y). For example, if the listed save is 15, then the new save is 20-15=5, 5/2= 3, 15+3 = 18.  

Indirect Swap: As above, but all parameters of the spell are increased 50%, and the saving throw modifier divides the value of X by 4 (round up).

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