Thursday, May 4, 2023

Building Bhakashal - Encounter Creation and NPCs

When I want to make an encounter for Bhakashal there are a few options. I can roll on the faction goals table to set up a goal and interpret from there. I can roll on the patron goals table and create the encounter around that. 

Another way I like to create encounters is to roll up a mid-level NPC then build an encounter around them. I will do this today to show how it is done.

First off, I generate a 6th level NPC, I decide to roll amongst the arcane classes, and I get a chimerist, in Bhakashal, a chimerist specializes in alteration magic, the largest category of magic in the game. 

Other than picking an arcane class, everything else about the character is rolled randomly, from the spell selection to skills to languages to magic items. The idea here is to let the system produce a NPC using full randomization, and to use that as your prompt.

With that in mind, we have Ugal the Chrysoprase, 6th level Malu Jantu Inquisitor Chimerist of House Dhom.

Ugal the Chrysoprase – 6th level - Malu- Jantu Inquisitor – Chimerist - House Dhom [CN]

MV:12”/18”  - AC:  - HP: 22 [6,3,2,5,6]


Ability Scores

S – 11 [+1]

I - 16 [+3]
W – 8 [-1]
D – 15 [+3]
C – 15 [+3]
C – 16 [+3]/+15%


Saving Throws

Paralyzation [+10]

Poison [+12]

Death Magic [+8]

Petrification [+12]

Polymorph [+8]

Breath Weapon [+12]

Spell [+8]

Deity - Murla  (Creation, Life, Rivers)

Languages – Malu, Togmu, Saan, Sahuagin, Vodnik

Appearance – 8’ tall, dark green


1. Gemologist, Barterer, Navigator

2. Infravision 120’

3. Amphibious

4. +10% on their “to know” for alteration spells

5. Read and speak bronze dragon, +20% encounter reaction

6. Chimerical Creatures:

  a) -2 on saves vrs chimerist spells

  b) chimerists save at +2 vrs their attacks

  c) +10% on reaction rolls

7. Sage: Major Field: Supernatural and Unusual, Specialization: Heraldry, Signs & Sigils, and Numerology/Cryptography, Minor Field: Yalan


Weapons – Attack Bonus: +2

1.      Naginata: (+3/+3) 1-8/1-10, WS: 4, WvrsAC: -1M/+1L/+2N, Critical: Dismount

2.      Harpoon [18]: (+3) 2-7/2-9, WS:5, Range: 8/16/24 [6/12/18]*, WvrsAC: +1M/+3L/+4N, Critical: Remain



Spells Per day – 2 (1st), 2 (2nd), 2 (3rd)

+ 3 bonus spells – any level

1 - Amorantal’s Rhythmic Run

1 - Jump

1 - Message

1 - Lharr Nezzurazdun’s Shorn Strands

2 - Thessalin’s Emancipatory Enchantment

2 - Rope Trick

3 - Korkuun the Terrible’s Instantaneous Libation

3 - Sjin’Saar’s  Corrosive Decay

3 - Whinroon’s Bladed Cobra

4 - Plant Growth

4 - Polymorph Other*

5 - Farranthir the Vain’s Pilfered Proficiency

5 - Leomund’s Secret Chest

7 - Firrwin Hollinshae’s Release the Beast

*Cast as 8th level, 71% chance to end a Polymorph Other cast by another, 65% chance to resist Polymorph Other against them


Equipment: Backpack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, flint and steel, (3) torches, waterskin, iron rations, blanket


Encumbrance: +360 gp

Clothing:  leather kilt

Personality: Suspicious, Scheming, Unforgiving


Wealth: 700gp ring, 500gp ring, 400gp necklace, 40gp, (3) 300 gp gems


Magic Items

- +2 Naginata

- Ring of Convention

- Wand of Enemy Detection (17)

- Philter of Persuasiveness, Potion of Extra Healing

- Scroll: 1 - Ammon Marr’s Projectile Extension, 2- Torubalt’s Mighty Tension, 3 - Flame Arrow

- Scroll: 4 – Dimension Door, 5 – Svintooth’s Mighty Carriage. 7- Phase Door

Bhakashal Spell and Item Descriptions

Amorantal’s Rhythmic Run (Alteration)

Level: 1

Casting Time: 1 segment

Range: individual touched

Duration: 5 rounds/level

Area of Effect: 1’x1”x1” cube

Components: V,S,M

Saving Throw: none

The rhythmic run allows the caster to “skate” over surfaces as if they were skating on ice. The surface need not be entirely flat or even, but the presence of a large amount of boulders or other obstructions will make the area impassable. The caster can skate at a move equal to 16” + 1” per level, if, however, she is encumbered or heavily armored the move is reduced to 12”. If the they make any sudden turns (90 degrees or less) while under the influence of Amorantal’s spell they must roll a save versus breath weapon or lose balance and fall, requiring a round to gain their feet. The material component of this spell is a pair of small metal blades (daggers will do).

Lharr Nezzurazdun’s Shorn Strands (Alteration)

Level: 1

Casting Time: 1 segment

Range: 1” per level

Duration: 1 round per level.

Area of Effect: 1’ material per level 

Components: V,S,M

Saving  Throw: none

The shorn strands will tear any fabric or otherwise braided material apart, creating a permanent rip in the object in question. The AOE listed is the maximum, and if the tear is long enough to cover the entire object it can tear it in half. For example, it can be used to tear a sail, a cloak, a robe, a scroll, a rope, a belt, a strap, anything made of fibrous material woven together. If the material in question is magical it gets a saving throw against magical fire, if not it does not. Magical bonuses (e.g. a +2 cloak of protection) get directly applied to saving throws, each power generates a +1 save bonus as well. Scrolls get a save bonus of +1 for every spell on the scroll, protection scrolls get a blanket +2 bonus on their save. The warlock may attempt at most twice with any given casting of the spell to rend a magical item. The material component of this spell is a piece of fabric wrapped around a flattened palm, which is then moved in a slicing motion towards the object to be impacted.

Thessalin’s Emancipatory Enchantment (Alteration)

Level: 2

Casting Time: 1 segment

Range: touch

Duration: 1 turn/level

Area of Effect: special

Components: V

Saving  Throw: none

When cast the Emancipatory Enchantment allows a warlock to cast any 1st to 3rd level spell while mounted and moving. Range, AOE, etc. otherwise stay the same.

Korkuun the Terrible’s Instantaneous Libation (Alteration)

Level: 3

Casting Time: 3 segments

Range: 1”

Duration: permanent

Area of Effect: 1 potion

Components: V,S,M

Saving Throw: none

Korkuun’s ingenious spell allows the warlock to create a potion on the spot using a sample taken from a recently killed monster (only monsters, no animals). The monster must be a fresh kill, no more than a turn dead at the outside. The monster must be linked to the intended potion’s power in some way as well. For example, a giant’s finger for a potion of giant strength, a treant’s bark for a potion of plant control, etc. When the warlock casts this spell she rolls a saving throw versus spell with a +1/2 levels experience to see if the enchantment was successful. The material component of this spell is the sample from the recently dead monster and a small sample from a potion of polymorph self (this can be done twice at most before the potion will be unusable). If the spell is cast to create a potion of polymorph self then the resulting elixir will have double the values for all relevant parameters of the spell (e.g. range, duration, etc.)

Sjin’Saar’s Corrosive Decay (Alteration)

Level: 3

Casting Time: 3 segments

Range: 1” per level

Duration: instantaneous

Area of Effect: up to a 1/2” rad sphere per level

Components: V,S,M

Saving’s Throw: special

Once described as the “battle mage’s fireball”, Sjin’Saar’s Corrosive Decay causes all ferrous items in the area of effect to save against lightning or be instantly corroded and fall apart. Note that the save versus lightning is for soft metal, whether the iron is hard or not. Iron based Magic weapons rust apart when they corrode. Magic metals weapons and armor gain a bonus on their save equivalent to plus of weapon or armor. Additional powers (e.g. magic swords) give +1 save bonuses for every power. Iron rings, amulets, wands/staves/wands are also impacted, and gain a +1 per plus or power. Items that make their saving throws take no damage. The material component of this spell is a rod of iron and a drop of mercury, and it generally manifests as a swirling ball of dark green fire that explodes to fill the AOE.

Whinroon’s Bladed Cobra (Alteration)

Level: 3

Casting Time: 3 segments

Range: touch

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect: one weapon/3 levels

Components: V,S,M

Saving  Throw: None

The Bladed Cobra, penned by Whinroon Billos the Brazen, Magus Warlock of House Kallost,  can be cast on one bladed weapon of any kind for every 3 levels of the warlock casting the spell. Each of the weapons so enchanted will have the following properties: 

- The weapon’s speed will be reduced by 2 to a minimum of 1.

- Any melee combat with the weapon will ignore considerations of initiative and directly compare weapon speeds to determine first attack

- Any spell casting against the weapon user in melee range will ignore considerations of initiative and compare casting times directly to weapon speed to determine first action

The material component of this spell is a strip of snake skin, a silver piece and a drop of water.

Farranthir the Vain’s Pilfered Proficiency (Alteration)

Level: 5

Casting Time: 5 segments

Range: 1” per level

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect: special

Components: V,S,M

Saving Throw: neg.

Farranthir’s devious spell allows the caster to pilfer one skill from a victim for every 3 levels of experience, skills may be pilfered from multiple victims, but only one skill per victim. This skill can be combat related (e.g. Attack bonus), class related (a thieving skill, say hide in shadows, or a slayer’s tracking skills), or a non-weapon proficiency like blacksmithing, but it cannot be spell casting. For the duration of the spell the caster will perform this skill exactly as the victim would. During this time, the victim loses the skill in question. The material component of this spell is a magpie feather.

Firrwin Hollinshae’s Release the Beast (Alteration)

Level: 7

Casting Time: 7 segments

Range: individual

Duration: 1 turn/level

Area of Effect: individual

Components: V,S,M

Saving Throw: none

This spell can only be cast at night. The spell transforms the warlock into a lycanthrope for the duration of the spell. The warlock gains 1 HP per HD of the lycanthrope they change into, all damage comes off those HP first. Their AC changes to that of the lycanthrope plus any applicable magical bonuses, if this is not better than their current AC, their current AC drops by 1. Their move also changes to that of the lycanthrope. Roll a d12:

1-4 Wererat 3HD, AC 6, MV 12”, NA 1, DA 1-8, SA – Surprise on a 1-4

5-7 Werewolf 4HD, AC 5, MV 15”, NA 1, DA 2-8, SA – Surprise on a 1-3

8-9 Wereboar 5HD, AC 4, MV 12”, NA 1, DA 2-12

10-11 Weretiger 6HD, AC 3, MV 12”, NA 3, DA 1-4,1-4,2-12, SA – Rake for 2-5,2-5

12 Werebear 7HD, AC 2, MV 9”, NA 3, DA 1-3,1-3,2-8, SA – Hug for 2-16

Damage done by the warlock while transformed does not run the risk of making the victim into a lycanthrope. The warlock gains the protection from all but silver and magical weapons. The material component of this spell is a silver dagger that has been left out under a full moon.

Scroll Spells

Ammon Marr’s Projectile Extension (Alteration)

Level: 1

Casting Time: 1 segment

Range: touch

Duration: 1 round per level.

Area of Effect: 1 missile per level

Components: V,S,M

Saving Throw: none

The projectile extension can be applied to one missile of any kind per level of the caster. That missile, for the duration of the spell, will have its range penalties removed. This will add a +2 to hit at short range, and a +1 at medium range. If shot within the duration of this spell the arrow cannot be destroyed or lost. The material component of this spell is a feather from a bird of prey like a kestrel, hawk, eagle or falcon.

Torubalt’s Mighty Tension (Alteration)

Level: 2

Casting Time: 2 segments

Range: 1” per level

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect: 1 item per level

Components: V,S,M

Saving Throw: neg.

The mighty tension spell impacts bows and ropes and fabrics of all kinds. One items per level of the caster within the range, as chosen by the caster, must save versus spell or become marked by either extreme tension or extreme slackness. If the victim is willing no save is required. Bows made magically tense are +2 to hit and +2 to damage for the duration of the spell. Bows made slack are useless. Ropes made tense will snap under the addition of ¼ the weight that they can normally carry. Ropes made slack will extend in length 20% and have a 20% chance of becoming unraveled and breaking. Clothing made tense will give a 1 point penalty to AC and will make spell casting with somatic components require a saving throw versus breath weapon. In addition, robes or cloaks made tense will have a 10% chance per level of caster of leading to asphyxiation (save versus paralysation or unconscious for d4 rounds). Clothing such as boots or cloaks or gloves made slack will have a 10% chance per level of falling off. The material component of this spell is a small piece of fabric which is stretched around the warlock’s hand when casting the spell. This spell can be used to stop a Rug of Constricting from wrapping around an opponent and can unravel a Rope of Entanglement by acting like a Dispel Magic by the caster.

Svintooth’s Mighty Carriage (Conjuration)

Level: 5

Casting Time: 5 segments

Range: 1” per level

Duration: 1 hour/level

Area of Effect: special

Components: V,S,M

Saving  Throw: none

Svintooth’s signature spell summons a wyvern carrying an iron cage in its talons. Up to 8 med. sized creatures or their equivalent may be carried in the iron cage at a time. After summoning, the wyvern will fly the passengers in the cage at maximum movement (24”) up to the duration of the spell. The material component for this spell is a black pearl worth no less than 100 gp, and the wing of a bat.

Ring of Convention

A Ring of Convention will be made of the finest silver and will house a black pearl in a setting of a grasping hand. The ring has two primary functions. 

a) Once a day the ring will do a low level ESP scan of all living creatures in a maximum of 10” radius and learn the social conventions they use. The wearer will be aware of all customs and be able to navigate complex social arrangements easily. This would also include things like passwords for the watch, special handshakes or hand signals for communication, etc.

b) Once a day the ring can be used to determine the command word for a magic item (e.g. wand), base chance of 20% + 5% per level of wearer. The ring can only be used once for this purpose on any given magic item.

The Setup

Now I look at the character and see what jumps out.

  1. Ugal has a minor field in Yalan culture and speaks Yalan

  2. He can make potions from animal/monster parts using Korkuun’s spell

  3. He has a ring of convention, which allows him to know local conventions and traditions

Put these together and here is the hook:

The noble Houses of Bhakashal each have a set “territory” in the marshes that belongs to their House. A powerful warlock at House Dhom, Khenrazz Racc, located an entrance into what is believed to be an ancient warlock’s laboratory, hidden behind a door covered with 12 magic runes. Ugal has a Major Field specializations in Signs & Sigils, and Numerology/Cryptography. He has spent the last few months working on translating the symbols and is half completed.

House Dhom is aligned Chaotic Neutral, which means the organization rewards individual initiative and is indifferent to harms that result from their goals. Khenrazz does not want other Lords from House Dhom to know of his discovery, so he has to keep the locals in the marshlands from ‘talking’. Ugal was picked for this task because the majority of the villages near the site are Yalan, and Ugal’s knowledge of their culture, combined with speaking Yalan and his Ring of Convention mean he has been able to convince the elders of the various villages to keep the excavation a secret and help him to maintain the secret. 

Looking at Ugal’s 1st level spells (Amorantal’s Rhythmic Run, Jump, Message), I decide that Ugal started out as a “runner”, taking and sending messages to different units in the field during conflicts. So he is pretty unflappable.

He has the hunters in the villages bring him kills as soon as possible after they are slain so he can use Korkuun the Terrible’s Instantaneous Libation to make potions that he gives out to the villagers as “incentives”.  Between this, the Ring of Convention and his knowledge of Yalan culture Ugal is the perfect emissary to get the Yalan villages to help keep their secret. 

Now, how do you insert the party into all of this?

Let’s say the party works for Quin Faal the Iolite, a warlock at House Quannar. Quin Faal has found out about Ugal’s project for House Dhom, and he sends the party in to try and convince Ugal to let Faal join him in his attempt to gain access to the hidden laboratory (as he has not been able to finish translating the runes yet). Either get him to turn on House Dhom (not very likely) or at least get him to share what is found in exchange for Faal’s help.

That’s the task.

I would then draw up a quick map of the excavation site and nearby encampment. Since the Yalan are actively working to hide and protect the project, the marshes around the site will have Yalan guards patrolling. 

The encampment is “disguised” as a mercenary camp for anyone who stumbles upon it.

There are a pair of giant fire lizards chained up near the entrance to the cave they are excavating, about 20 0-level House Dhom regulars “disguised” as mercs with samnite armor, broadswords, crossbows and spears, and a small, three story tower for Ugal. First floor has a kitchen/dining room, spare room. Second floor has his entire library on sigils, signs and numerology/cryptology, transferred here so he can work. The third floor has his bedroom, a laboratory where he keeps components for potions and such, and a small cell with a thaumaturgical circle on the floor for imprisoning any extraplanar creatures they find in the laboratory. There is a pair of phase spiders that crawl around the whole tower, trained to attack anyone who enters who is not wearing any yellow. 

What lies beyond the signs in the cave is not detailed at this point as there are still 6 sigils to be decoded so no one is going in any time soon.

Looking at his spells again, now that we know the setup, a few things to be noted:

  1. If the party arrives during the day there is a 70% chance that Ugal will be in the caves, if they arrive and attack he will attempt to get to the tower where his weapons and magic items are kept (the magic items are in his room in a locked chest with a poison needle trap). The only magic items he keeps on his person when he is out and around are the Ring of Convention and the Philter of Persuasiveness. 

  2. Thessalin’s Emancipatory Enchantment suggests that Ugal would have a mount, so he rides a mambar (giant alligator).

  3. Ugal can cast spells from the top of his tower if alerted early enough, his troops are aware of his spells and distribute themselves accordingly, attack accordingly, etc.

  4. Sjin’Saar’s Corrosive Decay can be cast against any armored parties to cause problems

  5. Ugal’s tower is in the marshes in a heavily forested area near the caves, he can use Plant Growth to tangle up the party if they get too close and are clustered up

  6. He can use Message to communicate with his troops during a fight

  7. If he has to fight using his naginata from the back of his Mambar, he will use the Bladed Cobra on his naginata and Farrenthir's spell to "borrow" the fighting ability from one of the party tanks to improve his chances.

  8. All of his wealth is contained in a Leomund’s Secret Chest, the small replica is held in the chest in his room.

  9. Since Ugal has no real “pew pew” spells, he has 4 chitin henchmen, all 2nd level mercenaries armed with two shortswords and a crossbow each, that follow him at all times. In addition he has a polymorphed former enemy, Yagal Mogma the Orange, who has been transformed into a displacer beast, who is always at his side. Ugal has made a bargain with Yagal, if she serves Ugal faithfully for a year, Ugal will break the polymorph and release her. The Yagal/displacer beast will obey Ugal, but if the party finds out she is polymorphed and offers to free her there should be a reaction roll to see if she turns.

  10. If the party is proving to be threatening, Ugal will use one or more of his three scroll spells (Scroll: 1 - Ammon Marr’s Projectile Extension, 2- Torubalt’s Mighty Tension, 3 - Flame Arrow) to enchant the crossbows of his henchmen.

  11. If he has to “get out of dodge” fast, Ugal will have his henchmen and the displacer beast attack, use Dimension Door to escape to the roof of the tower (there is no door from the third floor to the roof), and cast Svintooth’s Mighty Carriage to escape.

The party will have to either sneak in and use force/persuasion on Ugal, or approach openly with an offer from Quin Faal, or come up with some other way to try and achieve their goal. Ideally, they will get Ugal to throw in with Quin Faal, perhaps even defect to house Quannar, otherwise getting him to agree to “share” the project would still constitute a success. Also, if they slay Ugal, or destroy his library, then that would be a loss as it would put back the project of gaining access to the hidden laboratory.

On the topic of “convincing” Ugal, it should be noted that he has a low wisdom (8), so he might be amenable to doing something dangerous if he thought the personal reward was enough. The party could play off of his ambitions (“Khenrazz will keep the treasures of the laboratory for himself, and claim the victory, you are here doing the work, Quin Faal will let you have the reward and the fame”), or try to work the Yalan villagers to turn against him unless he agrees to let Faal become part of the venture.

This is an interesting encounter as direct force, or worse yet deadly force, against Ugal will be counterproductive in many cases. He already has a good setup here, with the locals cooperating, so he has little incentive to change his mind.


Bhakashal gives you a number of different ways to construct encounters, designing an NPC then building an encounter around them is one of those ways. A completely randomized NPC presents multiple possible prompts for the referee, then their job is to interpret them in such a way as to provide a potential adventure for the party. The existing faction and patron goal tables, combined with the prompt of a NPC, are more than enough to construct an exciting scenario.

Onwards to glory!

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Building Bhakashal - Session Report Image by Tooth Wu - Artstation - My Thursday group did not meet t...