Saturday, July 3, 2021

 Loot the Room!

A few years back I sat down for a few hours and crunched some numbers about XP. I was curious to see how 1e AD&D broke down XP rewards. What I determined after some work was that about 75% of your XP in AD&D comes from loot, the rest comes from monsters. 

I wanted to walk through how I went about doing this for anyone interested.

Let’s take an example.

The party fights and slays a hill giant, they have a ranger in the party who can track the trail back to the lair, and they find loot.

Hill giants are treasure type D, that means the odds of getting loot are:

Now, here is where things get a bit complicated, because EVERYTHING is randomized, it’s hard to talk probabilities without things getting very complicated very fast. So let’s do some high level generalization.

You could get absolutely nothing, or you could get a king’s ransom.

What are the odds of getting nothing? 90% x 85% x 85% x 50% x 70% x 75% x 85% = 14.5 say 15%

What are the odds of hitting everything? 10% x 15% x 15% x 50% x 30% x 25% x 15% = 0.0012%

How do you calculate the odds to determine what the average treasure haul will be in AD&D, so you can look at the XP weighting? I rolled up a few of my own hoards and then looked for an online generator and found one. All hail 1e!

Assuming it uses the percentages listed above, I ran it 100 times, the results are below

Random Treasure Generator

Treasure Type D

1. 5000 sp, 2000 gp

2. 7000 ep, Gems (5): 12 gp Obsidian, 5 gp Moss Agate, 50 gp Rhodochrosite, 500 gp Jet, 70 gp Star Rose Quartz. Total Value: 637 gp., Jewelry (1): 9000 gp Tiara, Oil of Timelessness, Map to Monetary Treasure: outdoors, 7 miles distant and is guarded in lair. [5000 copper pieces, 3000 silver pieces, 5000 copper pieces, 5000 silver pieces, 7000 electrum pieces], Potion of ESP

3. 3000 sp, 1000 gp

4. 5000 ep

5. 5000 gp, Jewelry (4): 800 gp Buckle, 1200 gp Buckle, 1900 gp Chalice, 800 gp Comb. Total Value: 4700 gp., Drums of Panic, Scroll of Protection - Weapons, Magical Edged, Oil of Slipperiness

6. 4000 gp

7. Gems (5): 100 gp Sardonyx, 1000 gp Black Opal, 200 gp Pearl, 5 gp Obsidian, 70 gp Hematite. Total Value: 1375 gp.

8. 1000 sp, 4000 gp, Jewelry (4): 1200 gp Crown, 1800 gp Chalice, 300 gp Clasp, 1300 gp Decanter. Total Value: 4600 gp.

9. 3000 gp, Jewelry (6): 2000 gp Decanter, 5400 gp Headband, 8000 gp Buckle, 6000 gp Goblet, 800 gp Crown, 2000 gp Goblet. Total Value: 24200 gp.

10. 1000 ep, 2000 gp

11. 8000 cp, 4000 gp

12. 7000 ep, Jewelry (5): 7000 gp Clasp, 1000 gp Coffer, 1500 gp Headband, 9000 gp Coffer, 1700 gp Statuette. Total Value: 20200 gp.

13. 1000 cp, 3000 sp, Gems (2): 100 gp Moonstone, 500 gp Aquamarine. Total Value: 600 gp.

14. 3000 gp

15. Jewelry (3): 8000 gp Ring, 2100 gp Bracelet, 700 gp Locket. Total Value: 10800 gp.

16. 11000 sp, 8000 ep, 2000 gp

17. Jewelry (2): 5000 gp Choker, 3000 gp Locket. Total Value: 8000 gp.

18. Gem: 700 gp Amethyst.

19. 6000 ep

20. 3000 gp, Jewelry (5): 8000 gp Tiara, 6000 gp Collar, 5000 gp Pendant, 700 gp Ring, 1200 gp Goblet. Total Value: 20900 gp.

21. 5000 gp, Gems (6): 10 gp Blue Quartz, 100 gp Bloodstone, 1400 gp Star Ruby, 5 gp Obsidian, 50 gp Onyx, 500 gp Jade. Total Value: 2065 gp., Jewelry (5): 1000 gp Crown, 1400 gp Choker, 900 gp Collar, 4000 gp Earring, 2000 gp Brooch. Total Value: 9300 gp.

22. 5000 ep, 2000 gp, Gems (3): 14 gp Lapis Lazuli, 15 gp Hematite, 40 gp Tiger Eye Agate. Total Value: 69 gp.

23. Jewelry (5): 6000 gp Coffer, 5000 gp Medal, 600 gp Collar, 3000 gp Buckle, 3000 gp Coronet. Total Value: 17600 gp.

24. Dagger +2, +3 vs. creatures larger than man-sized, Potion of Evil Dragon Control, Potion of Clairaudience

25. No Treasure.

26. 1000 gp, Gems (5): 100 gp Moonstone, 100 gp Zircon, 200 gp Jasper, 2000 gp Jacinth, 50 gp Azurite. Total Value: 2450 gp.

27. 10000 sp, 4000 gp

28. 1000 gp, Crossbow of Speed, Scale Mail +1, Potion of Delusion

29. 2000 gp

30. 5000 gp, Elfin Chain Mail +5, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Cloud Giant Control

31. 8000 ep, 6000 gp, Gems (10): 10 gp Blue Quartz, 10 gp Blue Quartz, 10 gp Tiger Eye Agate, 100 gp Smoky Quartz, 2000 gp Emerald, 300 gp Tourmaline, 50 gp Tiger Eye Agate, 500 gp Peridot, 500 gp Tourmaline, 700 gp Amber. Total Value: 4180 gp., Bolt +3, 3-12, Horseshoes of Speed, Potion of Polymorph (Self)

32. 6000 ep, 3000 gp

33. 6000 ep

34. Gems (8): 10 gp Eye Agate, 100 gp Azurite, 100 gp Zircon, 10000 gp Emerald, 40 gp Banded Agate, 500 gp Aquamarine, 500 gp Peridot, 500 gp Peridot. Total Value: 11750 gp., Jewelry (1): 6000 gp Choker

35. 5000 sp, 3000 ep, 2000 gp

36. Spell Scroll (Cleric: Know Alignment, Divination, Bless), Gem of Insight, Elixir of Life

37. No Treasure.

38. 3000 ep, Jewelry (1): 700 gp Orb

39. 1000 gp, Gems (4): 100 gp Jet, 1000 gp Spinel, 200 gp Zircon, 50 gp Blue Quartz. Total Value: 1350 gp., Jewelry (4): 7000 gp Coffer, 1200 gp Coffer, 3000 gp Crown, 5100 gp Earring. Total Value: 16300 gp.

40. Jewelry (4): 800 gp Buckle, 26000 gp Brooch, 900 gp Choker, 3000 gp Anklet. Total Value: 30700 gp.

41. 2000 gp

42. No Treasure.

43. 2000 ep

44. 4000 ep

45. No Treasure.

46. 9000 sp

47. 7000 ep, 6000 gp

48. 1000 gp, Gems (9): 10 gp Smoky Quartz, 10 gp Turquoise, 1000 gp Smoky Quartz, 35 gp Turquoise, 50 gp Banded Agate, 500 gp Spinel, 650 gp Spinel, 80 gp Blue Quartz, 9 gp Obsidian. Total Value: 2344 gp.

49. 6000 gp

50. 3000 ep, 3000 gp

51. 4000 gp

52. 4000 ep, Gems (8): 10 gp Moss Agate, 100 gp Moonstone, 30 gp Azurite, 3500 gp Sapphire, 50 gp Hematite, 50 gp Moss Agate, 50 gp Obsidian, 5000 gp Opal. Total Value: 8790 gp.

53. 5000 gp, Jewelry (1): 6300 gp Orb

54. 5000 gp

55. 6000 ep

56. 2000 gp

57. No Treasure.

58. 6000 sp, 1000 gp, Gems (8): 100 gp Topaz, 1000 gp Aquamarine, 50 gp Moss Agate, 50 gp Rhodochrosite, 500 gp Amethyst, 500 gp Moonstone, 500 gp Sardonyx, 700 gp Coral. Total Value: 3400 gp.

59. 1000 gp

60. No Treasure.

61. Scimitar +2, Spell Scroll (Druid: Protection from Lightning), Oil of Acid Resistance

62. Gems (5): 10 gp Blue Quartz, 10 gp Malachite, 10 gp Rhodochrosite, 100 gp Star Rose Quartz, 100 gp Zircon. Total Value: 230 gp.

63. 7000 cp, 1000 gp, Gems (5): 10 gp Banded Agate, 1000 gp Star Ruby, 200 gp Jasper, 200 gp Onyx, 9 gp Malachite. Total Value: 1419 gp., Jewelry (3): 5000 gp Statuette, 1800 gp Bracelet, 2000 gp Goblet. Total Value: 8800 gp.

64. 8000 ep, 4000 gp

65. Scale Mail +1, Chain Mail +2, Fire Breath

66. 7000 cp, 1000 sp, Gems (10): 10 gp Banded Agate, 10 gp Moss Agate, 100 gp Bloodstone, 100 gp Sardonyx, 100 gp Sardonyx, 16 gp Rhodochrosite, 45 gp Rhodochrosite, 50 gp Blue Quartz, 50 gp Eye Agate, 60 gp Citrine. Total Value: 541 gp.

67. Gems (5): 1000 gp Emerald, 50 gp Obsidian, 50 gp Rhodochrosite, 500 gp Amethyst, 500 gp Topaz. Total Value: 2100 gp.

68. 5000 gp

69. 3000 gp, Gems (7): 100 gp Moss Agate, 100 gp Turquoise, 2000 gp Opal, 50 gp Rhodochrosite, 65 gp Eye Agate, 70 gp Carnelian, 70 gp Obsidian. Total Value: 2455 gp.

70. Gems (6): 100 gp Azurite, 1000 gp Topaz, 13 gp Tiger Eye Agate, 1300 gp Chrysoberyl, 500 gp Chrysoberyl, 500 gp Jet. Total Value: 3413 gp.

71. 4000 gp, Gems (7): 1 gp Tiger Eye Agate, 10 gp Lapis Lazuli, 10 gp Tiger Eye Agate, 150 gp Coral, 20 gp Obsidian, 50 gp Turquoise, 500 gp Jade. Total Value: 741 gp., Jewelry (5): 2800 gp Necklace, 1300 gp Sceptre, 2500 gp Ring, 1000 gp Coronet, 2000 gp Earring. Total Value: 9600 gp.

72. 3000 gp

73. 3000 gp

74. 3000 sp

75. No Treasure.

76. Gems (10): 10 gp Blue Quartz, 100 gp Azurite, 100 gp Lapis Lazuli, 100 gp Smoky Quartz, 100 gp Star Rose Quartz, 1000 gp Sapphire, 140 gp Star Rose Quartz, 200 gp Zircon, 5000 gp Emerald, 6000 gp Sapphire. Total Value: 12750 gp., Jewelry (2): 1000 gp Statuette, 1200 gp Buckle. Total Value: 2200 gp.

77. Gems (7): 10 gp Lapis Lazuli, 100 gp Zircon, 15 gp Moss Agate, 20 gp Malachite, 350 gp Amethyst, 70 gp Citrine, 80 gp Citrine. Total Value: 645 gp.

78. 4000 gp

79. 4000 gp

80. 1000 gp, Gems (2): 10 gp Malachite, 450 gp Peridot. Total Value: 460 gp., Jewelry (1): 1000 gp Chalice

81. Gems (9): 10 gp Banded Agate, 100 gp Sardonyx, 120 gp Sardonyx, 50 gp Banded Agate, 50 gp Banded Agate, 50 gp Turquoise, 500 gp Smoky Quartz, 70 gp Chrysoprase, 8 gp Malachite. Total Value: 958 gp.

82. Potion of Diminution, Sword +2, Short, Quickness, Potion of Levitation

83. No Treasure.

84. 1000 gp, Gems (4): 10 gp Moss Agate, 500 gp Pearl, 80 gp Eye Agate, 80 gp Rock Crystal. Total Value: 670 gp.

85. 7000 ep

86. 12000 sp, 5000 gp, Furs (1): 330 gp fox fur cape/jacket. Total Value: 330 gp.

87. Shield +1, Potion of Clairaudience, Oil of Etherealness

88. 3000 ep, Map to Monetary Treasure: outdoors, 22 miles distant and is guarded in lair. [90 gems], Boots of Levitation, Potion of Plant Control

89. 7000 sp

90. 8000 sp, Furs (4): 4950 gp sable fur cape/jacket, 10800 gp sable fur coat, 1 gp muskrat pelt, 4 gp marten pelt. Total Value: 15755 gp.

91. 1000 cp, 5000 ep, Jewelry (5): 7000 gp Goblet, 5000 gp Coffer, 500 gp Decanter, 2700 gp Orb, 3000 gp Comb. Total Value: 18200 gp.

92. 10000 sp, Gem: 1000 gp Black Opal.

93. 12000 sp, 5000 gp, Gems (10): 10 gp Turquoise, 100 gp Jasper, 100 gp Rock Crystal, 120 gp Sardonyx, 40 gp Lapis Lazuli, 50 gp Lapis Lazuli, 50 gp Obsidian, 6 gp Tiger Eye Agate, 60 gp Jasper, 750 gp Tourmaline. Total Value: 1286 gp.

94. 4000 gp

95. 1000 gp, Gems (6): 10 gp Turquoise, 100 gp Obsidian, 100 gp Peridot, 100 gp Tiger Eye Agate, 16 gp Obsidian, 50 gp Blue Quartz. Total Value: 376 gp.

96. 4000 sp, 8000 ep

97. 2000 gp

98. No Treasure.

99. 6000 gp, Gems (2): 110 gp Bloodstone, 130 gp Chrysoprase. Total Value: 240 gp., Jewelry (5): 3000 gp Goblet, 800 gp Medallion, 1800 gp Crown, 1100 gp Clasp, 5800 gp Chain. Total Value: 12500 gp.

100. 3000 gp, Amulet Versus Undead [9th Level], Shield +3, Potion of ESP

Note that 9 out of 100 times there was a “no treasure” result, so you usually get something.

An average HP hill giant gives you approximately 1800XP

Now let’s take the first five entries as a sample (all listed ratios are approximate):

1. 5000 sp, 2000 gp [2250xp - 1-1/4x more than monster XP]

2. 7000 ep, Gems (5): 12 gp Obsidian, 5 gp Moss Agate, 50 gp Rhodochrosite, 500 gp Jet, 70 gp Star Rose Quartz. Total Value: 637 gp., Jewelry (1): 9000 gp Tiara, Oil of Timelessness, Map to Monetary Treasure: outdoors, 7 miles distant and is guarded in lair. [5000 copper pieces, 3000 silver pieces, 5000 copper pieces, 5000 silver pieces, 7000 electrum pieces], Potion of ESP - I won’t count the treasure from the map, as it isn’t acquired yet, so that gives you [14437xp - 8x monster XP]

3. 3000 sp, 1000 gp [1150xp - 2/3 of monster XP]

4. 5000 ep [2500gp - 1-2/5 x monster XP]

5. 5000 gp, Jewelry (4): 800 gp Buckle, 1200 gp Buckle, 1900 gp Chalice, 800 gp Comb. Total Value: 4700 gp., Drums of Panic, Scroll of Protection - Weapons, Magical Edged, Oil of Slipperiness [18100xp 10x monster XP]

In one case it was less, in 4 cases it was more, in one case it was 8x more, another 10x more.

So where did that 75% number come from? Well, I ran 100 samples as above, and converted them all to XP, and took the average XP of that against average XP for a hill giant (e.g. a hill giant with average HP) . It’s not scientific as it is only a sample of 100 entries, that’s obviously small, but it gives you the idea.

The point, I would hope, is to show that in 1e AD&D gives out a lot more XP for loot than it does for monsters, and if you look at the sample of 100 above, you will see that it gives out a lot more loot than magic items. Sometimes you don’t even get any loot, you get a map to another treasure horde and hope that it has something worthwhile.

But it puts paid to the idea that the game rewards fighting monsters with XP, it does give you XP, but it is far outweighed by the XP for loot. 

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