Friday, July 30, 2021

Building Bhakashal - Prominent NPCs - Hurna Gamelin, Priest of Omagh

Image by Kerem Beyit at Deviantart -

Today’s NPC for Bhakashal is a seer (priest) of Omagh, god of death. Seer’s in Bhakashal are different than clerics in AD&D in a number of ways, for example their “turning” mechanic is tuned to whatever force or creature is opposed to their deity, so not necessarily the undead, and they get bonus spells from other classes related to their god. 

In addition, seers in Bhakashal are free casters, which means that they do not pray ahead of time for specific spells, instead they pray on the spot for whatever level appropriate spell they need at the time, with access to any spell on a level appropriate list. The trade off is that the casting times are longer for most spells, so they are not as fast on the draw as arcane casters.

This makes seers much more flexible than arcane casters like warlocks and phantasmists, as the number of spells they have access to is significantly larger. Because they have access to more spells, and because they don’t have to pre-select the spells ahead of time, many more “utility” spells are used in game. It also makes seer’s invaluable members of the adventuring party.  So for the NPC here, I will show both the number of spells they can cast per day, and the full level lists for all spell levels they can use, to give an idea of the scope of spells available. 

Without further ado, I present Hurna Gamelin, seer of Omagh

Hurna Gamelin – Ward 4 – House Uarnon – Temple Ward – Temple of Omagh

7th level Seer of Omagh 

S: 9 I: 12 W: 16 D: 10 C: 9 Ch: 12 

HP: 30, AC: 2 (chain and shield), MV: 9”, THACO: 16

Holy Symbol: Mace 


Mace - Weapon speed 4, Dam: 2-7/1-6, SR: 4’, WvrsAC +1 M/-1 N, Critical: Bludgeon

Staff - Weapon speed 2, Dam: 1-6/1-6, SR: 3’, WvrsAC -4 M /+1 L /+1 N, Critical: Set Against Charge/Sweep/Vault

Bludgeon - Weapon knocks opponent prone or back 10’

Set Against Charge – weapon does double damage on a critical when set against a charging opponent

Sweep victim falls prone and loses next attack, +4 to hit against them

Vault – Weapon allows a vault of up to 20’ forward or 10’ up, or to knock down opponent, lose next attack, +4 to hit against them.

Magic Items

Staff of Striking (12), +1 mace, +2 chain mail, Incense of Meditation 

Spells Per day: 3/3/2/1

First Level 

1. Bless

2. Combine

3. Command

4. Create Water

5. Cure Light Wounds

6. Detect Intent

7. Detect Magic

8. Endure Cold/Heat

9. Invisibility to Undead

10. Light

11. Protective Circle

12. Purify Food and Drink

13. Remove Fear

14. Resist Cold

15. Sanctuary 

Second Level 

1. Aid

2. Augury

3. Chant

4. Collective

5. Detect Charm

6. Dust Devil

7. Find Traps

8. Hold Person

9. Holy Symbol

10. Know Intention

11. Mantle of the Oracle

12. Resist Fire

13. Silence 15’ Radius

14. Slow Poison 

15. Snake Charm

16. Speak with Animals 

17. Spiritual Weapon

18. Withdraw 

19. Wyvern Watch

Third Level

1. Animate Dead

2. Cloudburst 

3. Continual Light

4. Create Food and Water

5. Cure Blindness

6. Cure Disease

7. Death’s Door 

8. Dispel Magic

9. Divine Beast 

10. Divine Pairing 

11. Feign Death

12. Glyph of Warding

13. Grace of the Maker 

14. Judgement

15. Locate Object

16. Magical Vestment 

17. Meld Into Stone 

18. Negative Plane Protection 

19. Prayer

20. Prescience

21. Remove Curse

22. Remove Paralysis 

23. Share Divine Favor 

24. Speak with Dead

25. Supplication

26. Water Walk 

Fourth Level

1. Abjure

2. Cacophony of Lies 

3. Cloak of Fear

4. Cure Serious Wounds

5. Detect Lie

6. Divination

7. Exorcise

8. Giant Insect 

9. Imbue with Spell Ability

10. Lower Water

11. Neutralize Poison

12. Protective Circle –10’ rd

13. Repentance

14. Reversal 

15. Spell Immunity 

16. Sticks to Snakes

17. Tongues 

18. Whisper the Dead

Bonus Spells

Seers in Bhakashal get the bonus spells associated with a high wisdom, but instead of getting more of their own spells, each bonus spell gives them a spell from outside their class but associated with their god. Sometimes they get access to a spell at lower level than usual. Hurna gets the following bonus spells, related to her god (the god of death) each can be cast once per day:

  1. Bolerastun’s Mantle of the Dead

  2. Feign Death

  3. Preserve

  4. Decompose


Omagh is a god of death, but has no “enmity” with undead, as a matter of fact, priests of Omagh consider raising the dead to be a holy act in tribute to their god, as bodies without souls are corrupt and commanding them in Omagh's service cleanses them. As a seer of Omagh Hurna commands undead as evil 1e AD&D clerics do. However, she uses the following system for turning/commanding which is meant to be used with any type of creature that can be turned, not just undead.

Turning: Seers can turn creatures, using the power of their god to drive away creatures opposed to them. First total the following: [Seer’s saving throw versus magic + creature HD - Seer level - WIS bonus]. To successfully turn the creature(s) the seer must exceed this number on a d20. Turning manifests the power of the seer’s deity through their holy symbol, it impacts at most 1 creature per level of the seer, and turned creatures flee for 4-16 rounds. If the seer rolls a natural 20 and the creature’s HD is less than the seer’s level, the creature is destroyed, blasted out of existence by the power of their god. In Hurma’s case, a natural 20 means the undead will remain under her command permanently.


Like all seers Hurna can attempt to convert those she meets into followers to Omagh. Hurna does not generally try to convert locals, but when she has defeated foes in battle who beg for mercy, or she protects a group from harm, Hurna may try to convert them. Any converts she does make she will take back to the temple where they will become acolytes of Omagh. 

Conversion - A seer may attempt to convert any non-classed 0-level NPCs, e.g. peasants, farmers, laborers, officials, soldiers, etc. to their deity. The character spends d4 hours extolling the virtues of their own deity to the subjects, and at the end of this, an encounter reaction roll is made with the following modifiers:

The seer’s charisma adjustment

If length of association is less than 1 month: -5%

Wealth or power is given: +10%

Strong existing religious affiliation: -25%

Recent past for the community or individual has been challenging +10%

The PC has performed a service for the community: +10%

The PC has recently healed someone in the group: +10%

The PC has recently healed someone in the group that the priests of their existing faith could not: +10

For each level of the PC attempting to convert: +1%

Conversion is achieved on a roll of 95% or higher on the chart


1. A separate roll must be made for all potential converts

2. A maximum of 1 convert per 2 levels of seer is possible

3. No matter what the modifiers, conversion is never automatic, so if the seer’s  modifiers make conversion automatic (e.g. push the roll up to 96 or above) then the chance of success is a flat 95%

4. The subject must be reasonably sober and not charmed 

5. Converts are treated like henchmen and at the end of the next adventure (and every subsequent one) a loyalty check is made with all the standard henchmen modifiers. If that check is successful the convert stays around for the next adventure, and the next check is made at +5%. These success modifiers are cumulative to a maximum of +25%

6. Converts must be fed, equipped and transported with the seer, failure to do so will give a -15% to the end of adventure loyalty check (-10% for “partial late or unfair” pay and -5% for indifferent and uncaring general treatment).

7. Converts must be preached to every day for at least a few turns to keep them in the faith, failure to do so will add a cumulative -1% penalty per day without preaching for their end of adventure loyalty check.

General Characteristics: Hurna is tall with short blonde hair and brown eyes, she has a clipped speech pattern and speaks fairly quickly. She has no patience for fools and will immediately part company with anyone who she feels is wasting her time. 

Background: Hurna was born in the city and unlike the majority of priests she left at an early age to adventure for a time. After several years away she found an important relic of Omagh (Omagh’s Axe – an axe supposedly used by Omagh himself to behead a massive dragon, the axe was thrown to earth when the fight was over) returned to the city, gave the axe to her superiors and took up duties in the temple. She is an up and coming priest in the Temple and is now responsible for the burial rites of all worshippers of the death god, a significant task given to her as her superiors believe she is destined for greatness. She has several rivals for power in the temple as well, but shares the favor of the lead seer, so for now is comfortable in her status.

Tactics: Hurna is accompanied at all times by a pair of jackals and rides a water buffalo when she travels in the city. She will use command and hold person to immobilize foes and her staff of striking for close combat against significant foes. Note that Hurna attacks on the seer’s “to hit” table (cleric table in AD&D) so do well in hand to hand, and can trigger roll over criticals despite her average strength. 

Intrigues and Associations: Hurna has an obsessive interest in religious artefacts and will attend to any possibility of gaining them, including adventuring away from her Temple. She starts many days speaking with the dead in her temple to glean any information about relics (she hopes to one day have spoken to all the dead kept in the temple), and meditating to determine her actions. She spends all of her off duty time in the archives researching the potential location of religious artefacts, and can be treated as a sage with respect to this subject, with a major concentration in religious artefacts, a minor concentration in religious traditions, and a specialization in Omagh. The party might encounter Hurna in her capacity as an expert about religious artifacts, and might employ a party to accompany her when attempting to retrieve holy artifacts. Note that “holy artifact” does not necessarily mean an item a god used, it can be something as simple as a +1 dagger but one that was wielded by a past servant of the deity, or one that was key to the deity achieving a goal in the game world. Holy means associated with the god, not artifact/relic level power. So she could also set after the party if one of the magic items they find happens to be a holy artifact of interest to Hurna. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Building Bhakashal - Extending the Game - Illusions and Illusion Magic

Image by Wen-M at Deviantart:

Bhakashal is a cross between a retroclone and a setting, it is designed in the spirit of Blackmoor or Tekumel, to use parts of the D&D chassis, but to build it in new directions. I chose to do this rather than develop a whole new game primarily as I like the spells and magic items in the game. I think they are flavorful and fun. I wanted to build on that, lean into some things, walk back from others. To achieve this goal, for each spell casting class I have written a number of new spells, and I chose specific aspects of existing class spells to amplify. So for example, beastials (druids) in Bhakashal have spells related to plants, so Bhakashal adds several dozen new plant based spells. Todays discussion is Bhakashal's extension of illusion magic.

For Bhakashal I decided to specify a lot of things about illusion magic that were left open in AD&D. The main reason for this was to simplify things at the table and make for fewer problem adjudications. This included lore about magic (e.g. metaphysics) and flavor. 

I also wanted to maintain the “Vancian” feel that AD+D had brought to spell casting. So I went directly to Vance for inspiration, in the foreword to Rhialto the Marvellous, he writes that magicians seek alliances with extraplanar entities to effect magic, entities that are, “… able and not unwilling to alter the environment in accordance with the message conveyed by the spell.” 

I riffed off of that, in Bhakashal, phantasmists mastered the magic of accessing the psychic realm, and used this to control minds and cast illusions into minds. Then, one of their number, Khab Rune, contacted powerful beings on the plane of shadow, which has both darkness and light, and bargained with them for secrets. He learned the secret of pulling negative and positive plane energy from the plane of shadow to the prime material plane.

Because the psychic realm is non-spatial, channeling these energies through the psychic realm means that the phantasmist can bring them on to the prime material plane in any physical form (e.g. ray of light, mist), and in any place within a limited distance of them that they wish. For low level phantasmists, when these energies are channeled to the prime material plane they manifest as colored energy, a mix of light (positive plane energy) and darkness (negative plane energy) for all colors. This is the simple color spray spell.

When expanding phantasmist spells, Bhakashal developed them along the following lines:

  1. Specific Illusions: Many of the spells presented here are really just formalizations of the generic illusion spell phantasmal force. By giving it a name, and detailing its effects, some of these spells are manifestations of “best practice” illusions. It makes sense that when someone figures out a neat illusion that helps in combat, it would become well known, imitated, and its creator would be immortalized by having their name associated with the spell. 


Porgunn’s Majestic Multiplier

Level:1, Casting Time:1 segment, Range:1”, Duration:1 round per level, Area of Effect:individual, Components:S,M, Saving throw: none

Porgunn’s multiplier makes multiple images of the weapon and the hand and arm that holds it, so it is not possible to tell which one is real when the recipient attacks, and it is thus harder to defend against. Picture a victim of the spell suddenly having four arms growing out of their one shoulder and each has an identical sword in it. The number of illusory copies made is 1 for every level of the phantasmist. Every 2 duplicates worsens the effective AC of any recipient of the phantasmists attack with the duplicated weapon by 1 (e.g. 1st – 4th level phantasmist makes AC two categories worse). The material component of this spell is a pair of ivory spheres worth 50 gp each.

  1. Mental Spells: Many phantasmist spells involve direct access to the mind, charm spells like hypnotic pattern, still others trigger emotions like confusion, confuse the mind directly, etc. This category produced some interesting cases. For example, phantasmists on this interpretation have access to the psychic realm, and are concerned with the mind and deception, fear, etc. Thus it makes sense they should have a sleep spell, they have spells that give nightmares and cause somnambulance and such, so this is apiece. But sleep is a showcase spell for MU’s as it allows them to take out low HD victims no save. So Bhakashal alters the spell to fit the phantasmist:

Arolian’s Chant of Unfathomable Slumber 

Level:1, Casting Time:1 segment, Range:1” per level, Duration:Special, Area of Effect:3” + 1” per level, Components:V, Saving throw:  neg.

When the phantasmist casts this spell they begin to chant in a low droning fashion. All creatures in the area of effect who can hear the drone must make a saving throw or fall asleep, e.g. slapping or wounding will awaken affected creatures, but noise will not do so. Awakening requires 1 complete melee round. Note that sleeping creatures can be slain automatically at a rate of 1 per slayer per melee round. The spell continues until the phantasmist stops chanting. If the phantasmist chants longer than an hour every turn thereafter they must save versus death magic or fall asleep. 

So this is very different than a regular sleep spell, in that it requires a save, but it lasts longer and if the phantasmist can keep out of melee and not be interrupted it could have a good impact. The spell is powerful like the MU version, but different.

  1. Sense Based Spells: There are a lot of sound based spells (the “physics” of sound and negative plane energy would be similar to that of light) and spells that allow the masking or enhancing of the senses. For example:

Peng Sang’s Omni vision

Level:2, Casting Time:2 segments, Range:6”, Duration:1 turn/level, Area of Effect:individual, Components:V,M, Saving throw: None

The omni vision spell allows the phantasmist to see 360 degrees around them and above for the duration of the spell. This negates the penalties associated with flank and rear attacks against them. It also makes it difficult for a target to sneak up on the phantasmist. The first time the phantasmist uses this spell they will suffer a -2 to hit due to disorientation, the second time -1, and subsequent times not at all. The phantasmist might thus decide to cast the spell on an unwitting victim to take advantage of the disorientation effects. In this case the victim would get a save. The material component of this spell is a pinch of copper dust and a small glass lens.

This spell also highlights something I have built into a few spells, namely the requirement of experience with the spell to avoid side effects where appropriate (e.g. the disorientation of this spell). It is also representative of another goal, to create spells that can help in combat, e.g. reducing the victim’s combat options or increasing those options for the phantasmist or a fellow party member (e.g. cast on the party fighter to help them in combat). In this case, it would pay for the phantasmist and the party fighter to drill before going adventuring so the fighter could take advantage of the spell’s combat bonus without distortion penalties. 

  1. Deception Spells: In addition to illusions, phantasmists in Bhakashal have many spells that misdirect or deceive the mind. One major theme is distraction; the phantasmist can manipulate observers to focus on the wrong thing, creating penalties, for example:

Rinson’s Redirection

Level:2, Casting Time:2 segments, Range:2”, Duration:1 round/level, Area of Effect:individual, Components:V,S, Saving throw:  Neg.

When the spell is cast the phantasmist can redirect the interests of one individual opponent away from the phantasmist and to another task of their naming. The spell uses a low level ESP to divine surface information from the victim, which is then part of the redirection, so the phantasmist will glean some general details about the opponent. If the victim fails their save they will leave immediately to pursue the redirection for the duration of the spell.

So here there is no direct combat modifier or damage, but it could redirect a dangerous opponent away. Many of the spells below have no direct damage component; phantasmists specialize in redirection, not direct damage.

  1. Negative/Positive Plane Energy Spells: Illusionists in AD&D have multiple “shadow” spells, and can summon actual shadows, so there is a kernel here of an idea that phantasmists can use negative and positive plane energy in its raw form to some degree There are spells in Bhakashal that do this, and some are useful against undead, making phantasmists another group that can fight undead successfully. This is needed as in Bhakashal not all seers (priests) turn undead, some turn other creatures. For example:

Rinnimar’s Chilling Touch

Level:1, Casting Time:1 segment, Range:contact, Duration:special, Area of Effect:one individual, Components:V,S,M, Saving throw:  None

The phantasmist uses their ability to channel energy from the negative plane to chill their opponents. The phantasmist must make a “to hit” roll, if successful the victim takes 1-8 hp of damage + 1 hp per level of the phantasmist. Note that this spell will cause a volume of water equal to 1 gallon per level of the phantasmist to freeze solid. Creatures associated with heat and fire (e.g. fire elementals, efreeti, firenewts, etc.), take double damage from this attack if successful. Note that undead hit by this spell have their negative energy drained if they fail to save versus spell. Since the negative energy of the undead is drained, each time an undead is successfully hit with the spell the phantasmist gets one additional attack with the spell (not in the same round). If that additional attack hits, another is given, for up to 1 turn if all the “to hits” are made. The material component of this spell is a small piece of quartz.

With all of this in mind, here is the resulting spell list for phantasmists, which includes selected spells from the AD&D 1e PHB and Unearthed Arcana, as well as over 200 new spells from Bhakashal:


1st Level  (6d12)

6. Aiyon’s Pensive Self-Projection

7. Arolian’s Chant of Unfathomable Slumber

8-9. Audible Glamer

10. Byntar’s Soothe the Beast

11. Candlin’s Baffling Concealment

12-13. Change Self

14-15. Chromatic Orb

16. Cillian’s Cross the Eagles

17-19. Color Spray

20. Cthillon’s Arachnid Surge

21. Dancing Lights

22. Dar Hoorst’s Perceptual Portrait

23. Darkness

24. Detect Illusion

25. Detect Invisibility

26. Dorlissan’s Hidden Consumption

27. Garmonshire’s Painful Perception

28. Ghostlin’s Stealthy Ward

29. Glissian’s Casting Concealment

30. Hagellen’s Thunderous Staff

31. Hypnotism

32. Iessalon’s Vertiginous Narrative

33. Illeana’s Dry as Dust

34. Illeana’s Ravenous Hunger

35. Jarrshan’s Sinister Serpents

36. Jinnithar’s Crows Nest

37. Kansharr’s Darting Wasps

38. Konjarrin’s Subtle Switch

39. Light

40. Loshner’s Quantitative Quandary

41. Loshner’s Weird Words

42. Mahjinn’s Malevolent Missile

43. Morkoth’s Black on Black

44. Morlan’s Dagger of Darkness

45. Norrin’s Disposition Divination

46. Oronn’s Dancing Knives

47. Ormaan’s Olfactory  Obscurement

48. Orrnhaver’s Orbs of Resplendent Radiance

49. Phanstern’s Devious Chameleon

50-51. Phantasmal Force

52. Phantom Armor

53. Porgunn’s Majestic Multiplier

54. Quillion’s Brilliant Pan- Sensory Display

55. Rillistan’s Shadow Weapon

56. Rinnimar’s Chilling Touch

57. Rinnimar’s Sensory Supplementation

58. Rostum’s Flashing Powder

59. Rostum’s Shadow Familiar

60. Savin Tarsen’s Hidden in the Throng

61. Sivir’s Scuttling Terror

62. Tanninsir’s Pervasive Rot

63. Tenquist’s Duplicitous Projection

64. The Duplicitous Domino of Fansin

65. The Vengeful Shade of Mire Sithin

66. Torngoth’s Mischievous Misdirection (reversible)

67. Ulan’s Cacophonous Clap

68. Utar’s Curse of the Ancients

69. Vierron’s Phantasmal Volumes

70. Wall of Fog

71. Xlig Tirintal’s Diminuative Dishonesty

72. Yvernal’s Hidden Steeds

2nd Level (2d30)

2. Aiyon’s Pensive Projection

3-4. Alter Self

5. Ashenfall’s Abominable Adoration

6. Bemmel’s Hidden Object

7. Blindness

8. Blur

9. Cargstad’s Magnification of the Sensibillia

10. Cargstad’s Transforming Incantation

11. Deafness

12. Detect Magic

13. Divad’s Beautification

14. Fog Cloud

15. Fosnir’s Rain Charm

16. Fosnir’s Wind Charm

17. Gil Namth’s Hurricane Haymaker

18. Gorgull’s Phantom Nemesis

19-20. Hypnotic Pattern

21-26. Improved Phantasmal Force

27-30. Invisibility

31. Kohnlir’s Cunning Contrivance

32. Lew Xam’s Shadow Well

33. Lew Xam’s Spectral Hands

34. Lyre Penwith’s Hidden Pockets
35-36. Magic Mouth

37. Mirishan’s Misplacement

38-39. Mirror Image

40. Misdirection

41. Morellion’s Amazing Aural


42. Oman’Rul’s Subtle Duplication

43. Orrnhaver’s Orbs of 

Resplendent Radiance

44. Peng Sang’s Diminutive Vision 

45. Peng Sang’s Omni vision

46. Quen-Tharin’s Blazon of Vulnerability

47. Rinson’s Redirection

48. Sharshan’s Hidden Hand

49. Tchamast’s Punctilious Projectile Prism

50. Teutch’s Tumbling Phrase

51. The Frigid Sleep of Shon-Sinn 

52. The Hands of Homostulus

53. The Mad Rage of Rikkitan

54. The Nimble Limbs of Xin Xar

55. Tomar’s Spectral Repetition

56. Ultravision

57. Umirajic’s Vertiginous Plunge

58. Ventriloquism

59. Voornogogg’s Vision Switch

60. Whispering Wind

3rd Level (6d12)

6. Amilishar’s Mantle of Avoidance

7. Asher’s Mighty Aversion

8. Assinoth’s Green Griffon

9. Asu-Krinn Aster’s Article of  Deepest Desire

10. Atun-Re’s Necromantic Apparition

11. Cernon’s Minor Temporal  Acceleration

12. Continual Darkness

13. Continual Light

14. Danner’s Day Dream 

15. Darvilk’s Mask of Shadows

16. Divad’s Doom From the Depths

17. Donestar’s Watery Doom

18. Doremar’s Chain of Illusions

19. Eloc’s Instant Companions

20. Erolin’s Pensive Altercation

21. Fear

22. Finnegan’s Hanging Blades

23. Fosnir’s Water Charm

24. Ghorlan’s Canticle of Exceeded Expectations

25. Hallucinatory Terrain

26. Higgenbotham’s Visage Subterfuge Engine

27-29. Illusionary Script

30. Illneath’s Thaumaturgical Tumult

31-32. Invisibility 10’ Rad.

33. Jintar’s Field of Tall Grass

34. Keirilith’s Minor Distraction

35. Lasher’s Duplication

36. Lishann’s Massive Displacement

37. Lorquill Shann’s Blazing Lens

38. Non-Detection

39. Morkia’s Watching Eyes

40-41. Paralyzation

42-43. Phantom Steed

44. Pharin’s Sky of Bone

45. Phelnar’s Repayment

46. Phorestan’s Amazing Afterimage

47. Phorestan’s Disarming Dweomer

48. Prevon’s Emerald Ichor

49. Querillon’s Crushing Burden

50. Querillon’s Heavy Hand of Indecision

51. Rope Trick

52. Shinntar’s Storm of Crows

53. Soromon’s Steps

54-56. Spectral Force

57. Suggestion

58. Systra’s Immersion

59. The Black Mist of Jax

60. The Covetous Eyes of Danner

61. The Haunting Inversion of Kahb Rune

62. The Multiple Vision of Homostulus

63. Twilsophire’s Punctilious Memory Nullification

64. Tyseer’s Overwhelming Cosmographium 

65. Uinari’s Penultimate Phantasmal Duel

66. Vassennan’s Ghastly Nightmare

67. Vinreaver’s Perceptual Alteration

68. Voornogogg’s Target Switch

69. Willnor’s Dream of Drowning

70. Wraithform

71. Zillishan’s Hypnotic Plunge  

72. Zolanor Kahn’s Clarion Call

4th Level (2d20)

2. Airot Civ’s Minor Shadow Walk

3. Aveneg’s Spectacular Strobe

4. Borenshire’s Endgame

5. Candlin’s Minor Destruction

6. Cernon’s Major Temporal Acceleration

7. Cleavegill’s Flexing of the  Stones

8. Confusion

9. Damek’s Dastardly Duplikát

10-11. Dispel Exhaustion

12. Dorrashaan’s Deck of Captivation

13. Emotion

14. Illeana’s Raise the Chorus

15. Imannover’s Instant Insanity

16. Konjarrin’s Dagger of Clarity

17. Lian’s Might of the Lizard  King

18. Lian’s Triptych of Deadly Inversions

19. Massmorph

20. Minor Creation

21. Moorlith’s Rapidly Oscillating Strike

22. Nistal’s Spectral Somnambulenance

23. Onmatar’s Casting of Cumulative Credence

24. Phantasmal Killer

25. Prevon’s Transparent Object

26. Quen-Tharin’s Baleful Penetrating Gaze

27. Raggelash’s Blackened Rain

28. Raggelash’s Mass Panic

29. Rainbow Pattern

30. Shadow Monsters

31. Solid Fog

32. Tennisir’s Remarkable Prowess Reduplication

33. The Penetrating Visor of Illyin Moonsabre

34. Tonnerath’s Torn Shadows

35. Umirajic’s Omen of Oblivion

36. Vacancy

37. Vassennan Vir’s Phantasmagoria of Pain 

38. Voornogogg’s Fateful Fear

39. Voornogogg’s Object Switch

40. Wyn-Waroon’s Psychic Seed 

5th Level (2d20)

2. Advanced Illusion 

3. Boronath’s Shadow Match

4. Byntar’s Mouths of Madness  

5. Candlin’s Major Destruction

6. Chaos

7. Dainan’s Spectral Brand

8-9. Demi-Shadow Monsters

10. Ghanna’s Shadow Shield

11. Higgenbotham’s Cantilever

12. Horlogog’s Manifestation of the Divine

13. Izanami’s Creeping Compulsion

14. Kahb Rune’s Thundering Color Storm

15. Lew Xam’s Extraordinary Mirage

16. Major Creation

17. Maze

18. Minnemar’s Whisper to a Scream

19. Morreon’s Sonic Sentinel

20. Projected Image

21. Rinson’s Roar 

22. Shadow Door

23-24. Shadow Magic

25-27. Summon Shadow

28. Systra’s Scintillating Sun Wheel

29. Tempus Fugit

30. The Gossamer Wings of Dorvan-Tor

31. The Mask of Mohrn the Mad

32. Tonormoran’s Gaze of the Medusa

33. Tonormoran’s Song of the Siren 

34. Uinari’s Spectral Shadow Duel

35. Unlin’s Lost Destination

36. Vassennan Vir’s  Phantasmal Battalion

37. Warhesten’s Collective Concealment

38. Winnofeln’s Massive Aversion

39. Xantar’s Iridescent Sphere

40. Ysir’s Air like Water


6th Level (2d10)

2. Conjure Animals

3. Death Fog

4. Demi-Shadow Magic

5. Eronel’s Daunting Reduction

6. Keirilith’s Major Distraction

7. Mass Suggestion

8. Mislead

9. Nesslor’s Major Calendrical  Inversion

10. Permanent Illusion

11. Programmed Illusion

12. Shades

13. Shon-Sinn’s Major Containment

14. The Emerald Lanthorn of Abinrus

15. The Stealthy Shadow Archers of Shon-Sinn

16. True Sight

17. Vassennan Vir’s Spectral   Battalion

18. Veil

19. Warhesten’s Spectral Village

20. Xinnith’s Song of the Sphinx 

7th Level (2d8)

2. Alter Reality

3. Astral Spell

4. Kahb Rune’s Chromatic Curtain

5. Koll Kain’s Deep Immersion

6. Lansharr’s Celerius Spatial  Fugue

7. Major Shades of Orn

8. Mereon’s Ebony Ribbons

9. Prismatic Spray

10. Prismatic Wall

11. Rinn Thensic’s Hideous Death

12. Shadow Walk

13. The Dreaded Thunder of  Xor’Kass

14. Weird

15. Zintir’s Ultimate Shadow Magic

16. First Level MU Spells

Random allocation of spells for NPCs and in treasure hoards, and randomized spell lists for PC patrons mean that you will have a significant degree of variation in your phantasmists, as there will be much less of a tendency for the same spells to come up. This may or may not be to your liking, so you can always just pick spells, but Bhakashal was designed to take advantage of the randomization to produce tactical opacity at the game table, something that adds significantly to the challenge and thus excitement of the combat.

Building Bhakashal - Session Report Image by Tooth Wu - Artstation - My Thursday group did not meet t...