Sunday, February 7, 2021


Image by Don Maitz (Don Maitz Official Webpage (

I am writing a supplement for 1e AD&D along the lines of Tekumel, Blackmoor and Greyhawk. Part of this supplement are new classes and subclasses. In particular, I created 5 subclasses of warlock (warlock is the gender neutral term for magic-user in the setting). The idea is that warlocks are generalists, and there are 5 subclasses that have narrower but more powerful magic of one or more kinds.

There are 8 schools of magic in AD&D: Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy

The warlock subclasses are as follows:

Chimerist (Alteration magic) 

Conjuror (Conjuration magic) 

Mentalist (Divination/Enchantment magic) 

Evoker (Evocation magic) 

Necromancer (Necromantic/Abjuration magic) 

I have combined a few schools, so for example, there are only 11 divination spells for magic-users in 1e, so I combined divination and enchantment (16 spells) as a “mentalist”, as both forms of magic can be conceived of as mental in nature. Similarly, there are only 4 necromancy spells for magic users in 1e, so I combined necromancy with abjuration (13 spells), as they both involve a negation and manipulation of basic forces, one of life, one of magic

I have home brewed 150 new warlock spells to ensure that each specialized subclass has a decent number of spells. I have also swapped over spells from other classes where appropriate. Some lists are sparser than others, but I have revised the spell research rules to make it a real option, so holes can be filled by individual refs as needed. 

A word on illusions. I have left the illusionist as a subclass of it’s own, and changed illusionist magic into a mental power like psionics with a point buy system for spell-like mental powers. I could have an illusion magic subclass, but I decided against it. I wanted them off on their own. 

Example: The Conjuror

Here is the first of the subclasses that I have completed, the conjuror. It was my first as the fantasy works of such authors as Vance, Moorcock, Zelazny and Howard, my favorites, have ample precedent for the conjuror / summoner wizard. These wizards summon powerful monsters and bend them to their will. It is the subclass I have playtested the most, and the one that convinced me this would work. I had a PC play a conjuror from 1st to 9th over 7 years of off and on play.

Conjurors have to be smart, fast, and persuasive so they have minimum scores in intelligence, dexterity and charisma. They are like generic magic users with regards to proficiencies (weapon & non-weapon), armor, HD, spell research rules etc.

Conjurors are usually drawn from wealthy families, as conjuration magic requires expensive

components, and they start the game with 300-400 gp. In addition, since conjuration magic is about compelling beings into service, conjurors usually allocate their initial wealth to either buying and training guard dogs (or other appropriate low HD animals) or hiring henchmen/hirelings for protection. Higher level conjurors replace these common animals and servants with fantastic animals and monsters. Conjurors need this extra protection because they have a severely restricted spell list, particularly at lower levels. But it also fits the archetype, conjurors are never alone, and they are natural leaders of others. 

Conjurors, like illusionists, narrow their range of practiced magic to excel in their area of specialization. Their spell list contains about 83 spells (including dual-classified spells, like evocation/conjuration) as compared to the 250 spells of the generic PHB magic user.

The spell list contains mostly spells of the conjuration/summoning type, but also includes

a small number of charm spells, divination and contact other plane spells. The game conceit here is that spells like monster summoning combine the summoning and the ability to command the creatures, so that implies some knowledge of enchantment magic.  In each case the subclass has primarily one kind of spell and a small number of spells from other schools. And of course a few spells that every arcane spell caster has to be at least able to know e.g. Read Magic. I also give conjurors access to Extension and Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer. It is possible to stick with the conjuration spells already available, but I would encourage DMs to create further spells to supplement the lean levels.

To address the limitations on their class, conjurors often research new spells (I have included some below for an example), and create and collect magic items e.g. scrying items, other-planar access and communication items, defensive items, wand of magic missiles, etc. 

In exchange for what they give up (access to more than 100 spells), conjurors gain enhanced conjuration magic, rules for using substitute components to tailor summoning effects,  modifications of several existing spell descriptions, and 20 new spells of conjuration magic. 

Magic-User Subclass: Conjuror

Level Titles

1 - Gatherer

2 - Retriever

3 - Persuader

4 - Compeller

5 - Impeller

6 - Diabolist

7 - Spellbinder

8 - Summoner

9 - Conjuror

Alignment: any Lawful

Hit Dice: d4 (progression as magic user)

Armor: none

Weapon Proficiencies: as magic user

Starting Resources: all conjurors start the game with 300-400 gp; a portion of this amount must be spent on either domesticated guard animals appropriate to the conjuror's home region, or henchmen/hirelings.

Weapons Allowed: as magic user

Ability score minimums: 15 dexterity, 16 intelligence, 15 charisma

Conjuror Abilities

a) Same processes for reading, casting, learning, transcribing, memorizing spells and using scroll spells (e.g. spells not known, higher level spells) as the regular warlock.

b) Initial spells are Read Magic, Find Familiar, Unseen Servant, and then either Push or

Charm Person. A conjuration/summoning spell will be given to the conjuror by their patron as the "free spell" (cf. DMG, p.39) at each new experience level.

c) +10% on the "to know" percentage for conjuration / summoning spells

d) Modifications to four existing spells (Protection from Evil, Flame Arrow, Monster

Summoning and Conjure Elemental), and 20 new spells as noted.

e) The origins of magic in Bhakashal are connected to dragonkind, in dragon form and polymorphed in humanoid form, they were part of the creation of all forms of magic. Each of the warlock subclasses is thus associated with a dragon type, in the case of conjuration magic it is a silver dragon. This means the following:

1 - Conjurors read and speak silver dragon

2- Conjurors get a +20% on encounter reaction rolls with silver dragons

3 - Upon reaching name level (9th) a conjuror may summon a silver dragon once per month, odds of success are equal to their “to know” odds. The dragon will generally aid them in any way possible, pending an encounter reaction roll with the stated bonus.

4 - Conjurors follow the spell casting progression of a silver dragon, 



1st lv spells

2nd lv spells

3rd lv spells

4th lv spells

5th lv spells

6th lv spells

7th lv spells

8th lv spells

9th lv spells

















































































































































f) All conjuration / summoning spells are cast by conjurors as if they were 2 levels higher with respect to one variable, e.g. range, AOE, duration, spell like effects, etc. At 3rd two variables, at 6th three variables, at 9th four variables, at 12th and higher all variables.

g) The ability to substitute more expensive / rare components in any given summoning spell to control selection or options available. For example, for a Monster Summoning spell, by substituting a 400 gp diamond, or an ogre's skull, the conjuror could choose to call ogres from the summoning list instead of receiving a random creature. Alternatively, for the same spell, the conjurer could include a new monster on the summoning list as long as the monster was of similar power (e.g. HD, AC, Special Abilities etc) to those on Iist. The DM will determine what rarity or value of item is appropriate to the desired result. They may deem a component insufficient or, in rare cases, have the spell behave in a way that is dangerous to the conjuror.

h) Conjurors can cast spells of any kind from scrolls, as per the standard PHB rules. However, they may not memorize and cast any spell that isn’t on their list of spells. As a result, Conjurors, like the other subclasses, will spend their gold on constructing a library and a laboratory, or get access to both through their patron, otherwise they may not get the spells they can use. All subclasses have this extra burden, but the revised spell scribing rules make it possible at all levels, and the patronage rules make it viable, though of course not without it’s own costs.

New Magic Items

Conjurors create magic items to enhance their power. The rules for magic item creation allow attempts at any level, but success is level dependent and dependent on fantastic components. I have homebrewed a few conjuror specific magic items to give examples.

Tornwith's Amulet of Conjuration (MU/Ill.)

When wielded by a magic user this amulet augments the use of conjuration magic. By expending one charge it will increase by half (rounded down) the total number of creatures conjured. For example, a monster summoning IV spell normally calls 1-3 creatures, but a magic user who spends one charge of the amulet could call 1-3+1. For two charges, twice the number of creatures may be summoned: casting monster summoning IV would call 2-6 creatures instead of 1-3. For three charges, the number of creatures summoned can be tripled. The amulet will have 40 - 1d8 charges when found. The amulet can be recharged, each casting of a monster summoning spell gives the amulet as many charges as it’s type, e.g. Monster Summoning VII gives the amulet 7 charges. 

Amulet value: 6000 xp, 30,000 gp.

Modified Spell Descriptions for Existing Spells

Protection from Evil

Works as described in the PHB with the following exception: if the conjuror replaces

the listed material components with a drop of mercury, and a bar of pure iron dipped in

electrum (not consumed with the casting) then spell may protect against enchanted and summoned creatures of any kind. 

Flame Arrow

Works as described in the PHB with the following exceptions: the duration of the spell is one round per level; the magic user can touch one arrow or crossbow bolt per segment for the duration of the spell to a maximum of 1 arrow per level; each missile must be discharged by the end of the spell's duration. All arrows do standard damage (+1 of damage if the victim is not impervious to fire) and can hit creatures only hit by +1 weapons. If hit, the victim must save versus spell or their gear is on fire and all their items must save versus normal fire or be destroyed.

Monster Summoning

Works as described in the PHB with the following exceptions: all monster summoning spells have casting times reduced by 1, and it takes half the time for summoned creatures to arrive. In addition, 1 extra monster is summoned for every 4 levels of the conjurer's adjusted level (add 2 to the conjuror’s level then divide by 4 to see the number of extra monsters summoned) e.g. a 6th level conjurer will cast as if an 8th level magic user, so gets to add 2 monsters to their roll.

Finally, on the chart roll for monster summoned, the conjurer gets +/- 1 per 2 levels of points to adjust the roll. 

If you want to mimic the classic monster summoning spell, use the random monsters by level chart in the back of the Monster Manual 2. Alternately, draw monsters for monster summoning spells from the local monster population, I usually draw from the wandering monster tables, and take the monsters of the appropriate HD for the level of monster summoning being cast. 

Conjure Elemental

Works as described in the PHB with the following exceptions: the type of elemental need not be decided upon before memorizing the spell; if the warlock ceases concentration on the elemental it must make a saving throw versus magic, only if it is successful it can attack the warlock. There is only a 2% chance that the elemental will turn on its conjuror regardless of concentration, and this check is made at the end of the second and each succeeding round. For every 3 levels of experience the conjuror gets an additional round without checking, e.g. a 4th level conjuror checks at the end of the third round and every 2 rounds thereafter; at 7th he checks at the end of the fourth round and every 3 rounds thereafter etc. The elemental can be controlled at a distance of 5". 

Spells Knowable

• Spells with a * have modified descriptions (see below)

• Spells with a + are cast at 2 levels above current level with respect to certain parameters

• Spells in italics are from UA

• Spells in bold are new spells (described below)

1st Level

Amillian's Ambient Avian +

Armor +

Charm Person

Find Familiar +

Khostin's Vermin Throng +

Kintor's Commencement +

Kintor's Embryonic Rejoinder +

Mount +

Protection from Evil*

Push +

Read Magic

The Tailor of Munnar the Mad +

Unseen Servant +


2nd Level

The Banquet of Munnar the Mad +

Dust Devil


Jauncil Tinnobassar's Avian Guardians +

Lintash's Monster Summoning Prime +


3rd Level

Flame arrow *+

Kassnar's Magnificent Yellow Jacket +

Material +

Monster Summoning I *+

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount I +

Protection from Evil, 10' radius*

Sepia Snake Sigil +


Tellentir's Spell of the Quinquagenarian Screens +

4th Level

Amsargoth's Conjure the Carrion +

Charm Monster

Extension I

Evard's Black Tentacles +

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount II +

Monster Summoning II *+

Rary's Mnenmonic Enhancer

5th Level

Conjure Elemental *+

Contact Other Plane

Dismissal +

Distance Distortion +

Dolor +

Extension II

Leomund's Secret Chest +

Monster Summoning III *+

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount III +

Svintooth's Mighty Carriage +

Tisin's Libram Cache +

6th Level

The Cruel Cube of Munnar the Mad +

Death Spell +

Enchant an Item +

Ensnarement +

Extension III

Invisible Stalker +

Korganders Unicorn +

Monster Summoning IV *+

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount IV +


7th Level

Cacodemon +

Charm Plants

Drawmij's Instant Summons +

Monster Summoning V *+

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount V +

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion

Power word, Stun

8th Level


Mass Charm

Monster Summoning VI*+

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount VI +


Symbol +

The Pandimensional Armory of Aranath the Triumphant +

Tenbir's Mighty Tower +

Trap the Soul +

9th Level

Monster Summoning VI *+

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount VII +

Gate +

Power Word, Kill

Prismatic Sphere



First Level

Amillian's Ambient Avian

Level: Conjuror 1, Components: V, S, M, Range: touch, Casting Time: 1 segment, Duration: 1 hour, Saving Throw: none, Area of Effect: 1 square mile per level

This spell must be cast in a place where there are birds. When so cast, a random bird from the area will fly to the caster and take a seed from them. Once consumed, the bird will fly up and over the area, high and low, for up to an hour. The bird will swoop low along streets and high above towers. When it returns it will immediately transfer all visual and auditory knowledge from the bird to the magic-user. Depending on the size of the city and the duration of the spell, this knowledge would include things like:

 What areas of the city are busy with people

 What facilities (with signage or obvious purpose) are where  Exit and entrance routes to a city

 Tallest buildings

 Bridges and bodies of water

The material component of this spell is a seed from a green plant that has been soaked in distilled water for a week.

Khostin's Vermin Throng Level: Magic User 1, Components: V, S, M, Range: 1" per level, Casting Time: 1 segment, Duration: 1 round/level, Saving Throw: none, Area of Effect: special

When the vermin throng is cast the magic user summons 1 giant rat to his location for every 4 levels of experience. These rats will swarm the target chosen by the magic user for the duration of the spell, or until killed, whichever occurs first. Each successful hit by a rat has a 5% chance of giving the victim a disease. The material component of this spell is a small silver whistle worth at least 10 sp, not consumed in the casting, which must be blown three times

Kintor's Commencement

Level: Conjuror 1 Components: V,S,M, Range: 3" Casting Time: 1 seg.

Duration: 1 rd/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: 3' radius circle

Kintor's signature spell creates a gate, in the shape of a 3' radius circle, that is designed

to allow summoned monsters to appear, but does not manifest any monsters at this level.

The gate has the following properties: 

a) Solid objects may not pass through it, so if it is conjured within 10 feet of the magic user it will act as a barrier giving -4 to AC from the front only (this will also block the warlock from direct frontal shots, and block visibility for everyone including the magic-user).

b) If there is an existing gate or interdimensional portal within the area of effect of the spell, it has a chance equal to the (caster's level x 5%) - (5% per level difference between the creator of the gate and the caster) of interfering with that gate. If this is achieved, roll a d4: 1-3 - gate is disrupted; 4 - gate is now controlled by the warlock.

c) Any magic users within the area of effect that cast blink, dimension door, teleport or the like during this spell's duration must roll a saving throw or their spell is disrupted and they fall unconscious for 2-4 rounds.

The material component for this spell is a small stone and a handful of sand.

Kintor's Embryonic Rejoinder

Level: Conjuror 1 Components: V,S,M, Range: 3" Casting Time: 1 seg., Duration: 1 round Saving Throw: Neg. Area of Effect: (a) 3" radius half- sphere in front of warlock; (b) 2" radius sphere;

Kintor's Embryonic Rejoinder opens up a summoning gate, but it is too weak to allow actual monsters through. Instead it allows either blinding light or deafening sound to penetrate through.

a) Light: victims in the area of effect must save versus spell or be blinded for 1-4 rounds (-4 to hit) 

b) Sound: victims in the area of effect must save versus spell or be deafened for 1-6 rounds (-1 to hit, 1 point AC penalty) The material component for this spell is a piece of shale snapped in two.

Tailor of Munnar the Mad 
Level: Conjuror 1, Components: V, S, M, Range: touch, Casting Time: 1 segment , Duration: 1 day/level, Saving Throw: none, Area of Effect: special
When Munnar the Mad died he left this spell with his local guild as part of his estate. The tailor, which appears as a small, eminent looking gnome dressed in robes of bright color, will appear and can provide the magic user (after consideration of numerous options) with one appropriate, perfectly fitting outfit for any occasion or location. For each level of the magic user, another may be so-fitted. Each fitting takes one turn. The spell relies on the magic-users understanding of the occasion or event to shape the materials provided. The magic user must set any other parameters, e.g. dress me casually for a formal event, etc. Cast after a Way of the Ward spell this can be more effective. The material component of the spell is a coin equivalent to the level of expense associated with the clothing (e.g. a cheap outfit – copper coin, luxurious expensive outfit – gold coin) and a piece of silk. All must be placed in a small brazier, along with a fragment of mirrored glass, and when the command phrase (Nastroj mě) is spoken, they will flicker and disappear, adding their color to the gnome's clothing. 

Level 2

Banquet of Munnar the Mad Level: Conjuor 2, Components: V, S, M, Range: touch, Casting Time: 2 segments, Duration: permanent, Saving Throw: none, Area of Effect: 1 person/3 levels/day

When this spell is cast the magic-user creates a luxurious banquet of food enough to feed 1 person per level of the magic user per day. The meal may be of any kind the magic user desires, and it will be accompanied by libations as well. The material component of this spell is a handful of seeds and an egg of some variety, which must be consumed by the caster after speaking the words, Nakrm měs eymore.

Jauncil Tinnobassar's Avian Guardians

Level: Conjuror 2 Components: V,S,M, Range: Self, Casting Time: 2 seg., Duration: 5 rds/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

When cast the avian guardian spell summons into existence two small, winged extra-dimensional beings that look like a cross between a bat and a monkey. These two creatures flit and fly near the magic user, and attempt to knock missiles out of

the air before they strike the magic user. The caster is AC 2 vs. hand propelled missiles,

and AC 3 vs. device-propelled missiles. The avian guardians do not confer an AC bonus

against melee weapons; however, if attacked with a melee weapon, the magic user can opt to forgo the missile protection, and instead have the avian guardians attempt to snatch the weapon from the attacker.

The victim's weapon is snatched on a failed saving throw versus paralyzation. A snatch

may be attempted once per round, for the duration of the spell. The guardians are AC 7

and have 4 HP each. The material components of this spell are a pair of matching feathers and a silver piece.

Lintash's Monster Summoning Prime

Level: Conjuror 2 Components: V,S,M, Range: 2" Casting Time: 2 seg., Duration: 2r + 1r/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

Lintash's signature spell works exactly like a Monster Summoning I spell, but with the parameters listed above for area of effect, casting time, etc. 1-4 monsters of one kind arrive in 1-4 rounds. The conjuror still casts the spell as if 2 levels higher, and still gets a ±1 per 2 experience levels on the chart roll.

Third Level

Kassnar's Magnificent Yellow Jacket

Level: Conjuror 3 Components: V,S,M, Range: 1" per level Casting Time: Spec. Duration: 1 rd/lvl Saving Throw: Spec. Area of Effect: 1" x 1" x 1" cube

This spell allows the magic user to summon various different creatures at different levels.

Caster Level 1-3 

  • spell summons bees that swarm enemies, prevent spell casting, and obscure visibility (-2 to hit), no damage

Caster Level 4-6 

  • Same as 1-3, but in addition bees do 1 hp damage per level of the magic user over the duration of the spell

Caster Level 7-9 

  • Same as 1-6, but also summons 1-4 giant bees that each do 2 hp/rd of damage over the duration of the spell

Caster Level 10-12 

  • Same as 1-9, but the victims have an additional -1 "to hit", and their AC is penalized by 2 points

Caster Level 13-up 

  • same as 1-12, but the magic user can additionally summon 1-6 giant wasps (see MM) that are large enough to carry human passengers.

The material components for this spell are a custom-made leather vest, permanently dyed yellow with black trim (not consumed in the casting), and an iron and silver bracer.

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount I

Level: Conjuror 3 Components:V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 2 seg., Duration: 6tns+1tn/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

Mohrgull's spell is a specialized version of monster summoning, and there is a matching Mount spell for each level from 3rd upwards. It summons 1 monster per 3 levels of experience of the conjuror to serve as a mount. The mount stays for longer than a normal summoned monster, and it is completely at the magic user's command.

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount I summons either a horse, a giant lizard, a giant frog or a camel depending on the environment. The material components for this spell are a pearl worth at least 20 gp and a small leather bag.

Tellentir's Spell of the Quinquagenarian Screens

Level: Conjuror 3 Components: V,S,M, Range: 1" per level Casting Time: 3 seg.

Duration: 1 rd/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: 1" x 1" x 1" cube/level

Tellentir's spell is useful for situations where the magic-user is relatively exposed to missile fire. The spell conjures 20-50 (d4+1 x 10) floating screens that surround the magic-user at random intervals and random heights within the spell's area of effect. Each screen is the height of the magic-user and 3 feet across. The screens are made of a light substance, similar in consistency to parchment. 

Any missile that is shot towards the magic user will suffer a -1 penalty to hit for every 10 screens conjured due to obscurement of vision. The screens may be easily pushed aside, but doing so will slow the movement rate of the victim by ½ for the duration of the spell. The spell's material

component is a piece of parchment with the spell command word written on it 50 times in ink made from tortoise blood, squid ink and tree sap.

Fourth Level

Amsargoth's Conjure the Carrion

Level: Conjuror 4 Components: V,S,M, Range: 1" per level Casting Time: 4 seg., Duration: 1 rd/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

Amsargoth's spell draws to the caster small vermin (as might be found in an urban setting). These can be directed at any target the caster chooses. The magic user casting this spell should roll on the chart below to see what vermin appear (d10):

d10 Outcome

1-2 1-4 giant spiders

3-4 3-6 rats

5-6 1-6 huge spiders

7-8 2-8 wild dogs

9-10 1-10 rot grubs

For every 2 levels above 8th, the magic user rolls once more on the table, ignoring duplicates. At most, the caster can receive each result once. The spell's material components are a copper piece, and a dead insect that has been covered in honey. The caster tosses the copper piece away from their body, and crushes the insect between their fingers before smearing it into their palms.

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount II

Level: Conjuror 4 Components: V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 3 seg., Duration: 6tns+1tn/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

This spell summons one obedient mount for every three levels of the conjuror's experience; it serves the caster or a designated target's command. Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount II summons giant rams, giant boars, giant stags or giant sea horses or perytons, depending on the environment. 

The material components of this spell are a pearl worth at least 50 gp and a small leather bag.

Fifth Level

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount III 

Level: Conjuror 5 Components:V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 4 seg., Duration: 1hr+1hr/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

This spell summons one obedient mount for every three levels of the conjuror's experience; it serves the caster or a designated target's command. Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount III summons minotaur lizards, dire wolves, sabre-toothed tigers, pegasi or giant pikes, depending on the

environment. The material components of this spell are a pearl worth at least 100 gp and a small leather bag.

Svintooth's Mighty Carriage

Level: Conjuror 5 Components: V,S,M, Range: 1" per level Casting Time: 5 seg., Duration: 1hr/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

Svintooth's signature spell summons a gigantic wyvern carrying an iron cage in its talons. Up to eight medium-sized creatures, or the equivalent, may be carried in the iron cage at a time. After summoning, the wyvern will fly passengers in the cage at maximum move (48") for as long as desired within the duration of the spell. The material component for this spell is a black pearl worth no less than 100 gp, the wing of a bat, and a small custom-made iron cage (50 gp value;

not consumed in the casting). If the custom made cage is damaged while the spell is in use, the actual cage is destroyed as well.

Tisin's Libram Cache

Level: Conjuror 5 Components: V,S,M, Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn, Duration: Until discharged Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

When the magic user casts the libram cache on her spell book, the spell "sits" until activated. When the spell book fails a saving throw, rather than be destroyed, the tome is transported to a pocket dimension where, for each point under the required save that was rolled, it will stay 24 hours before returning to the magic user. For example, if the tome required a 10 to save against acid and a 7 was rolled, the tome would be gone for 3 days. The material component for this spell is a specially prepared silk bag that must be filled with powdered gold and placed in a dark space for a week.

Sixth Level

The Cruel Cube of Munnar the Mad

Level: Conjuror 6 Components: V,S,M, Range: 1" per level Casting Time: 6 seg., Duration: 1 turn Saving Throw: Neg., Area of Effect: 1" x 1" x 1" cube

This spell creates a transparent cube of a glass-like material which is open on the top. The cube is AC 5 and has hit points equal to the total hit points of the magic user who created it. Inside the cube will be one of the following:

1. Black Pudding

2. Ochre Jelly

3. Grey Ooze

4. Green Slime

5. Gelatinous Cube

If the target makes its save when the spell is cast, the cube misses the target, but is still there. If the target fails its save, it is trapped in the cube and takes damage every round from the cube's occupant. The victim can escape the cube by breaking its walls or by being rescued. The victim may be rescued when someone throws a rope down into the cube, or levitates them out etc. 

The walls are too slick to climb. Even after escaping, the victim still has to deal with having the

occupant on its clothing and armor, etc. For the duration of the spell, the cube can be left in place or thrown again once per round, until it traps a target. The spell's material components are a drop of vinegar, a pinch of copper dust and a drop of any one of the above creatures.

Korgander's Unicorn

Level: Conjuror 6 Components: V,S,M, Range: 1" per level Casting Time: 6 seg. Duration: 1 turn/lvl Saving Throw: Spec. Area of Effect: Special

Korgander's Unicorn summons a unicorn for the magic-user to use as a mount. 

Unicorn: AC 2; MV 24"; HD 4+4; ATT 3: DA 1-6,1-6,1-12; SA charge and attack with horn

(+2 to hit, 2-24 damage), horn a remedy against all forms of poison; SD: senses

approach of enemy at 24" distance, move silently and surprise opponents on a 1-5,

dimension door 36" once per day, saving throws as 11th level magic-user, cannot be

charmed or held, death spells do not affect them


The magic-user casting the spell must not be evil in alignment. The unicorn can be used

for travel, healing, and can be used for stealth applications because of its ability to surprise others and not be surprised. The mount may be led into battle, but will not directly battle good or neutral creatures. For example, it will help the magic user avoid those creatures, but will not attack them unless attacked. The material components of this spell are a pair of +1 daggers (consumed in the casting), and two copper coins fused together.

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount IV

Level: Conjuror 6 Components: V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 5 seg., Duration: 1hr+1hr/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

This spell summons one obedient mount for every three levels of the conjuror's experience;

it serves the caster or a designated target's command. Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount IV summons giant spiders, giant hornets, giant amphibious snakes, wyverns or ice toads, depending on the environment. The material components of this spell are a pearl worth at least 150 gp and a small leather bag. If the caster substitutes a pair of 1000 gp pearls and a ring of protection the spell summons one mount, but the duration is permanent.

7th Level

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount V

Level: Conjuror 7 Components: V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 6 seg. Duration: 1 day + 1hr/lvl Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: Special

This spell summons one obedient mount for every three levels of the conjuror's experience; it serves the caster or a designated target's command. Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount V summons phase spiders, displacer beasts, winter wolves, kamadans, griffins, hippogriffs or sea lions, depending on the environment. The material components of this spell are a pearl

worth at least 200 gp and a small leather bag. If the caster substitutes a pair of 1000gp pearls and a ring of protection, the spell summons one mount but the duration is permanent.

8th Level

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount VI

Level: Conjuror 8 Components: V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 7 seg., Duration: 1 day + 1hr/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

This spell summons one obedient mount for every three levels of the conjuror's experience;

it serves the caster or a designated target's command. Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount VI summons carrion crawlers, manticores, giant cave bears, pterodactyls or ankhegs, depending on the environment. The material components of this spell are a pearl worth at least 250 gp and  

small leather bag. If the caster substitutes a pair of 1000 gp pearls and a ring of protection, the spell summons one mount, but the duration is permanent.

The Pandimensional Armory of Aranath theTriumphant

Level: Conjuror 8 Components: V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn, Duration: Permanent Saving Throw:None, Area of Effect: 2"x2"x2" space per level

Aranath's signature spell creates a permanent extra-dimensional space to house as many weapons as can fit. Visitors to the space may walk in and float anywhere within the cube to obtain any desired weapon. The Pandimensional Armory must still be stocked, but this can be

done by casting weapons through a gateway to the armory; the gateway can be opened at any time by the caster. Each 2" cube of the armory may carry 40 large-sized weapons/suits of armor (e.g. pole arms), or 80 medium-sized weapons (e.g. long swords, shields), or up to 200 small-sized weapons (e.g. daggers, hand axes). A Pandimensional Armory created by a 14th level warlock could house 560 pole arms, 1120 long swords, or 2800 daggers. Any combination of these that doesn't exceed the maximum is permitted. The armory is permanent, and a mage may only have one armory active at any given time. The material components of the spell are a +1 magic weapon (of any kind) or +1 shield or +1 armor, sapphire dust from a stone worth at least 500 gp, and a custom-made brass lock. These are fired in a brazier, and consumed in the casting.

Tenbir's Mighty Tower

Level: Conjuror 8 Components: V,S,M, Range: 1" per level Casting Time: 1 turn, Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Tower 4"x4"x20"

Tenbir's Mighty Tower constructs a full-sized tower from the rocks and minerals in the ground. The tower has the dimensions mentioned in the area of effect. The Defensive Point Value of the tower (DMG pg 110) is contingent on the kind of stone available where the spell is cast. It takes a turn to cast the spell, and an hour for the tower to assemble itself. The tower has a maximum of eight floors with a maximum of 4 rooms per floor. The tower has up to 20 windows, a spiral staircase that runs the length of the tower, and battlements atop the tower. Along the battlements are four gargoyle statues; each can animate once per day. The spell's material components are significant: the magic user must provide a diamond (or diamonds) worth no less than 2000gp, a drop of their own blood, a gargoyle heart (it does not need to be fresh), and a magical hammer of at least +1 enchantment. 

With these components, the tower has spartan furnishings. Adding a 500gp ruby furnishes the tower to a normal standard. Adding the 500gp ruby and also a 500gp emerald lavishly furnishes the tower. 

Level 9

Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount VII

Level: Conjuror 9 Components: V,S,M, Range: Special Casting Time: 9 seg., Duration: 1 day + 1 hr/lvl Saving Throw: None, Area of Effect: Special

This spell summons one obedient mount for every three levels of the conjuror's experience;

it serves the caster or a designated target's command. Mohrgull's Magnificent Mount VI summons chimeras, 7 headed hydras, dragon turtles or remorhazs*, depending on the environment. The material components of this spell are a pearl worth at least 400 gp and a small leather bag. If the caster substitutes a pair of 1000 gp pearls and a ring of protection the spell summons one mount, but the duration is permanent.

*note that the caster and up to one other designated person per level of the caster may ride the remorhaz without taking damage from the heat on its back, anyone else takes normal damage from it’s back as usual. 

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