Monday, April 4, 2022

Building Bhakashal - Grappling

I designed a system for grappling a while back, then, while generating stats for some NPCs this past weekend I had the brainstorm to link grappling to criticals. The critical system has a mechanic for adding to your combat roll, once I thought about it the obvious connection just jumped out at me. Why have a separate system for grappling when I can just piggyback on the existing system of criticals?

The ability to spend HP to alter rolls, combined with a roll over critical point system, allows the parties to nudge results in one direction or another, and adds some strategy to fighting.

I will outline the rules then run an example.



Bhakashal - Grappling

1. Grappling is moderated with opposing rolls

2. A maximum of 4 opponents can grapple one target the same size or larger, a larger grappler can grapple only one target a size category smaller than them. 

3. If the target to be grappled has a weapon in hand, they get one free attack with that weapon before grappling can begin.  

3. Each side rolls initiative, on the solo side apply DEX modifier to the roll, on the group side apply the lowest DEX modifier to the roll. The side that wins initiative gets to decide on spending points first, after both sides have rolled for grappling.

4. To grapple you need to roll a critical on the standard attack table:

Attack Table (d20)

1-14 - miss

15-19 - hit for ½ damage

20-24- hit

25+ critical hit

5. Each side rolls a d20, with the following modifiers:

  1. STR bonus

  2. DEX bonus

  3. Situational bonuses

  4. Level/HD

  5. 0-level mercenaries, Chitin and Yalan get a +1 for a DEX or STR bonus

  6. Low-level mercenaries have base modifiers of +1STR/+1DEX/+1CON. Low level Spiders have a base +1 DEX modifier. Technically any class can have ability bonuses, so the referee can add infrequent +2’s and +3’s to these stats at their discretion.  

  7. If the side trying to grapple has more than one member, each member gets an additional +1 per member of that side, for example, if 4 bandits grappled a warrior, each bandit would get a 4 point bonus.

  8. For Mercenaries, Myrmidon’s, Cavarals, Theurgists, Voxes, Phantasmists, Chitin and Yalan, total their bonus and add half again for this calculation. 

  9. For Spartans triple the bonus 

  10. Someone with a martial arts proficiency or a grappling proficiency totals their bonus and adds half again. Mercenaries, Myrmidon’s, Cavarals, Theurgists, Voxes, Phantasmists, Chitin and Yalan with a martial arts or grappling proficiency double their bonus


  1. Initiative is rolled once, when grappling starts. Once the target is grappled, the grappler has the initiative until the grapple is broken. 

  2. To win the grapple one side must have the most criticals.

  3. If neither side rolls a critical the grapple attempt is unsuccessful and opponents are in melee range, initiative is then rolled

  4. If both sides roll only one critical each, the highest rolled critical wins 

  5. When a member of either side rolls above 25 for their critical, they may apply a penalty to the opposing party’s rolls equal to the excess. The penalty is applied by the party with initiative first. 

  6. If one side gets more criticals than the other they are successful, e.g., they have either commenced or maintained the grappling on the target or the target has escaped the grapple

  7. When a grapple is broken, the participant who broke free can either take one free action against their assailants or put their movement rate in feet between them and their assailants before initiative is rolled

  8. If the grapple is not broken, subsequent rounds roll again to attempt to break hold

  9. When a grapple is successful, the victim may be hit at +4 once per round by up to four outside attackers until the hold is broken.  If one of the grapplers rolls a successful saving throw versus paralyzation (modifier: level + STR bonus + CON bonus) they can leave the grapple without breaking it and strike with a weapon or fist, or an individual during the grapple can shift the grapple to hold the target with one hand and strike with a small weapon for +4 to hit. Note that is someone leaves the grapple then the next attempt to break the grapple does not include the combatant that left the grapple.

  10. If grappled, a target can attempt to break the grapple with a regular roll, and once per day per point of STR or DEX bonus, they can roll a saving throw versus paralyzation to increase their bonus for one grappling attempt. For all but Mercenaries, Myrmidon’s, Cavarals, Theurgists, Voxes, Phantasmists, Chitin and Yalan, a successful save increases their bonus value by ½ for the attempt. For Mercenaries, Myrmidon’s, Cavarals, Theurgists, Voxes, Phantasmists, Chitin and Yalan a successful save increases their base bonus by 2X, for Spartans a successful save takes their base bonus and increases it by 4X. 

  11. Any successfully grappled opponent can either be held in a grapple or overborne to the ground, successful grappler’s choice.


Byam the Bronze is a Myrmidon from House Horn. Myrmidons are the Bhakashal version of fighter/magic-users, they participate in the Noble House hunts, and are used to fighting with and without magic. They use potions rather than cast spells (though they do have a small selection of spells they can cast related to potions). At 3rd level, Byam participates in the hunt under command as scout, hound or chaser, so he has seen melee, missile and spell combat with animals and monsters. 

They are one of 9 of Bhakashal’s 20 classes with grappling bonuses.  

He has 12 HP, a STR bonus of +2, +2 DEX bonus, +1 CON bonus and no armor (AC:8), he is passing through an alleyway when he is confronted by three 2nd level Kutya Spiders, each wearing padded leather armor, Myk Chayme (8HP, +2 DEX) , Bambel Rokk (5 HP, +1 DEX), Loga “Big Claw” Hortu (12 HP, +1 DEX,+2 STR). They were sent to shake him down after he had defeated a minor House Himmenghost Lord in an honor duel. Lord Romakla the Vyse of House Himmenghost hired the Kutya to beat up Byam (leaving no serious wounds) to throw him off his game, then he plans to challenge him to combat to restore his honor.

No surprise is indicated. 

Initiative is rolled, Byam rolls a 2, reduced by for DEX 2 to a 0, but 1 is the minimum possible so Byam scores a 1.

The three kutya roll a 4, you apply the lowest DEX modifier of 1, and that gives you a 3. 

So Byam wins initiative in the grapple. Note that the Kutya could spend HP to lower their initiative rolls, but no one decides to do that yet. 

Their grappling mods are:

Byam: STR (+2) and DEX (+2) mods, a level mod (+3)and a class based multiplier of 1.5X

Totals = +2,+2,+3 = +7, as a Myrmidon that increases by 1.5X to a +11

For the Kutya, there are level and stat bonuses, and a bonus for being in a group of 3 (+3)

Myk Chayme - +2 level, +2 DEX, + 3 (multiple grapplers bonus) = + 7

Bambel Rokk - +2 level, +1 DEX, + 3 (multiple grapplers bonus) = +7

Loga “Big Claw” Hortu +2 level, +1 DEX +2 STR, + 3 (multiple grapplers bonus) = +8

Each side rolls a d20 with mods: 

Byam the Bronze - rolled 19 + 11 = 30 - Critical hit - 5 points over, so he can deduct up to 5 points from any of the opposing side’s rolls

Myk Chayme - rolled 19 + 7= 26 Critical

Bambel Rokk - rolled 18 + 7 = 25 Critical

Loga “Big Claw” Hortu - rolled 5 + 8 = 13 not-Critical

Byam won initiative so spends points first, either the excess points from the roll or his own HP to alter his grappling roll. Byam has a roll of 30, the highest of the critical’s rolled. So if he can change one of those two criticals into regular hits and keep the highest score, he will be paired with one other lower score critical and win… 

His opponents have two responses available, if they rolled over a 25 for their critical they can spend excess points to lower Byam’s roll in response, or they can spend their own HP to increase their grappling roll back up into critical territory, and even to a score that exceeds 25 points, and they could then spend the excess to reduce Byam’s roll if needed.

Byam decides to spend 1 point of his 5 to lower Bambel Rokk’s grappling roll to a 24, so it is no longer a critical hit. 

The Kutya’s side responds now, Myk Chayme rolled one over so has one point to spend, he could reduce Byam’s roll to a 28, but to defeat him at that point he would have to spend four HP to increase his own roll from a 25 to a 29, so he would be over Byam’s roll. 4 HP is too much to pay, so he decides to not spend the HP. Bambel is in a similar boat with even fewer HP. 

So with one critical on each side, and Byam’s roll the highest, Byam breaks free of the grappling attempt.

When he does so he can either flee or take an action, he chooses to flee and can travel his movement rate in feet before initiative will be rolled again. 

Ref- “As you pass by some boxes in the alley three Kutya toughs emerge from the shadows, lunging at you en masse. You push forward, focusing all your weight on one of the Kutya, and manage to break free of the group and stumble down the alleyway. The Kutya regroup and are in hot pursuit”

Byam scrambles down the alley way, he hopes to get to the end and call out for a Ward Patrol. Unfortunately, Byam is an Emberi (human), and Kutya (dog folk) are much faster. They catch up to him again near the end of the alley and try to tackle him again.

Initiative is rolled, Byam rolls a 4, reduced by DEX to a 2, the Kutya roll a 5, reduced by DEX to a 4. Byam wins the initiative again. 

Now the grappling rolls:

Grappling Rolls

Byam the Bronze - rolled 10 + 11 = 21 not-Critical

Myk Chayme - rolled 5+7 = 12 not-Critical

Bambel Rokk - rolled 13 +7 = 20 not-Critical

Loga “Big Claw” Hortu - rolled 18 + 8 = 26 Critical

So the Kutya’s side wins the grapple with their one critical by Loga. Byam would have to spend 6 hp to increase his score to 27 and beat Loga, and that’s assuming that Loga wouldn’t spend HP in response. 

Byam decides to let it stand, and he is grappled and held.

Loga decides he wants to work over Byam, so he has to roll a saving throw versus Paralyzation to exit the grapple without breaking it, his bonus is +2 for level and +2 for STR (no CON bonus), so +4. He rolls a 13, so 17 all total, 3 points short. Loga spends 3 HP to shift up the result to a save, reducing his HP to 9. He leaves the grapple while his friends hold Byam, and he delivers a blow to his stomach. He gets a +6 to hit (+4 for being held, +2 for STR), +8 for AC = +14, and rolls a 7 for a 21, a hit! He rolls 1-3 damage for 2 points +2 for STR. Now Byam is at 8 HP. Still above half, no penalties yet.

The Kutya snarls at the myrmidon, “Not so tough without Ward guards around eh?

Byam can see where this is going, and decides to try and break free now before he is too weak to do so. He rolls a saving throw versus paralyzation with a + 6 bonus, he rolls a 12+6 = 18, just short, so he spends 2 hp, reducing him to 6 hp, exactly at half, making the save. This allows him to boost his bonus 1-1/2X, from an 11 to a 17.

So Byam gets a +17 modifier to his roll


Byam the Bronze - rolled 16+17=33, 8 over 25, so he can deduct up to 8 points from the rolls of others

Myk Chayme - rolled 7+7= 14 not-Critical

Bambel Rokk - rolled 19 +7 = 26 Critical

Loga “Big Claw” Hortu - rolled 20 + 8 = 28 Critical

Byam can deduct up to 8 points, he splits them unevenly and lowers Bambel’s roll to 24, and Loga’s roll to 24. This means he has the only critical, and his score is 27. However, Loga spends 1 hp to get his score back up to 25 again, reducing him to 8hp, still above half. Bambel isn’t spending any HP as he only has 5. So that means one critical on each side. In that situation, the grapple goes to the grappled, and Byam breaks free.

Ref - “When Byam was punched he doubled over, he springs back up and throws his two assailants off balance, then charges forward, knocking Loga to the ground and sprinting away. Byam is 12’ away when the Kutya regroup to chase him.”

Byam realizes that the Kutya will just catch him again, but they can’t start a grapple until in melee range, and he is out of melee range at 12”, so he decides to quaff a potion. Myrmidon’s have potions readily available for use (1 segment delay to retrieve), and a special spell to hurry their impact (Sieg Torson’s Expedited Elixir) so he gambles he will be able to quaff it then run, and it will kick in before they will catch him. With the spell, the potion will take effect in 3 segments (1 segment to take out the potion, one to cast the spell, and one for it to kick in), so there is an initiative penalty of 3


Byam - Rolls a 3 + 3 = 6, he knows this is do or die so he spends 2 hp to reduce the 3 to a 1, giving him a total score of 4. He is now at 4 hp, under half, so the referee takes out a Jack and puts it down, giving him a -1 penalty on everything going forward until healed. As the Kutya are going to grapple again, they all get +1 on initiative. If they get a lower roll than Byam and win initiative, he is grappled while attempting to cast his spell, disrupting it.


Byam - rolls 3 +3 = 6 - 2 (HP reduction) = 4

Myk Chayme - rolls 4+1 = 5

Bambel Rokk - rolled 4+1 = 5

Loga “Big Claw” Hortu - 6+1 = 7

Since the lowest roll for initiative for the Kutya is a 5, his spell goes off successfully, and his potion kicks in by the time they start to grapple. Byam picked a Potion of Stone Giant Strength, giving him a STR bonus of +6/+6. This changes his base grappling numbers and initiative means he spends points first.

Byam the Bronze +6 STR, +3 Level = +11, as a Myrmidon that increases 1.5X to a +17

The Kutya tackle the Myrmidon again.

Grappling Rolls

Byam the Bronze - rolled 17+17 = 34 Critical, that gives him 9 points to spend reducing the rolls of his opponents.

Myk Chayme - rolled 12+7 = 19 not-Critical 

Bambel Rokk - rolled 7+7 = 14 not-Critical

Loga “Big Claw” Hortu - rolled 17 + 8 = 25 Critical 

Byam won initiative so he spends points first. 

He reduces Loga’s roll from a 25 to a 20 (5 points), leaving him with a score of 29. Loga does not want to spend 10HP to win this, so Byam breaks the hold upon him.

This time he chooses an action when the grapple breaks, and grabs Loga. On a critical he will lift him above his head and throw him. With the Stone giant strength Byam gets a +6 to hit, added to his level based attack bonus of +2 for a total of +8.

Byam’s hands

WvrsAC: -1 (leather)

AC: +8

Situationals: -1 JACK

PC: +8

Total: +14

Roll: 14+14= 28 - A critical hit

Byam lifts the Kutya and hurls him into a wall. Damage is 1-12 +5 (it is +5 rather than +6 to damage as the JACK gives him -1 “to hit” and “to damage”), he rolls a 8 + 5 = 13 HP of damage on contact with the wall. 

Loga has 12 HP.

Referee - “The Kutya descend on Byam but by now his potion has taken effect, the Myrmidon shrugs them off and grabs “Big Claw”, lifting him above his head and hurling him through the air into a wall, a sickening ‘CRACK’ is heard as he strikes, his limp body slumping to the ground.”

The Kutya have to make a morale roll at this point, they do so and fail, both bolting at the defeat of Loga.

As they turn, Byam gets an attack of opportunity against them at +4. He takes out two daggers, takes aim and throws at the fleeing Spiders. 

Byam’s Daggers

WvrsAC: +1

AC: +7 Myk, +8 Bambel 

Situationals: +2 from behind, +4 attack of opportunity

PC: +8

Totals: +23 Bambel/+22 Myk

Rolls of 6 and 10 are both criticals. 

In this case, the damage bonus for each is +6, he rolls a 2 and a 1, for 8 hp to Myk and 7 hp to Bambel, downing the both without the criticals. 

Byam has 4 hp remaining, he is at -1 on everything until healed. He quickly searches the bodies for any identifying papers or materials to suggest who sent these thugs after him, he finds nothing of note on a quick search, and decides to leave before anyone else shows up. 


Tying the grappling system to the critical system was an example of a synergy I wasn’t expecting when I put things together. But the more I looked at it the more I liked it. The main difference with grappling is that it ignores WvrsAC and AC mods for the “to hit”, making criticals harder to achieve. 

This means that 0-levels will really only be able to achieve grapples in large numbers (giving them the bonuses to achieve one), and that being heavily armored gives you no bonuses in grappling (which makes sense).

The ability to spend HP to increase YOUR numbers is important, but as HP totals are low in Bhakashal the temptation can be risky. The wraparound nature of the grappling roll, e.g., rolls over 25 apply the excess as a penalty, combined with the ability to, a limited number of times per day, increase your bonuses, means that a lone target can, with lucky rolls and spending some HP, stand a chance against a group of grapplers. Sequencing makes a difference as well, so initiative matters to the process, and here (and here only) DEX modifiers matter.

Spartans (Bhakashal monks) will dominate in any grappling situation as they have a triple modifier on their score. The spartan adjacent classes and the mercenary adjacent classes all get smaller but still meaningful bonuses. Only purely arcane or divine casters miss out on these bonuses. 

There are, however, other ways to get them, one is by playable group, Chitin with their multiple arms and Yalan with their tails get bonuses, and there are both grappling and martial arts proficiencies that can be taken by anyone in lieu of a weapon proficiency slot that give grappling bonuses. 

The system requires some savvy on the part of the PCs as they need to decide when to spend HP and how to spend their excess critical points when their opponents have HP to spend as well. This makes grappling much more dynamic and strategic than it is with other systems I have seen. 

The standard grappling modifiers can all be pre-calculated and put on the character sheet so that PCs who want to grapple can quickly size up their options. Grappling gives the PCs non-lethal combat options other than breaking morale or monitoring their opponents to ensure they don’t accidentally slay them in a fight. 

Game on!

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