Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Building Bhakashal - Character Classes - The Seer

Image by Philipp Scherer

In Bhakashal, clerics are known as “Seers”.

Clerics, rebranded as priests in later editions, are one of the most maligned classes in the game. The class most likely to be picked last, the class most often relegated to the status of DMPC. I’ve always found it odd that clerics are so unpopular, not only are they a source of healing magic in a game where healing magic is important, but they are decent at combat and come with a host of utility spells (e.g. create food and water, find traps, augury…) that an be absolute game changers.

One of the possible reasons for their reception may simply be that the fantasy literature is light on clerics; wizards, warriors, thieves, you see all of them showing up often, but there are precious few fantasy examples of anything like a cleric. 

Also, in a game where combat is so prominent, clerics become “heal bots” and use most of their spells for healing, meaning the rest of their magic is often untapped, and the characters become one note. I’ve addressed this by giving them some abilities beyond healing that aren’t related to their spell slots. 



HD - D8

Ability Scores: WIS 13 CHR 14

Weapons and Armor (see below)

Level Progression - As priest

Weapon Proficiency Progression - As priest

Seer Abilities

  1. Seers in Bhakashal are free casters, when they gain the ability to cast a new level of spells they gain access to the whole spell list for that level (e.g. all of the 1st level spells are available at 1st level, all the 2nd level spells are available when they gain access to 2nd level spells), and may cast the spells without any advanced prayer or preparation. They pray for their spells on the spot as needed (this is reflected in the longer casting times for many Seer spells). They still have a limit on how many spells may be cast per day by level, but any spell from the lists can be cast.

  2. All Seers have a holy symbol, it is used to focus the power of their divine magic, it can be a weapon, a piece of art (statue) a shield, a likeness of a beast or creature, whatever the seer chooses. If that holy symbol is destroyed, then the priest has 5% x WIS odds of successfully casting spells until it is replaced. Replacement involves the priest selecting an appropriate item and meditating/praying uninterrupted for 24 hours on the object.

  3. For Seers, spells that are found in the game are found on holy items, sometimes scrolls, but other times statues, stones, weapons, etc. that can cast a particular spell or spells one time only. If a cleric “scroll” comes up on the treasure lists then decide the format of the spell when it is rolled. 

  4. Seers get one initial valuable item or set of items outside of their initial allocation of gold related to their god (e.g. if the god is a god of scribes, they might start with vellum, ink and writing instruments). 

  5. Seers have no weapon or armor restrictions, however, if their deity is commonly associated with a weapon of some kind (e.g. Thor’s hammer, Odin’s spear) then the seer must take that as their first weapon. Subsequent weapon choice is open.

  6. If their deity has a sacred animal or animals, the seer has an effective charisma of 18 with respect to those animals when casting a speak with animals spell. 

  7. Seers can turn creatures, using the power of their god to drive away creatures opposed to them. First total the following: [Seer’s saving throw versus magic + creature HD - Seer level - WIS bonus]. To successfully turn the creature(s) the seer must exceed this number on a d20. Turning manifests the power of the seer’s deity through their holy symbol, it impacts at most 1 creature per level of the seer, and turned creatures flee for 4-16 rounds. If the seer rolls a natural 20 and the creature’s HD is less than the seer’s level, the creature is destroyed, blasted out of existence by the power of their god. 

  8. Seers get bonus spells outside of their standard allocation, these spells are from another class but related to their deity’s sphere of influence, can only be cast once they are capable of casting spells of that level, and can be cast once per day, as follows:

    1. A Seer with a 13 wisdom gets one bonus 1st level spell, e.g. a priest of a god of fire could have burning hands once per day

    2. A Seer with a 14 wisdom gets an additional 1st level spell, e.g. a priest of a god of knowledge might get comprehend languages and identify, each once per day

    3. A Seer with a 15 wisdom gets one 2nd level spell, e.g. a priest of a god of spiders could get web once per day

    4. A Seer with a 16 wisdom gets an additional 2nd level spells, e.g a priest of a god of the forest might get locate plants and warp wood, each once per day

    5. A Seer with a 17 wisdom gets one 3rd level spell, e.g. a priest of a god of the sky might get gust of wind once per day

    6. A Seer with a 18 wisdom gets one 4th level spell, e.g. a priest of a god of death might get phantasmal killer once per day

In each case the seer only gets access to the spell when they are sufficient level to cast a spell of that level, e.g. a seer with an 18 wisdom would only get access to that 4th level bonus spell when they hit 7th level.

  1. Divine Aid - When a Seer is damaged in battle and reduced to less than 0 HP (but not death) there is a percentage chance equal to their level that their deity may take notice and heal them to 1 HP on the spot. If so healed they need not rest before adventuring and any lasting damage done to them is healed. 

  2. Conversion - A seer may attempt to convert any non-classed 0-level NPCs, e.g. peasants, farmers, laborers, officials, soldiers, etc. to their deity. The character spends d4 hours extolling the virtues of their own deity to the subjects, and at the end of this, an encounter reaction roll is made with the following modifiers:

    1. The seer’s charisma adjustment

    2. If length of association is less than 1 month: -5%

    3. Wealth or power is given: +10%

    4. Strong existing religious affiliation: -25%

    5. Recent past for the community or individual has been challenging +10%

    6. The PC has performed a service for the community: +10%

    7. The PC has recently healed someone in the group: +10%

    8. The PC has recently healed someone in the group that the priests of their existing faith could not: +10

    9. For each level of the PC attempting to convert: +1%

    10. Conversion is achieved on a roll of 95% or higher on the chart


1. A separate roll must be made for all potential converts

2. A maximum of 1 convert per 2 levels of seer is possible

3. No matter what the modifiers, conversion is never automatic, so if the seer’s  modifiers make conversion automatic (e.g. push the roll up to 96 or above) then the chance of success is a flat 95%

4. The subject must be reasonably sober and not charmed 

5. Converts are treated like henchmen and at the end of the next adventure (and every subsequent one) a loyalty check is made with all the standard henchmen modifiers. If that check is successful the convert stays around for the next adventure, and the next check is made at +5%. These success modifiers are cumulative to a maximum of +25%

6. Converts must be fed, equipped and transported with the seer, failure to do so will give a -15% to the end of adventure loyalty check (-10% for “partial late or unfair” pay and -5% for indifferent and uncaring general treatment).

7. Converts must be preached to every day for at least a few turns to keep them in the faith, failure to do so will add a cumulative -1% penalty per day without preaching for their end of adventure loyalty check.

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