Monday, February 21, 2022

Building Bhakashal - Random Encounter Tables

Image by Vincent Segrelles

The heart of Bhakashal is found in tables. Tables for the wards in the city, tables for character generation, and tables for random encounters. Travel entails risk and opportunity, moving from place to place forces the PCs to interact with other creatures. These tables randomize the process to remove referee bias and to give the game a “living world” feeling. The tables are carefully weighted to reflect the relative frequency of the given entry in the game world, to create a flavor and tone for the game that leans towards sword and sorcery and horror rather than feywild/Tolkien style fantasy. 

Think Conan, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, John Carter and Thieves World.

All of the 1st Edition Monster books are referenced here, each entry tells you which book to look at to find the monster listed, and both monsters from the excellent Cthuloid Bestiary and custom Bhakashal monsters are included. 

It is extremely important to note that in Bhakshal, ALL ENCOUNTERS ARE GOVERNED BY THE ENCOUNTER REACTION TABLE, not just those that involve parley, so not all encounters will lead to violence. Monsters get a base -10% per HD modifier, animals get a base -5% per HD modifier, which moves them towards hostile response by default, but presenting a superior force, offering food as a distraction, and other standard tactics can change these numbers. As is always the case in deadly, old-school play, avoidance is better than engagement when violent monsters are about.

There are random encounter tables for the City and for the Marshes. The city tables are keyed to each individual ward, the marsh tables are keyed to individual hexes, with special rules for roads and bodies of water.

These tables are used in pretty much every session, as pretty much every session involves movement from place to place. Although a referee is welcome to pick entries, I find that rolling for as much as possible surprises both the referee and the players, and keeps the game fresh, unpredictable and fun.

Onwards to adventure!


City Random Encounter Table

When in the city there is a chance for a random encounter with NPCs/monsters. Of course, many people are met every day, but usually pass by without interaction. A roll on the table indicates an extended interaction of some kind that is not initiated by the PCs. 

Unless otherwise listed the odds are 1 in 10 during the day, 1 in 12 at night, check each hour in the Ward. Encounters are managed with an encounter reaction roll, with charisma modifiers and a flat -10% for outsiders WRT citizens. Note that openly carrying prohibited weapons will lead to a -20% modifier. 

When in the city, refer to the Ward Listings Table for the current Ward. The entries in these tables identify buildings, when rolling for random encounters, the referee rolls on this table and interprets the result as persons. 

Take an example, the ward entry for Ward 1:

1. Weapons and Armor WardARENA - Crest: Black Axe on red background 

House Xandal - Magus Warlock Dunwall the Daring  - WL10 – Ur Lord Ragam Roln  – MR12 

PP: 1 in 12 - FC: 4 in 6 

Ghost: Mother of Roses


1-2: Armorer 

3-4: Tavern

5-6: Bowyer 

7: Private Residence

8-9: Knife Smith

10-11: Weapon Customization (decoration/engraving)

12: Net Maker

13-14: Weapon School

15-16: Poleturner - (polearms and axes)

17-18: Shield maker

19-20: Armorer (esoteric armors)

21-22: Swordsmith

23: Outdoor Stable

24-25: Smith

26: Lancier

27-28: Dart maker

29-30: Axe Maker

31-32: Weapon School

33-34: Scabbard Maker

35-36: Tavern

37-38: Smith (large foundry)

39-40: Private residence

41-42: Armor Customization (decoration/engraving)

43-44: Weapon-crafter 

45-46: Seer

47-48: Tavern 

49-50: Alchemist

51-52: Armorer (unusual sizes)

53-54: Weapon customization (decoration/engraving)

55-56: Private Residence

57-58: Tavern

59-60: Crossbows 

61-62: Weapon smith (heavy weapons - maces, hammers, etc)

63-64: Armorer

65-66: Swordsmith

67-68: Armorer (unusual materials)

69-70: Weapon School 

71-72: Fletcher (arrows and bolts)

73-74: Hammersmith

75-76: Restaurant

77-78: Bowyer (specialty bows)

79-80: Poleturner (polearms and axes)

81: Private Residence

82-83: Weapon Smith (javelins and spears)

84-85: Armorer (non-human armor-small)

86: Helmsmith

87-88: Swordsmith (custom swords)

89: Smelter

90-91: Exotic Weapons (eg combat sashes, chains, whips, lassos)

92: Inn/Tavern

93-94: Armor Customization (decoration/engraving)

95: Astrologer

96: Private Residence

97: Armorer (non-human armor-large)

98-100: Swordsmith (great swords)

99-100: Garrison 

100: Temple of Iospha (God of Fire)

When used as a Ward Table, the rolled result indicates the type of building in question. Bhakashal does not assign specific functions to buildings ahead of time, this is determined as the party explores the city. When used as a Random Encounter Table, the specific result indicates that the NPC in question is associated with the type of building indicated.

So say a result of 31 was rolled, “weapon school”, when used as a random encounter table, the referee could have this encounter with: an existing student of the school, a potential student, a teacher, the stableboy who works there, a cook going to work there, a farmer taking a delivery of food there, etc. 

Any result of “garrison” means the party has an encounter with the Ward Patrol of that ward. This is separate from the watch responding to a disturbance.

To determine the playable group of the person(s) encountered, roll on the following table:

1-3: Chitin [1-2NA/MM2]

4-8: Garudin [1-2NA/FF]

9-15: Jugyi [1-2NA/BH]

16-35: Emberi [1-2NA/MM]

36-40: Kutya [1-2NA/BH]

41-45: Malu [1-2NA/BH]

46-56: Rakasta [1-2NA/BH]

56-75: Saan [2-5NA/MM]

76-85: Togmu [1-2NA/BH]

86-90: Urdyll [2-5NA/BH]

91-95: Vodnik [1-3NA/BH]

96-100: Yalan [1-4NA/BH]


  1. Abbreviations: BH - Bhakashal Monster, MM - Monster Manual, FF - Fiend Folio, MM2 - Monster Manual 2, CB - Cthuloid Bestiary

  2. For 1 in 20 of these encounters, one of the persons appearing will be a classed NPC, level 1-8

  3. For Classed NPCs, roll on the NPC Class Table, classed NPCs will have 1 permanent magic item per 3 levels and 1 temporary magic item per 2 levels 

  4. All non-classed NPCs are 0-level and 1-6 HP

NPC Class Table

1-4: Beastial

5-7: Cavaral 

8-10: Chimerist* 

11-15: Conjuror* 

16-17: Gyre* 

18-23: Jinx 

24-28: Justiciar* 

29-40: Mercenary* 

41-43: Myrmidon* 

44-45: Necromancer* 

46-50: Phantasmist 

51-60: Seer** 

61-63: Slayer** 

64-70: Spartan 

71-72: Spellbinder 

73-83: Spider 

84-85: Thaumaturge 

86-88: Theurgist 

89-91: Vox 

92-100: Warlock*

*Roll on the Noble House Table to determine House affiliation

**Roll on the Temple Table to determine Temple affiliation

Monster Encounters

If the random encounter roll is equal to the number of the ward, it is a monster encounter instead, so in the above case a roll of 1 (the Weapons and Armor Ward is Ward 1) would indicate a monster encounter. Roll on the Monster Subtable:

Monster Subtable

1-10. Ape, Crimson [5HD/2-8NA/BH]

11-15. Bat, Giant [0HD/3-18NA/FF]

16-30. Bird, Flightless [1HD/1-4NA/BH]

31-35. Boar, Wild [3HD/1-12NA/MM]

36-40. Cantingell [3HD/1NA/BH]

41-45. Corrid [2HD/1NA/BH]

46-48. Couatl [9HD/1-4NA/MM]

49-60. Doppelganger [4HD/3-12NA/MM]

61-70. Dragon (d8)*

1. Black [6-8HD/1-2NA/MM]

2. Bronze [8-10HD/1-2NA/MM]

3. Green [7-9HD/1-2NA/MM]

4. Marsh [6-8HD/1-2NA/BH]

5. Silver [9-11HD/1-2NA/MM]

6. Pan Lung [6-8HD/1-4NA/FF]

7. Shen Lung [9-11HD/1-4NA/FF]

8. Yu Lung [5-7HD/1-4NA/FF]

71-75. Jackalwere [4HD/1-4NA/MM]

76-80. Lycanthrope**

1. Wereboar [5HD/2-8NA/MM]

2. Lycanthrope, Wererat [3HD/4-24NA/MM]

3. Lycanthrope, Weretiger [6HD/1-6NA/MM]

4. Lycanthrope. Werewolf [4HD/3-18NA/MM]

81-85. Rat, Giant [0HD/5-50NA/MM]

86-88. Rakshasa [7HD/1-4NA/MM]

89-91. Slaad (d6)

1-2. Blue [8HD/2-4NA/FF]

3-4. Green [9HD/1-6NA/FF]

5-6. Red [7HD/2-8NA/FF]

92-97. Spider, Large [1HD/2-20NA/MM]

98-100. Thork [3HD/1-6NA/FF] 

*All dragons in Bhakashal can polymorph and will appear in humanoid form while in the city. 

** For monsters like lycanthropes it is up to the referee as to whether they appear in lycan form, animal form or regular humanoid form.

Ward Patrols

Each ward in the city is guarded by a Ward Patrol. PCs can encounter a ward patrol because it is rolled on the encounter table (on the garrison result), or because they have caused a disturbance that draws the patrol’s attention. Each ward has a listed number of rounds that it takes for the patrol to respond to a disturbance. Note that any citizen has the right to call on a Justiciar when stopped by a Ward Patrol if they feel they have been dealt with unjustly. 

When a ward patrol is indicated, roll a d8:

1-4: Light Patrol - 6 guards, 2 archers, 1 sergeant

5-7: Medium Patrol - 8 guards, 3 archers, 2 light cavalry*, 1 sergeant, 1 beastial

8: Heavy Patrol - 10 guards, 5 archers, 3 heavy cavalry*, 1 captain, 1 warlock

Guards are 0-Level, wear Lorica Hamata (AC 6), carry broadsword, battle axe, trident and nets.

Archers are 0-level, wear padded leather (AC 9), carry longbows (+1 to hit), short sword and spears

Light Cavalry are 0-level, ride giant frogs, wear leather armor (AC: 8), carrying slings, short swords, javelins and club

Heavy Cavalry are 0-level, ride giant lizards with plate barding, wear banded mail (AC: 3), carrying shield, spear, longsword and net

Sergeants are 3rd level mercenaries, wear Breastplate/Greaves (AC: 5), carry broadsword, mace, battle axe and lance (+1/+1), ride giant lizards and have one +1 weapon

Captains are 5th level mercenaries, wear chain mail (AC:4), carry bastard sword, bardiche and bow, ride giant lizards and have one +2 weapon

Beastials are 3rd level [4-5 spells per day ([d4] 1-2:4 spells, 3-4:5 spells], AC: 8, carry dagger and hand axe and have a 2-5HD animal companion (d6: 1-2: crocodile, 3-4: leopard, 5-6: giant spider)

Warlocks are 6th level [7-8 spells per day ([d4] 1-2:7 spells, 3-4: 8 spells], AC: 7 (breastplate), carry a short sword and dagger, and ride giant lizards. 

Warlock spells can be determined randomly by rolling on the Spell Tables or the following default list of spells may be used:

1st - Ammon Marr’s Projectile Extension, Magic Missile, Protective Circle, Shield 

2nd - Levitate, Mirror Image, Web

3rd - Dispel Magic, Hold Person

4th - Fire Shield


Random Encounter Tables - Bhakashal Marshes

Random encounter checks are made at regular time intervals, so you need to know the amount of time it takes to pass through a hex, this is keyed to terrain type and weather. There are three kinds of hexes in the swamps: marshland, agricultural land and forest. Rivers, lakes and roads pass through hexes. 

Landscape Modifier

Movement rates are modified as follows when not in a dangerous situation, e.g. when not in melee or general combat, instead when engaged in regular overland travel or when fleeing. A properly maintained road through any environment qualifies as “A”.

  1. Flat, clear, grasslands, scrub or road - 8x Movement Rate 

  2. Rough, uneven, hilly and broken - 6x Movement Rate

  3. Forested, overgrown, few paths - 4x Movement Rate 

  4. Marshes, wet ground  - 2x Movement Rate 

Weather Modifier

Weather - Roll for weather d10:

  1. Clear, low wind

  2. Clear, light wind

  3. Clear, medium wind

  4. Cloudy, medium wind

  5. Cloudy, medium wind, light rain

  6. Cloudy, strong wind

  7. Cloudy, strong wind, light rain

  8. Cloudy, strong wind, medium rain

  9. Cloudy, very strong wind, heavy rain

  10. Cloudy, extremely strong wind, very heavy rain

Any result with heavy rain reduces the landscape modifier by 2, e.g. x8 becomes x6.

Weather Variability - If you want to leave weather alone for the day you may do so, roll in the morning and leave the weather the same all day. If you want to mimic the volatility of the tropical environment, after each daily time period (morning, afternoon, etc.) roll two d4, for the first d4: 1: move down the chart, 2-3: no change, 4: move up the chart. For the second d4, jump the weather by 0, 1,2 or 3 places. Wrap around the end or beginning of the table as needed.


When traveling outside of the city, divide the day into 4 parts, each has its own encounter odds.

Morning (6 am-noon) - 1 in 12 chance

Afternoon (noon-6 pm) - 1 in 10 chance

Evening (6 pm-midnight) - 1 in 8 chance

Night (midnight-6 am) - 1 in 6 chance*

*If the encounter happens at night, all but the people on watch are sleeping and unarmored, requiring 10-AC rounds to armor up.

If the group has a Beastial or Slayer amongst their number then they may avoid encounters due to their familiarity with the wilderness, this allows them to reroll one random encounter check per day. 

Follow the rules for surprise, encounter distance and initiative when an encounter is indicated.

Encounters By Terrain Type

Marshland (d100)

1-30: Animals (table A)

31-50: Plants (table B)

51-61: Humanoids (table C)

62-90: Monsters (table D)

91-100: Cthuloid Monsters (table E)

Forests (d100)

1-30: Animals (table A)

31-60: Plants (table B)

61-65: Humanoids (table C)

66-85-: Monsters (table D)

86-100: Cthuloid Monsters (table E) 

Agricultural Land (d100)

1-20: Animals (table A)

21-40: Plants (table B)

41-85: Humanoids (table C)

86-99: Monsters (table D)

100: Cthuloid Monsters (table E) 

Road (d100)

1-20: Animals (table A)

21-23: Plants (table B)

24-84: Humanoids (table C)

85-99: Monsters (table D)

100: Cthuloid Monsters (table E)


When on an inland  water body, on the shore, or in the water, use River/Lake Encounter Table F

When on the ocean, use Deep Water (Ocean) Encounter Table G

Random Encounter Tables

Marshes Random Encounter Table A - Animals (d100)

1-5. Ape, Carnivorous [5HD/2-8NA/MM]

6-8. Bat, Giant [0HD/3-18NA/FF]

9-10. Bee, Giant [4HD/1NA/MM2]

11-14. Carrion Crawler [3HD/1-6NA/MM]

15-17. Cifal [8-10HD/1-6NA/FF]

18-20. Cintherpod [8HD/1-2NA/BH]

21-30. Crocodile, Giant [7HD/2-12NA/MM]

31-36. Dinosaur (d6)

1. Deinonychus [4HD/1-6NA/MM2]

2. Dimetrodon [3-5HD/1-2NA/MM2]

3. Paleoscincus [9HD/1-4NA/MM]

4. Pteranodon [3HD/3-18NA/MM]

5. Pterosaur, Giant [6HD/1-8NA/MM2]

6. Teratosaurus [10HD/1-3NA/MM]

37-39. Dragonfly, Giant [7HD/1-6NA/MM2] 

40-46. Frog, Giant [1-3HD/5-40NA/MM]

47-49. Hornet, Giant [5HD/1NA/FF]

50-52. Leopard [3HD/1-2NA/MM]

53-63. Lizard

a. Fire [10HD, 1-4NA/MM]

b. Giant [3HD/2-12NA/MM]

64-65. Lion, Spotted [6HD/2-8NA/MM]

66-67. Mantis, Giant [10HD/1NA/MM2]

68-71. Rat, Giant [0HD/5-50NA/MM]

72-74. Sabre Toothed Tiger [7HD/1-2NA/MM]

75-80. Slug, Giant [12HD/1NA/MM]

81-86. Snake (d6)

1-2. Constrictor [6HD/1-2NA/MM]

3-4. Poisonous [4HD/1-6NA/MM]

5-6. Spitting [4HD/1-4NA/MM]

87-91. Spider (d6)

1. Giant [4HD/1-8NA/MM]

2. Huge [2HD/1-12NA/MM]

3. Ivory [4HD/2-4NA/BH]

4. Large [1HD/2-20NA/MM]

5. Loam [1HD/20-30NA/BH]

  6. Phase [5HD/1-4NA/MM]

93-93. Troll,Giant Two Headed [10HD/1-3NA/FF]

94-95. Turtle, Snapping Giant [10HD/1-4NA/MM]

96-100. Wasp, Giant [4HD/1-20NA/MM]

Marshes Random Encounter Table B - Plants (d100)

1-3. Basidirond [5HD/1-2NAMM2]

4-10. Bloodthorn [4HD/NA1/MM2]

11-13. Choke Creeper [25HD/1NA/MM2]

14-16. Cifal [8-10HD/1-6NA/FF]

17-19. Hangman Tree [10HD/1NA/MM2]

20-23. Irridis [7HD/1NA/BH]

24-26. Kampfult [2HD/1NA/MM2]

27-30. Mandragora [1HD/3-18NA/MM2]

31-34. Mantrap [4-9HD/1-2NA/MM2]

35-40. Myconid [1-6HD/1-12NA/MM2]

41-43. Obliviax [0HD/2-12NA/MM2]

44-46. Phycomid [4HD/1-4NA/MM2]

47-50. Purple Liash Plants [4HD/1NA/BH]

51-53. Quickwood [5-10HD/1NA/MM2]

54-56. Needleleaf [0HD/2-4NA/BH]

57-59. Retch Plant [5-8HD/2-20NA/MM2]

60-65. Shambling Mound [8-11HD/1-3NA/MM]

66-70. Snake Tendril [1HD/1NA/BH]

71-74. Snarewood [5HD/NA1/BH]

75-77. Stone Rose [4HD/1NA/BH]

78-80. Tentamort [8HD/1-10NA/FF]

81-85. Thornwood Vine [10HD/1NA/BH]

86-88. Tri-Flower Frond [2HD/1-10NA/MM2]

89-90. Violet Vine [3HD/1NA/BH]

91-92. Whipweed [3HD/1-2NA/FF]

93-94. Witherweed [3HD/1NA/FF]

95-96. Willow, Black [12-19HD/1NA/MM2]

97-98. Yellow Musk Creeper [3HD/1NA/FF]

99-100. Yellow Musk Zombie [2HD/1-2NA/FF]

Marshes Random Encounter Table C - Humanoids (d100)

1-3: Chitin [VarHD/1-12NA/MM2][10%]

4-10: Garudin [VarHD/1-20NA/FF][10%]

11-15: Emberi [VarHD/1-30NA/MM][20%]

16-26: Jugyi [VarHD/1-8NA/BH][40%]

27-29: Kutya [VarHD/1-4NA/BH][10%]

30-45: Malu [VarHD/1-12NA/BH][75%]

46-50: Rakasta [VarHD/1-4/BH][20%]

51-75: Saan [VarHD/10-40NA/MM][85%]

76-80: Togmu [VarHD/1-20NA/BH][80%]

81-90: Urdyll [VarHD/10-40NA/BH][90%]

91-96: Vodnik [VarHD/1-30NA/BH][70%]

97-100: Yalan [VarHD/1-12NA/BH][60%]

Table C Notes:

A. Percentages in bold are the “in lair” odds for this group. If the encounter is “in lair” then the humanoids in question are in a camp, settlement, or village and their number appearing should be multiplied by 2, 3 or 5 respectively. 

B. When humanoid groups are encountered, consult the following table to determine their primary occupation. If they are encountered traveling from place to place, then roll to determine their occupation, if the group is in lair, then assume a mix of occupations listed on the table (except for House Patrol and House Hunting Party)

Marsh Hex

d100: 1-30: Fishermen, 31-50: Hunters, 51-55: Trappers, 56-60: Pilgrims, 61-70: Merchants, 71-80: Caravan, 81-85: Farmers, 86-92: House Patrol, 93-100: House Hunting Party

Forest Hex

d100: 1-25: Hunters, 26-30: Trappers, 31-40: Pilgrims, 41-45: Farmers, 46-55: Merchants, 56-65: Caravan, 66-70: Fishermen, 71-85: House Patrol, 86-100: House Hunting Party

Agricultural Hex

d100: 1-40: Farmers, 41-50: Fisherman, 51-55: Hunters, 56-60: Trappers, 61-70: Pilgrims, 71-75: Merchants, 76-80: Caravan, 81-95: House Patrol, 96-100: House Hunting Party

C. All non-classed humanoids are 0-level and 1-6 HP

D. If a “1” is rolled for “number appearing” it will be a classed humanoid of level 1-4.

E. Any group with the max number appearing has 1 classed leader 

F. Any group with 10 or more appearing has 1 classed leader per 10 appearing

G. Classed leaders: 1 leader = 2nd level, 2 leaders = 4th and 2nd level, 3 leaders = 6th, 4th and 2nd level, 4 and above = 6th, 4th and the rest are 2nd. 

H. Class of Classed Leaders – (d12 – 1: Seer, 2: Beastial, 3-4: Mercenary, 5: Justiciar, 6: Slayer, 7-8: Warlock, 9: Phantasmist, 10-11: Spider, 12: Vox)

I.  4th level leaders will have a +1 weapon, 6th level leaders will have a +1 weapon and a potion/scroll (potion - d6: 1 - growth, 2 - fire resistance, 3 - healing, 4 - levitation, 5 - polymorph self, 6 - treasure finding / Scroll: d4: 1 - 1 spell, 2 - 2 spells, 3 - 3 spells, 4 - 4 spells)

J. If the number appearing is more than half the maximum then the group is riding mounts (d4: 1-2 common mounts, 3-4 common mounts + rare or higher mounts for leader(s)

Marshes Random Encounter Table D - Monsters (d100)

1. Ankheg [3-8HD/1-6NA/MM]

2. Behir [12HD/1-2NA/MM2]

3. Boalisk [5HD/1-3NA/MM2]

4. Boobrie [9HD/1-2NA/MM2]

5. Cantingell [3HD/1NA/BH]

6. Catoblepas [6HD/1-3NA/MM]

7. Caterwaul [4HD/1NA/FF]

8. Chimera [9HD/1-4NA/MM]

9. Couatl [9HD/1-4NA/MM]

10. Dhirn [Var HD/1NA/BH]

11. Displacer Beast [6HD/2-5NA/MM]

12. Dracolisk [7HD/1-2NA/MM2]

13-15: Dragon (d10)

1. Black Dragon [6-8HD/1-4NA/MM]

2. Crested Dragon [10HD/1-2NA/TL]

3. Green Dragon [7-9HD/1-4NA/MM]

4. Land Dragon [12HD/1NA/TL]

5. Marsh Dragon [6-8HD/2-4NA/BH]

6. Mist Dragon [9-11HD/1-2NA/MM2]

7. Pan Lung [6-8HD/1-4NA/FF]

8. Shadow Dragon [4-6HD/1NA/MM2]

9. Shen Lung [9-11HD/1-4NA/FF]

10. Yu Lung [5-7HD/1-4NA/FF] 

16: Dragonne [9HD/1NA/MM]

17: Ebon Tiger [5HD/2-4NA/BH]

18-19: Ettercap [5HD/1-6NA/FF]

20: Ettin [10HD/1-4NA/MM]

21: Firedrake [4HD/2-8NA/FF]

22: Firetoad [4HD/1-6NA/FF]

23: Froghemoth [16HD/NA1/MM2]

24-25: Gargoyle [4HD/2-16NA/MM]

26-27: Giant, Marsh [10HD/1-10NA/MM]

28-29: Ghost [10HD/1NA/MM]

30: Gibbering Mouther [4HD/1NA/MM2]

31: Gloomwing [5HD/NA1/MM2]

32: Golem, Flesh [9HD/1NA/MM]

33: Gorgimera [10HD/1NA/MM2]

34: Gravus [9HD/1NA/BH]

35: Green Pudding [8HD/1NA/BH]

36-37: Grell [5HD/1NA/FF]

38: Haunt [5HD/1NA/MM2]

39: Hydra [5-12HD/1NA/MM]

40: Jemmak [8HD/1NA/BH]

41: Kamadan [4HD/1NA/FF]

42: Kech [5HD/2-8NA/MM2]

43: Lamia Noble [10HD/1NA/FF]

44: Lizard King [8HD/1NA/FF]

45-46: Lycanthrope

a. Wereboar [5HD/2-8NA/MM]

b. Wererat [3HD/4-24NA/MM]

c. Weretiger [6HD/1-6NA/MM]

d. Werewolf [4HD/3-18NA/MM]

47: Manticore [6HD/1-4NA/MM]

48: Meazel [4HD/1NA/FF]

49: Mephit, Steam [3HD/1NA/FF]

50: Mhirrin [8HD/1NA/BH]

51: Muckdweller [0HD/5-20NA/MM2]

52: Mud-Man [2HD/2-12NA/MM2]

53-57: Naga

a. Guardian [11-12HD/1-2NA/MM]

b. Spirit [9-10HD/1-3NA/MM]

58: Opinicus [7HD/NA1-2/MM2]

59: Owlbear [5HD/2-5NA/MM]

60: Pallasia [3HD/1NA/BH]

61: Phantom Stalker [6HD/1-2NA/FF]

62: Quasi-Elemental, Lightning [6-12HD/1NA/MM2]

63-64: Sandman [4HD/1-6NA/FF]

65: Shade [VarHD/1-2NA/MM2]

66-68: Shadow [3HD/2-20NANA/MM]

69: Shadow Mastiff [4HD/4-16NA/MM2]

70-71: Shocker [1HD/6-24NA/FF]

72-73: Slaadi (d10) 

1-4. Blue [8HD/2-4NA/FF]

5-6. Green [9HD/1-6NA/FF]

7-10. Red [7HD/2-8NA/FF]

74: Son of Kyuss [4HD/1-3NA/FF]

75-76: Squealer [12HD/2-4NA/MM2]

77-80: Stirge [1HD/3-30NA/MM]

81: Thessalhydra [12HD/1NA/MM2]

82-83: Thork [3HD/1-6NA/FF]

84: Tirapheg [2HD/1NA/FF]

85: Torbelost [8HD/1NA/BH]

86-87: Troll [6HD/1-12NA/MM]

88: Tween [1HD/1NA/FF]

89: Vargouille [1HD/1-20NA/MM2]

90: Vodyanoi [8HD/1-3NA/FF]

91-93: Volt [2HD/2-24NA/FF]

94-95: Water Weird [3HD/1-3NA/MM]

96-97: Will-O-Wisp [9HD/1NA/MM]

98: Xag-Ya/Xeg-Yi [5-8HD/1NA/MM2]

99: Yeth Hound [3HD/4-16NA/MM2]

100: Zombie, Ju Ju [3HD/1-4NA/MM2]

Marshes Random Encounter Table E - Cthuloid Monsters (d20)

1-2: Void Monster [10HD/1NA/TL]

3-4: Being of Xiclotl [6HD/1-3NA/CB]

5: Byakhee [4HD/1-4NA/CB]

6: Chthonian [10HD/1NA/CB]

7: Cloud Beast [15HD/1NA/CB]

8-9: Color out of Space [10HD/1-2NA/CB]

10: Fireworm [5HD/1-4NA/CB]

11-13: Hound of Tindalos [8HD/1-4NA/CB]

14: Nightgaunt [3HD/1-8NA/CB]

15: Sentient Flame [7HD/2-8NA/CB]

16: Shoggoth [9HD/1-4NA/CB]

17-18: Leng [10HD/1NA/CB]

19: Unnamable One [5HD/1-4NA/CB]

20: Worm that Walks [10HD/1NA/CB]

River/Lake Encounter Table F (d100)

1-2. Beetle, Water [4HD/1-12NA/MM] I/B

3. Behemoth [10HD/1-4NA/MM2] I/B

4-5. Catfish, Giant [7-10HD/1NA/MM2] I

6-8. Crab, Giant [3HD/2-12NA/MM] I/B

9-10. Crayfish, Giant [4HD/1-4NA/MM] I/B

11-20. Crocodile [3HD/3-24NA/MM] I/B

21-25. Crocodile, Giant [7HD/2-12NA/MM] I/B

26-27. Dragonfish [2HD/1NA/FF] I/B

28-32. Dinosaur (d6) I/B

1-2) Mosasaurus [12HD/1-3NA/MM]

3-4) Plesiosaurus [20HD/1-3NA/MM]

5-6) Tanystropheus [6HD/1NA/MM2]

33-40. Dragon (d4) B/I

  1. Pan Lung [6-8HD/1-4NA/FF]

  2. Shen Lung [9-11HD/1-4NA/FF]

  3. Yu Lung [5-7HD/1-4NA/FF]

  4. Dragon Turtle [12-14HD/1NA/MM]

41-43. Eel, Electric [2HD/1-3NA/MM] I

44. Froggemoth [16HD/1NA/MM2] I/B

45-47. Gar, Giant [8HD/1-6NA/MM] I

48-75. Humanoid (d100)

     1-2. Chitin B/O/I*

     3. Garudin B/O/I

     4-15. Emberi O/B/I

     16-25. Jugyi B/I/O

     26-38. Kutya  B/O/I

     29-40. Malu I/B/O

     41-43. Rakasta O/B/I

     44-60. Saan B/I/O

     61-70. Togmu B/I/O

     71-80. Urdyll B/I/O

     81-93. Vodnik I/B/O

     94-100. Yalan B/I/O

48-73. Kelpie [5HD/1-4NA/FF] I

74-80. Naga, Water [7-8HD/1-4NA/MM] I/B

81-82. Nixie [0HD/20-80NA/MM] I

83-85. Pike, Giant [4HD/1-8NA/MM] I

86-92. Spider, Giant Water [3HD/1-10NA/MM] I/B

93-95. Turtle, Snapping Giant [10HD/1-4NA/MM] I/B

96. Verme [18HD/1NA/MM2] I

97-100. Vodyanoi [8HD/1-3NA/FF] I/B

*B-By water, O -On water, I-In water

If there are 3 letters these are 3/2/1 odds on d6 for three noted Locations. If there are two they are the 4/2 odds. If there is one letter the entry is always found there.

So a BOI would be 1-3: By water, 4-5: On water and 6: In water. 

A I/B would be 1-4 in water, 5-6 by water.

By water locations are fishing villages on a 2 in 6. 

On water means in a boat of some kind. 

In water means swimming on the surface or beneath water.

Deep Water (Ocean) Encounter Table G (d100)

1-2: Crocodile, giant [7HD/2-12NA/MM]

4-8: Dinosaur

1-2) Mosasaurus [12HD/1-3NA/MM]

3-4) Plesiosaurus [20HD/1-3NA/MM]

5-6) Tanystropheus [6HD/1NA/MM2]

9-11: Dragon turtle [12-14HD/1NA/MM]

12: Ghost [10HD/1NA/MM]

13-15: lxitxachitl [1HD/10-100NA/MM]

16-18: Kopoacinth (gargoyle) [4HD/2-16NA/MM]

19-20: Lacedon (ghoul) [2HD/2-24NA/MM]

21-28: Buccaneers (warship)* 

29-35: Merchants*

36–40: Pirates*

41-45: Merman [1HD/20-200NA/MM]

46-48: Octopus, giant [8HD/1-3NA/MM]

49-55: Sahuagin [2HD/20-80NA/MM]

56-60: Shark, giant [10-15HD/1-3NA/MM]

61-63: Snake, sea [8-10HD/1-8NA/MM]

64-66: Squid, giant [12HD/1NA/MM]

67-75: Triton [3HD/10-60NA/MM]

76-77: Turtle, giant, sea [15HD/1-3NA/MM]

78-79: Whale, carnivorous, large [36HD/1-8NA/MM]

80-81: Whale, carnivorous medium [24HD/1-8NA/MM]

82-83: Whale, carnivorous, small [12HD/1-8NA/MM]

84-86: Whale, large [24HD/1-6NA/MM]

87-92: Whale, medium [18HD/1-6NA/MM]

93-100: Whale, small [12HD/1-6NA/MM]

* See Ship Generation Table for Details

Procedure for Encounters

When an encounter is indicated, first roll the encounter, then roll to see if either party is surprised: 

  1. D6 roll for each side, 1-2 for either equal surprise, If both sides are surprised then it cancels out

  2. If the opposition to the PCs are surprised, the PCs group will be 2”-4” away and get one free attack against them if so desired.

  3. If the PCs are surprised, roll an encounter reaction roll to determine the actions of the other party.

  4. If no surprise is indicated, then roll a d10 to determine the distance (10’-100’) between parties when they become aware of each other

  5. Then make an encounter reaction roll for the opposition for their reaction to the PCs


Encounter Reaction Table results should be interpreted via the general motivations of the encountered creature, as follows:


Animals, plants and less intelligent monsters are focused on (d6): 1-2: food/water, 3-4: movement, 5-6: survival. 

Intelligent monsters and humanoids are focused on one or more of the following (d6): 1: food, 2: water, 3: survival, 4: curiosity, 5: wealth and 6: alliances/enmities

Cthuloid monsters have inscrutable motives 


  1. Ian, Brother Dan here, long time my friend! I'm confused, did you name change from Bhavisyavani or is this a different city entirely?
    Loving table E :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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