Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Warlock Sub-Classes for Bhakashal Continued - The Necromancer

Image by Don Maitz (

As part of my planned supplement there are 5 new subclasses of warlock (magic-user) for Bhakashal. Today I will cover the Necromancer.

The necromancer is a magic using specialist that focuses on spells that affect the dead, abjuration (anti-magic) spells and spells that alter the body. This makes a form of game sense as manipulation of the dead is manipulation of formerly living matter or bodies. Abjuration spells break magic like death magic breaks life. The necromancer can thus affect dead bodies by animating them, their own living bodies by transforming them and can impact magic by disrupting it. Controlling the bodies of other living things is not possible. This gives them necromantic spells, a few service spells (like read magic and Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer), abjuration spells and alteration spells that impact the necromancer.

The "key" spell for the necromancer, animate dead, is currently a 5th level MU spell, on this specialization it drops to a 3rd level spell like the cleric spell. In addition, the necromancer gains a few higher level versions of animate dead that allow the creation of higher order undead. The necromancer also gets “reverse healing” spells that "drain" life force from living things and redirect this energy to the animation of the dead. Their ability to control this energy allows them to use their reverse cure spells against undead, and it doubles their damage against them.

At 5th level or higher a necromancer has to find a patron being, a powerful entity that fuels their powers but also gains from the necromancer’s power. Many necromancers find alliances in powerful evil beings that revel in death, named demons and devils, slaad, or any other high HD monster who courts death. They need not be evil, but the will generally not be good aligned.

Warlock Specialization


Alignment: Any, though good necromancers are rare

Hit Dice: d4

Experience Progression: As warlock (MU)

Armor: None

Weapon Proficiencies: As warlock

Weapons Allowed: dagger, dart, staff

Ability score minimums: As warlock

General Magic Related Abilities

a) Same processes for reading, casting, learning, transcribing and memorizing spells as the regular warlock, can use any magic item usable by a warlock.

b) The origins of magic in Bhakashal are connected to dragonkind, in dragon form and polymorphed in humanoid form, they were part of the creation of all forms of magic. Each of the warlock subclasses is thus associated with a dragon type, in the case of necromantic magic it is a green dragon. This means the following:

1 - Necromancers read and speak green dragon

2 - Necromancers get a +20% on encounter reaction rolls with green dragons

3 - Upon reaching name level (9th) a necromancer may summon a green dragon once per month, odds of success are equal to their “to know” odds. The dragon will generally aid them in any way possible, pending an encounter reaction roll with the stated bonus.

4 - Necromancers follow the spell casting progression of a green dragon:

Caster level

1st level spells

2nd level spells

3rd level spells

4th level spells


level spells


level spells


level spells


level spells


level spells
































































































c) Initial spells are Read Magic, Necromancer’s Touch, then two other’s of the necromancer’s choice. A necromantic, abjuration or personal alteration spell will be given to them by their master (who is a higher level necromantic servant of their patron being) as their "free spell" at leveling up

d) +10% on the "to know" percentage for necromantic / personal alteration / abjuration spells

e) Modification of existing necromantic spells, new spells as noted.

f) The need to make a pact with a powerful extraplanar being. The pact works in the following way:

- The necromancer, upon gaining 5th level, must find a powerful patron being and make a pact with them. This is done by casting a combination of speak with dead and tongues after casting their 3rd level animate dead spell on a creature of at least 5HD that has been slain by the necromancer. The necromancer can then reach out to an extraplanar being to request becoming a servant of that being. There is a chance equal to their “to know” percentage that the being will agree, if they disagree, there is the inverse chance that the being will take a negative interest and send a minion to slay the necromancer for their arrogance. 

- The necromancer must make a totem to channel their power, the totem must be made from the bone of a powerful creature. Necromancers generally create a case or scabbard (whatever is appropriate) of cold iron (custom made for a minimum of 100 gp) for their totem to keep it safe from magical assault.

- The necromancer’s pact with the powerful being allows the totem to be used as a conduit for drained life energy. Necromancers have special versions of the standard necromantic spells, rather than "healing" targets, or "reverse healing" targets (as clerics do), necromancers drain HP from their victims using the totem, half this life energy is transferred to the patron being, and the other half is stored in their totem, where it can stay for at most 1 month.

- The necromancer can store 8 hp per level maximum in the totem. The necromancer can use that energy in one of two ways:

1) to heal themself, every 8 hp drained gives 2 hp of healing

2) to animate dead, for every 8 hp drained, one additional HD of undead can be raised using the animate dead spell.

- If a totem is ever lost or destroyed the necromancer cannot use their necromantic harm spells, though they may still cast animate spells (without the extra animate dead based on drained HP). However, every week they are without their token there is a 5% cumulative chance their patron will send a minion to slay their charge in punishment for losing the token. Tokens can be replaced by approaching the patron being and performing the ceremony again. Short term loss of token is acceptable as a regular consequence of pursuing necromantic magic, long term loss is not.

Custom Magic Items

Necromancers will create custom items geared to their specialization, for example:

Rod of Restoration 

This rod is made of pure iron, is 2-1/2 feet long, and it has an engraving of a sleeping humanoid with arms crossed at the top of the shaft.  When used by a necromancer against an individual undead, consult the turning table of a 10th level priest, but if a result of "D" is indicated a charge can be spent and the undead will be restored to life rather than being destroyed. For any other successful turning result, a charge makes the undead take 2-20 damage from the rod. The restored individuals will be disoriented and often (80%) have gaps in their memory that prevent full class functions for several months, but they will be alive and healthy. Those liberated from undeath by the rod will generally be grateful, offering to sign on as a henchman or follower, or be at worst indifferent. This rod can be recharged with a combination of any of the necromancer’s animate higher dead spells. 


Spells Knowable


- Spells with a * are from UA

- Spells in italics have been moved from their regular level assignment, modified, or have been transferred from other spell lists (see below)

- Spells in bold are new spells (see below)

1st Level

Bolerastun’s Mantle of the Dead

Burning Hands

Necromancer’s Touch (Cause light wounds)

Feather fall


Protection from Evil

Read Magic

Shocking Grasp

Spider Climb


2nd Level

Feign Death





3rd Level

Animate Dead


Dispel Magic



Immentaur’s Shroud of Lightning


Protection from Evil 10’ rad

Speak with the dead


Water breathing

4th Level

Animate Higher Dead I

Necromancer’sTouch II (Cause serious wounds)

Dimension door


Minor Globe of Invulnerability

Polymorph self

Rajmurangi’s Cunning Appendage

Rary's mnemonic enhancer

Remove Curse

Stone Skin*


5th Level

Animate Higher Dead II

Brugg the Cruel’s Brutal Enchantment

Necromancer’s Touch III (Cause Critical Wounds)

Extension II


The Terrifying Limbs of Brugg the Cruel

6th Level

Animate Higher Dead III

Anti-Magic Shell

Extension III

Globe of Invulnerability

Mordenkainen’s Lucubration*

Necromancer’s Embrace (Harm)



Tenser's Transformation

Torbin’s Turbulent Mourning

7th Level

Animate Higher Dead IV

Necromancer’s Touch IV (Degenerate)

Duo dimension

Nozzenur the Malignant’s Chain of the Damned

Phase door


Teleport without Error*

8th Level

Cinel’s Violent Amalgam


Mind Blank


Polymorph any object

Serten’s Spell Immunity

9th Level

Prismatic Sphere

Shape change

Temporal stasis

Modified Spells

Necromancer’s Touch (Cause Light Wounds)

Level: 1, Range: touch, Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: creature touched, Components: V, S, Casting Time: I segment, Saving Throw: none

The necromancer’s version of cure light wounds requires that the necromancer touch the victim with their totem. If they are unsuccessful the victim will lose 1-8 hp. Half of these HP are immediately magically transferred to the patron of the necromancer. The other half are transferred to the necromancer’s token. If only 1 hp is drained the necromancer’s token receives no HP. The necromancer has 1 round / level to "discharge" the spell before it fades (e.g. after casting, a 5th level necromancer must use this spell in 5 rounds or it dissipates). If the spell is active but undischarged and the necromancer is hit by an undead, or hits an undead in combat, the undead immediately suffers twice the damage listed in the spell description. Any undead "killed" by this spell can be animated by the necromancer in addition to whatever dead they could normally animate for their level.


Level: 2, Range: touch, Duration: special, Area of Effect: creature touched, Components: V, S, M, Casting Time: 2 segments, Saving Throw: special

A poison spell allows the necromancer to either speed up the poison by 2x (e.g. if it normally takes 1-4 rounds to take effect it would take 2-8) or slow down the spread of poison in a victim’s body. If the necromancer chooses to slow down the poison the victim is paralyzed for 1-4 days, and they can seek other means of dealing with the poison during that time. Necromancers frequently use this spell on poisoned victims so they can be slain and used in animate dead spells. The material component of this spell is a snake fang.

Animate Dead

Level: 3, Range: I", Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: Special, Components: V, S, M, Casting Time: I round, Saving Throw: None

This spell creates the lowest of the undead monsters, skeletons or zombies, from the bones or bodies of dead humanoids. The effect is to cause these remains to become animated and obey the commands of the necromancer casting the spell. The skeletons or zombies will follow, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc. The spell will animate the monsters until they are destroyed or until the magic is dispelled. (See dispel magic spell). The necromancer is able to animate 1 skeleton or 1 zombie for each level of experience he or she has attained. Thus, a 2nd level cleric can animate 2 of these monsters, a 3rd level 3, etc.

Necromancer’s Touch II (Cause Serious Wounds)

Level: 4, Range: touch, Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: creature touched, Components: V, S, Casting Time: 4 segments, Saving Throw: neg.

The necromancer’s version of cause serious wounds requires that the necromancer touch the victim with their totem. If they are successful the target will lose (2d8+1) hp. Half of these HP are immediately magically transferred to the patron of the necromancer. The other half are transferred to the necromancer’s token. The necromancer has 1 round / level to "discharge" the spell before it fades (e.g. after casting, a 5th level necromancer must use this spell in 5 rounds or it dissipates). If the spell is active but undischarged and the necromancer is hit by an undead, or the necromancer hits the undead with their token, the undead immediately suffers twice the damage listed in the spell description. Any undead "killed" by this spell can be animated by the necromancer in addition to whatever dead they could normally animate for their level.

Necromancer’s Touch III (Cause Critical Wounds)

Level:5, Range: touch, Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: creature touched, Components: V, S, Casting Time: 5 segments, Saving Throw: neg.

The necromancer’s version of cause critical wounds requires that the necromancer touch the victim. If they are successful the target will lose (3d8+3) hp. Half of these HP are immediately magically transferred to the patron of the necromancer. The other half are transferred to the necromancer’s token. The necromancer has 1 round / level to "discharge" the spell before it fades (e.g. after casting, a 7th level necromancer must use this spell in 7 rounds or it dissipates). If the spell is active but undischarged and the necromancer is hit by an undead, or the necromancer hits the undead, the undead immediately suffers twice the damage listed in the spell description. Any undead "killed" by this spell can be animated by the necromancer in addition to whatever dead they could normally animate for their level

Necromancer’s Embrace (Harm)

Level:6, Range: touch, Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: creature touched, Components: V, S, Casting Time: 1 round, Saving Throw: neg.

Necromancer’s Embrace enables the necromancer to infect the victim with a disease and causes loss of half the victim’s HP total if a successful touch is inflicted with their token. Half of these HP are immediately magically transferred to the patron of the necromancer. The other half are transferred to the necromancer’s token. The necromancer has 1 round / level to "discharge" the spell before it fades (e.g. after casting, a 7th level necromancer must use this spell in 7 rounds or it dissipates). If the spell is active but undischarged and the necromancer is hit by an undead, or the necromancer hits the undead, the undead immediately suffers twice the damage listed in the spell description (in this case lowering the undead to ½ HP). Any undead "killed" by this spell can be animated by the necromancer in addition to whatever dead they could normally animate for their level

Necromancer’s Touch IV (Degenerate)

Level: 7, Range: touch, Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: creature touched, Components: V, S, Casting Time: 5 segments, Saving Throw: neg.

Necromancer’s Touch IV causes the member or organ touched to shrivel and cease functioning in 1 round, dropping off into dust in 2-8 turns, and draining the target of ½ their HP. As is usual, creatures must be touched in order to have harmful effect occur. Half of these HP are immediately magically transferred to the patron of the necromancer. The other half are transferred to the necromancer’s token. The necromancer has 1 round / level to "discharge" the spell before it fades (e.g. after casting, a 8th level necromancer must use this spell in 8 rounds or it dissipates). If the spell is active but undischarged and the necromancer is hit by an undead, or the necromancer hits an undead, the undead immediately suffers twice the damage listed in the spell description. Any undead "killed" by this spell can be animated by the necromancer in addition to whatever dead they could normally animate for their level

New spells

Bolerastun’s Mantle of the Dead

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: touch, Duration: 1 round/level, Area of Effect: special, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

Bolerastun’s Mantle causes the warlock to radiate negative plane energy, this energy is diffuse enough that it will not harm anyone, but it has the important benefit of making the warlock appear to be undead herself, and thus preventing undead monsters from attacking her. The deception only works against skeletons, zombies and ghouls for 1st - 3rd level warlocks, shadows, wights and ghasts for 4th - 6th level warlocks, and wraiths, mummy’s and spectres for 7th - 10th level warlocks. Any more powerful undead are immune to the spell’s deception.The warlock may include one extra target for every level, e.g. two targets may be hidden at 2nd level, 3 at 3rd, etc, to a maximum of 10. The material component for this spell is a bone from a skeleton and a black silk blindfold.

Immentaur’s Shroud of Lightning

Level: 3, Range: touch, Duration: 1 round/level, Area of Effect: Individual, Components: V, S, M, Casting Time: 3 segments, Saving Throw: Neg.

Immentaur’s Shroud of Lightning covers the warlock with a crackling field of lightning. The lightning is magical, and anyone who touches the warlock, or hits her with a metallic weapon while the spell is active will take 1-8 + 1 hp per level of the warlock in damage unless they save versus spells. If the warlock makes a successful "to hit" roll while the spell is active the victim will take regular damage from the strike and must save versus spell or take an additional 1-4 hp + 1 hp/2 levels in lightning damage. Victims in metal armor save at -2. In addition, any lightning attacks directed at the warlock under a Shroud of Lightning will require a saving throw, if the save is unsuccessful the warlock will take 1/2 damage, if the save is successful the warlock can redirect the attack to its originator for the appropriate damage. The material component of this spell is a crystal rod and a small piece of silk.

Animate Higher Dead I

Level: 4, Range: I", Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: Special, Components: V, S, M, Casting Time: I round, Saving Throw: None

This spell creates the next tier of undead monsters, ghouls and shadows, from the remains of dead humanoids. The effect is to cause these remains to become animated and obey the commands of the necromancer casting the spell. The ghouls and shadows will follow, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc. The spell will animate the monsters until they are destroyed or until the magic is dispelled. (See dispel magic spell). The necromancer is able to animate 1 ghoul or 1 shadow for each level of experience he or she has attained, or 2 skeletons or 2 zombies.

Rajmurangi’s Cunning Appendage

Level: 4, Casting Time:4 segments, Range: individual, Duration:1 turn/4 levels, Area of Effect: individual, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none.

The cunning appendage spell creates a lizard like, prehensile tail of 14 feet in length behind the warlock. The tail has several functions, any one of which may be carried out once per round:

1.Lash - it can lash anywhere forward of the warlock up to 10’ and strike a victim, regular to hit with dexterity bonus for missiles applied, damage 1-8.

2.Sweep - it can strike standing opponents in a 10’ radius and if they fail their save versus petrification or be knocked over, prone for one round

3.Deflect - it can strike out at incoming attacks, melee or missile, giving the warlock 1 AC bonus against missiles and a 2 AC bonus against melee weapons. Note that this bonus does not apply when the tail is attacking, and thus the warlock must state that she is defending with the tail that round and forfeits attacking to gain the defensive benefit. Note however, on any to hit roll of 1 against the warlock defending with the tail will cause the object used to be grabbed. BBLG to remove.

4.Grab - the tail can allow the warlock and up to 100 lbs of other goods to hang, it can curl around objects as small as scrolls, wands, or staves. It can be used to attempt a disarming strike or a stealing strike (-2 to hit) to gain an enemy object, BBLG to remove.

The material component of this spell is a lizard’s tail and an iron spike.

Animate Higher Dead II

Level: 5, Range: I", Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: Special, Components: V, S, M, Casting Time: I round, Saving Throw: None

This spell creates the next tier of undead monsters, wight’s and ghasts, from the remains of dead humanoids. The effect is to cause these remains to become animated and obey the commands of the necromancer casting the spell. The wight’s and ghasts will follow, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc. The spell will animate the monsters until they are destroyed or until the magic is dispelled. (See dispel magic spell). The necromancer is able to animate 1 wight or 1 ghast for each level of experience he or she has attained, 2 ghouls or 2 shadows per level of experience, or 3 skeletons or 3 zombies per level of experience.

Brugg the Cruel’s Brutal Enchantment

Level: 5, Casting Time:5 segments, Range:1" per level, Duration:1 round per level, Area of Effect:1 individual, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: special

Brugg the Cruel’s signature spell redirects all damage done to the warlock over the spell’s duration to a victim of their choosing. If that victim makes their save, the warlock may choose another victim as long as the spell duration is not up, up to one attempt to find a victim per round. If the victim dies as a result of the spell it immediately stops working. If the warlock takes enough damage to remove all of her HP during the casting of the spell, then the transfer stops immediately. The damage can be transferred anywhere in the range. The material component of this spell is a ruby worth no less than 50gp.

The Terrifying Limbs of Brugg the Cruel

Level:5, Casting Time:5 segments, Range:touch, Duration:2 rounds per level, Area of Effect:individual, Components:V,S,M, Saving Throw:none

When the terrifying limbs is cast the target instantly gains an extra pair of arms below their regular arms. These arms function regularly, and can be used with the same ability as the targets original arms (e.g. they have the same "to hit" values, same strength, etc.) This instantly doubles the number of regular attacks the target can make. Note that if the target is armored the arms will also be covered by armor when they are created, though this duplicate armor will not have any magical bonuses. In addition to the extra attacks, targets will gain +1 to hit and damage with all arms for the duration of the spell. If there is an extra shield available, the target could use two shields and reduce her AC another point, or use one where she had none before and do the same. The material component of this spell is a spider (dead or alive) and an iron spike.

Animate Higher Dead III

Level: 6, Range: I", Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: Special, Components: V, S, M, Casting Time: I round, Saving Throw: None

This spell creates the next tier of undead monsters, wraith’s and mummies from the remains of dead humanoids. The effect is to cause these remains to become animated and obey the commands of the necromancer casting the spell. The wraith’s and mummies will follow, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc. The spell will animate the monsters until they are destroyed or until the magic is dispelled. (See dispel magic spell). The necromancer is able to animate 1 wraith or 1 mummy for each level of experience he or she has attained, 2 wights or ghasts, 3 ghouls or 3 shadows, or 4 skeletons or 4 zombies per level of experience.

Torbin’s Turbulent Mourning

Level: 6, Casting Time: 6 segments, Range:1" per level, Duration:1 round/level, Area of Effect:1 apparition per 2 levels of warlock, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

This spell may only be cast when a known companion of the warlock has just been killed. When this happens, the warlock can cast the turbulent mourning. It must be done within an hour of the death. When cast a strong wind will begin to blow in the AOE, reducing visibility (-2 to all attacks in the AOE) and apparitions will appear, one for every 2 levels of the caster, and they will attack all those designated by the warlock. Each apparition appears as a screaming head on top of a long extending tail of bloody crimson energy. Apparitions are the same AC as the warlock, have the same THACO as the warlock, have 1 hp per level of the warlock, and do damage equal to 1-(level of warlock). For example, a 12th level mage would create 6 apparitions which do 1-12 hp damage per strike. The material component of the spell is blood from the deceased and an item from their possession.

Animate Higher Dead IV

Level: 7, Range: I", Duration: Permanent, Area of Effect: Special, Components: V, S, M, Casting Time: I round, Saving Throw: None

This spell creates the next tier of undead monsters, spectre’s and ghosts from the remains of dead humanoids. The effect is to cause these remains to become animated and obey the commands of the necromancer casting the spell. The spectre’s and ghosts will follow, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc. The spell will animate the monsters until they are destroyed or until the magic is dispelled. (See dispel magic spell). The necromancer is able to animate 1 spectre or 1 ghost, 2 wraiths or 2 mummies, 3 wights or 3 ghasts, 4 ghouls or 4 shadows, or 5 skeletons or 5 zombies per level of experience.

Nozzenur the Malignant’s Chain of the Damned

Level:7, Casting Time: 7segments, Range:1" per level, Duration:2 rounds/level, Area of Effect:1’x1" square/level, Components: V,S,M, Saving Throw: none

Nozzenur’s ghastly spell draws on the lives of the recently deceased, so it is best cast on a battlefield or near a place where people go to die. When cast the spell will raise 1 of the dead for every level of the caster (assuming the supply of recently dead is sufficient). The dead so raised will be zombies, and they will be joined by a crackling chain of negative plane energy. They will attack marching forward in a line then surround individual victims attacking until they are dead. If any victim is slain by the zombies they will become one themselves in a round and join the chain, extending the duration of the spell by 2-4 rounds. The material component of this spell is a short length of iron chain and a black pearl worth 500 gp.

Cinel’s Violent Amalgam

Level:8, Casting Time:8 segments, Range:1" per level, Duration:permanent, Area of Effect:special, Components:V,S,M, Saving Throw:None

The Violent Amalgam takes any two creatures in the range of the spell and combines them into one creature with characteristics of both. The two creatures must be animals, not monsters. For example, an owl and a bear could be combined into an owlbear. It is not necessary to be restricted to existing combinations, new combinations are possible. Any creature so created is permanent and at the command of the warlock forever. Combined creatures will have 8HD, AC of 4, THACO of 14, 2 attacks/rd, DA of 1-10, 1-10 and one special attack appropriate to the amalgamation. For example, a crocodile and a bird could be combined and its special attack could be a powerful clamping bite (on a successful to hit that exceeds what is required by 4) that does an additional 1-10 hp of damage per round until dislodged. The warlock may only have one of these creatures in her service at any given time. The material component of this spell is a ruby and an emerald, each worth 50 gp minimum.

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