Monday, December 27, 2021

Building Bhakashal - NPC Generation - Penwith Quoral - 4th level Togmu Phantasmist

Felt like generating another NPC for my Friday game, this time a 4th level phantasmist who will be the caster for a caravan they will be joining on part of their journey. 

A. Choose from Bhakashal’s 20 character classes


B. Generate Stats

Statistic Generation Bhakashal

  1. For each stat roll 3d6 

4 1 6 /2 5 5/ 5 4 5/ 2 1 6/ 3 2 3/ 5 4 3

Rolls: S-11 - I-12 - W-14  - D-9 - C- 8 - C- 12

  1. Apply stat minimums

INT 15 DEX 16 CHR 15

S-11 - I-15 - W-14  - D-16 - C- 8 - C- 15

  1. Switch any two stats, in this case INT and DEX

S-11 - I-16 - W-14  - D-15 - C- 8 - C- 15

C. Choose a Playable Group 

Togmu (frog people)

Apply playable group stat modifiers

+1 to DEX, +1 to WIS

S-11 - I-16 - W-15  - D-16 - C- 8 - C- 15

Apply Ability Modifiers

S - 11 [+1] 

I -  16 [+3]
W - 15 [+3]
D - 16 [+3]
C - 8 [-1] 
C - 15 [+3]

D. Calculate Saving Throw Bonuses and HP

All classes get a +1 bonus per 2 levels of experience and bonuses based on their stats. 

Paralyzation +2 

Poison +4

Death Magic +4

Petrification +2

Polymorph +8

Breath Weapon +8

Spell +8 

Hit Points

I’ll roll for HP in this case, 1d6 per level for 4th level is 4d6: 2 5 3 5 = 15 HP

E. Add Skills and Playable Group Abilities

Skill table roll: 38 - Gambler

Togmu skills: cook/tailor

Togmu Abilities

1. Jump 40’ forward, 30’ up or 20’ back, 

2. Fall from up to 50’ without harm

3. Move 12” (land), 15” (water)

4. Amphibious

5. Surprise 3 in 6 and surprised a 1 in 6 in marshes or urban environments

6. 2 point AC bonus against large creatures

7. Figure out/fix/create technology, find/remove traps / open locks as 1st level spider

8. Sage with minor field in mechanical technologies

F. Choose Deity and Languages

Vekka  (Water/Lake ) 

Languages: Togmu, Saan, Human, Rakasta

G. Choose Equipment and Clothing 

Equipment: backpack, sack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, (2) flasks of oil, flint and steel, lockpicks, crowbar, small hammer, chisel and brush, bag of marbles, needle and thread, bag of buttons and hooks/eyes, knife, bag of tobacco

Clothing: dark green vest with silver trim, black pants, long, slim grey hat

H. Assign Wealth

100 gp, 50sp, 200gp emerald, 200gp ring

I. Pick Armor and Weapons and Assign Attack Bonuses

No armor - Dex bonus +3 = AC 7

Weapon: Kiseru - 1-4/1-2, Weapon Speed 2, WvrsAC: -6M/-3L, Critical: Dual Wield

Attack Bonus: +1

DEX bonus: +3

STR bonus: +1


J. Calculate Encumbrance


K. Assign Spells/Class Abilities

A 4th level Phantasmist - 3 1st and 2 2nd level spells

1st - Cthillon’s Arachnid Surge, Ormaan’s Olfactory Obscurement, Wall of Fog

2nd - Blindness, Peng Sang’s Omni vision

Material Components - bag of live spiders, 5 electrum pieces, 5 cloves of garlic, 5 rose petals, bag of split dried peas, bag of copper dust and a small glass lens.

Special Components - copper dust from Xorn (doubles duration of Omni-vision spell)

Abilities - all phantasmists are artists, in his case he is a carver

Bhakashal Spell Descriptions
Cthillon’s Arachnid Surge 

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 round/level, Area of Effect: Special

Components: S,M, Saving throw: neg

Cthillon’s signature spell taps into the common dread of insects by creating the illusion that the victim has either stepped into a spider nest or walked into a spider web. The victim is swarmed with hundreds of illusory spiders, leading to stark terror. If the victim fails their save they will have one of four reactions, roll a d4:

  1. Attempt to “wipe off” the spiders, leading them to be distracted for the rest of the duration of the spell

  2. Attempt to jump into a nearby body of water for the duration of the spell

  3. Attempt to burn the spiders off, doing 1-4 pts of damage per round, for the duration of the spell

  4. Use a misc magic item or spell, which will not work but will waste charges, possibly cause the victim damage, etc., for the duration of the spell

The material component of this spell is a bag with a live spider and an electrum piece.

Ormaan’s Olfactory Obscurement 

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 turn per level, Area of Effect: 1 individual per level, Components: V,S,M, Saving throw: None

Ormaan’s signature spell allows the phantasmist to completely mask the odors of 1 individual per level, making them smell like whatever the phantasmist wants. This spell can have several immediate consequences: Invisible or concealed (e.g. thieves hiding in shadows) beings have a reduced chance of being detected (ref’s discretion for modifier), illusions concealing that individual are less likely to be disbelieved, and beings made to smell particularly good, or bad, have the appropriate reaction modifier of + 30% or – 30% to encounter reactions. The material component of this spell is a clove of garlic and a rose petal.

Peng Sang’s Omni-vision 

Level: 2, Casting Time: 2 segments, Range: 6”, Duration: 1 turn/level, Area of Effect: individual, Components: V,M, Saving throw: None

The omni vision spell allows the phantasmist to see 360 degrees around them and above for the duration of the spell. This negates the penalties associated with flank and rear attacks against them. It also makes it difficult to sneak up on the phantasmist. The first time the phantasmist uses this spell they will suffer a -2 to hit due to disorientation, the second time -1, and subsequent times not at all. The phantasmist might thus decide to cast the spell on an unwitting victim to take advantage of the disorientation effects. In this case the victim would get a save. The material component of this spell is a pinch of copper dust and a small glass lens.

L. Assign Magic Items

+ 1 ring of protection, potion of fire resistance, scroll of 3 spells: The Covetous Eyes of Danner, Kahb Rune’s Thundering Color Storm, Wraithform

The Covetous Eyes of Danner

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 round per level, Area of Effect: 1-6 individuals, Components: S,M, Saving throw: neg.

When this spell is cast the phantasmist picks one item in the area of effect and up to 1-6 individuals (targeted by the phantasmist) who fail their saves will covet it so much that they will attempt to secure it immediately. If this item is in the possession of one of the victims the others will attempt to secure it from them. If the save was failed by more than 4 individuals then the victims will use violence, otherwise they will simply struggle for the item (saving throw versus paralyzation (STR bonus applies) check for each to hold item). 

Kahb Rune’s Thundering Color Storm (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 5, Casting Time: 5 segment, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 turn, Area of Effect: 1” rad globe per level of the caster, Components: V,S,M, Saving throw: none

Victims in the area of effect of a color storm are dazzled by constant explosions of light, objects go transparent then explode into brilliant colors, lightning cracks and flashes everywhere, flickering strobes, dazzling bursts, it is a sensory overload for light and sound, with deafening booming thunder all around. Every round spent in the Color Storm victims must save versus spell or be overwhelmed and drop to the ground prone for the duration. The only way to avoid this is to leave the area of effect, which can be done at a reduced move of half and a -2 AC penalty due to inability to see a clear path. All attacks from within the color storm, with the exception of those of the caster, are at -4, saves against all magic items used are at +4, there is a 10% chance per round spent in the storm that victims will have a  color explosion in their eyes, in which case they must save versus spell or be blinded for 2-3 turns, and spell casting is impossible. 

M. Assign Personality Traits

Immaculate, pessimist, forceful, foolhardy

N. Assign Name - Penwith Quoral

Penwith Quoral - 4th level Togmu Phantasmist 

MV: 12”/15” - AC: 6 - HP: 15


Ability Scores

S - 11 [+1] 

I -  16 [+3]
W - 15 [+3]
D - 16 [+3]
C - 8 [-1] 
C - 15 [+3]

Deity - Vekka  (Water/Lake ) 

Languages - Togmu, Saan, Human, Rakasta

Abilities - Jump 40’ forward, 30’ up, 20’ back, fall up to 50’, amphibious, surprise 3 in 6 & surprised a 1 in 6 in marsh/urban environments, 2 point AC bonus against large creatures, figure out/fix/create technology & find/remove traps (35%)/ open locks (40%), sage with minor field in mechanical technology, gambler, carver

Appearance - 4’ tall, dull green skin, head fan, black eyes

Saving Throws

Paralyzation +2 

Poison +4

Death Magic +4

Petrification +2

Polymorph +8

Breath Weapon +8

Spell +8

Weapons - Class Attack Bonus: +1

1. Weapon: Kiseru [+4/+1] - 1-4/1-2, Weapon Speed 2, WvrsAC: -6M/-3L, Critical: Dual Wield

Equipment: backpack, sack, 50’ rope, (3) iron spikes, (2) flasks of oil, flint and steel, lockpicks, crowbar, small hammer, chisel and brush, bag of marbles, needle and thread, bag of buttons and hooks/eyes, knife, bag of tobacco

Encumbrance: +170 gp 

Wealth: 100 gp, 50sp, 200gp emerald, 200gp ring

Special Material Components: copper dust from Xorn (doubles duration of Omni-vision spell)

Clothing: dark green vest with silver trim, black pants, long, slim grey hat

Personality: Immaculate, pessimist, forceful, foolhardy

Spells Castable Per Day - [4] 

Spell Casting Odds: 69% Harm Odds: 5%/spell level

1st Level Spells - Cthillon’s Arachnid Surge, Ormaan’s Olfactory Obscurement, Wall of Fog

2nd Level Spells  - Blindness, Peng Sang’s Omni vision

Material Components

bag of live spiders, 5 electrum pieces, 5 cloves of garlic, 5 rose petals, bag of split dried peas, bag of copper dust and a small glass lens

Magic Items

+ 1 ring of protection, potion of fire resistance, scroll of 3 spells: The Covetous Eyes of Danner, Kahb Rune’s Thundering Color Storm, Wraithform

Penwith is a caravan phantasmist, he accompanies caravans travelling to and from the city and acts as spell casting protection against bandits and monsters from the marshes. Penwith is particular about his appearance, smart and skeptical, and loves to gamble. He has been known to gamble away his earnings if he is enjoying a game (encounter reaction check on playing, if 70% or higher he will continue to play), and gets three rerolls/pulls a day on any gambling roll to reflect his general skill. He is knowledgeable about mechanical technologies and happily answers questions or offers to help with them if asked. 

He is an excellent carver, and usually has soapstone or some other soft stone around and will wile away the hours carving likenesses of friends, and if offered pipe tobacco will usually do so for free. 

Penwith uses the Ormaan’s Olfactory Obscurement where needed to dissuade hungry monsters/animals from attacking the caravan, uses Peng Sang’s Omni-Vision spell when concerned about potential attack from concealment in dangerous areas, Blindness against any large monstrous/animal opponents, and Wall of Fog when attacked by larger groups of enemies. Cthillon’s Arachnid Surge is reserved for opponents that get too close. His scroll spells are for emergencies only, as he hopes to one day memorize them all. 

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