Monday, March 1, 2021

Building Bhakashal - New Classes - The Vox

Image by Aditya777 at Deviantart

The Vox

The Vox is a unique character class that uses their voice, magically enhanced, to create magical effects. Not quite a bard, but not quite a magic-user either. A vox is initiated into the class by drinking a magical concoction that contains the essence of an air elemental. 

If the PC is a first level Vox, then the potion worked...

Vox Stats

HD: d4

Armor: none

Weapons: Staff, dagger, dart

XP progression: as Magic-user

To Hit/Saves: as Magic-user

Spell progression: as Magic-user

Minimum Ability Scores: 16 INT, 15 CHR


A vox can cast a range of spells from all classes, but these are not the same as the spells  written in the PHB. All Vox spells have verbal components only, and use sound, magically enhanced, to achieve their effects. Vox spells are written in a unique language known only to members of the class, and when they use their spells they use this language.

So, for example, a Vox casting spells that impact the mind (e.g. “charm person or mammal”) would sing the spell and the words would charm or otherwise mentally manipulate the target. If the target was deaf it would be immune to the effect. 

Vox spells that involve force (push, shield, shatter, transmute rock to mud, wall of force, disintegrate) use sound to break or move things.

Detect invisibility and detect traps work like sonar to detect the presence of things. 

Ray of enfeeblement is not a ray, it’s a sound that causes weakness in a target much like a Dragonne’s roar. Chant and Dispel Exhaustion work like inspiration, the sound of a Vox’s voice giving the target strength.

There are a number of “charm” spells, command, charm person, suggestion, etc. These spells all impact 1HD of targets per level of the Vox.

There are a number of “spoken word” or “speak” spells like power word, speak with animals, speak with dead, etc., these work as written.

Fear spells work by making sounds that terrify the listener.

Monster, animal and insect summoning spells, as well as animate dead, work by “calling” the monsters, animals, or dead, spells like “gust of wind’ work by summoning a minor air elemental.

Special Abilities

1. A vox has a 10% chance per level of “breaking” a silence spell or penetrating a gag when casting a spell.

2. A vox can imitate any sound they have heard before using an Audible Glamer spell, only casual acquaintance with the sound is needed.

3. A vox can identify voices and animal sounds well enough to identify animal / monster types with a 10% per level accuracy, and can identify the size of a group of NPCs/monsters with 20% per level accuracy, based on what can be heard.

4. A vox saves against any vocally based attack (sonic breath weapon, siren’s charm) like a monk, a failed save means half damage / effect, a successful save means no damage / effect.

5. Vox’s may combine their vocal spell powers, when two or more vox’s are together, if they use the same spell there will be the following effects:

If the spell has a saving throw, each casting is saved against at a -1 per vox, e.g. if there are two vox’s then the targets save versus each spell at -2, if there are three vox’s -3, etc. 

If the spell does not have a saving throw, then duration, range or AOE is increased by 20% per vox beyond 1, e.g. if two vox’s are casting, each vox can increase the specific parameter of the spell by 20%, if three were casting then each could increase the parameter by 40%, etc.

Vox Spells

1st Level

Audible Glamer


Charm Person or Mammal

Hagellen’s Thunderous Staff


Loshner’s Weird Words



Remove Fear



Speak with Animals

Ulan’s Cacophonous Clap


2nd Level



Detect Invisibility

Find traps


Fosnir’s Rain Charm

Fosnir’s Wind Charm

Magic Mouth

Morellion’s Amazing Audio Manipulation

Ray of Enfeeblement



Silence 15' rad

Teutch’s Tumbling Phrase

3rd level

Amen Koster’s Awesome Response


Fosnir’s Water Charm

Gust of Wind

Monster Summoning 1

Speak with Dead


Summon Insects


4th Level

Animal Summoning 1

Bolerastun’s Bombastic Thrum

Call Woodland Beings

Charm Monster


Dispel Exhaustion



Illeana’s Raise the Chorus

Monster Summoning 2

Moorlith’s Rapidly Oscillating Strike

Speak with Plants


5th Level

Animal Summoning 2

Animate Dead

Conjure Elemental

Contact Other Plane


Insect Plague

Monster Summoning 3

Morreon’s Sonic Sentinel

Rinson’s Roar (reversible)

Summon Shadow

Tonormoran’s Song of the Siren (reversible)

Transmute Rock to Mud 

Wall of Force

6th Level

Animal Summoning 3



Mass Suggestion

Monster Summoning 4

Power Word, Stun

Speak with Monsters

Stone Tell

Xinnith’s Song of the Sphinx (reversible)

7th level

Charm Plants

Mass Charm

Monster Summoning 5

Power Word, Blind

The Dreaded Thunder of Xor’Kass

Level 8

Monster Summoning 6

Otto's Irresistible Dance

Power Word, Kill

Level 9 

Monster Summoning 7

Time Stop


Custom Spells

Hagellen’s Thunderous Staff

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 0, Duration: 1 round per level, Area of Effect: 3”globe + 1” per level, Components: V, Saving throw: special

Hagellan’s Thunderous Staff channels pure sound energy to the staff, and discharging it wherever the staff strikes. There are two effects to this, first, all attacks are at a bonus to hit and to damage for the duration of the spell, and at different levels there are different special effects that can be done with varying frequency:

Level of Caster - effects

1-4 - +1 to hit, +1 to damage – special effect: save versus spells on any successful to hit or deafness for 1-4 rds, -1 to hit

5-8 - +2 to hit, +2 to damage – special effect: previous effect OR swing staff through air to make high pitched wail that causes all victims in AOE to save or lose all dexterity benefits to attack and defence and ability to spell cast for one round (once every 3 rounds max)

9-12 - +3 to hit, +3 to damage – special effect: either of the previous two effects OR smash staff into ground and all victims in area of effect must do a dexterity check or fall to the ground, interrupting spells, losing attack for that round, and putting victims at + 2 to hit and -1 initiative penalty in the next round (once every 5 rounds max)

13-16 - +4 to hit, +4 to damage – special effect: any one of the previous effects OR a focused cone of sonic energy that does 1-3 hp of damage per level, save for half (once every 7 rounds max).

Loshner’s Weird Words

Level: 1, Range: l"/level, Duration:  4 rounds plus 1 round per level, Area of Effect: individual, Components: V, Casting Time: 1 segment, Saving throw: neg.

Victims who fail their save against this spell find their ability to perform even the simplest literate tasks (reading, writing, speaking) completely impossible for the duration of the spell. This will have several effects:

No spells with verbal components may be cast

No spells can be read from scrolls

No command words can be spoken for magic items

No writing of any kind can be read

No spoken communication is possible

The material component for this spell is a custom made miniature copper replica of a ziggurat, cost 50gp, that is not consumed in the casting.

Ulan’s Cacophonous Clap

Level: 1, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 0, Duration: special, Area of Effect: 1” per level, Components: V, Saving throw: special

When the caster claps their hands together all creatures who can hear other than the caster and 1 other individual designated by the caster per level are impacted by the spell as follows:

Level of Caster - Effect of Spell

1st – clapping noises come from all directions, save or distraction (-1 to hit) for 1 round

2nd – clapping noises come from all directions, save or distraction (-1 to hit) for 2 rounds.

3rd – clapping noises come from all directions, distraction (-2 to hit) for 1 round, no save

4th – loud noise, save versus spells or deafness for 2 rds (-1 to hit, +1 to AC)

5th – loud noise, save versus spells or deafness for 2 rounds (-1 to hit, +1 to AC), save at –1

6th – loud noise, deafness for 2 rounds (-1 to hit, +1 to AC), no save

7th – booming noise, save versus spells or stunned for 1 round (unable to act)

8th – booming noise, save versus spells or stunned for 2 rounds (unable to act), save at –1

9th – booming noise, stunned for 1 round (unable to act), no save

10th – explosive noise, save versus spell or unconscious for 2 rounds, items must save versus normal blow

11th – explosive noise, save versus spell or unconscious for 2 rounds, items must save versus normal blow, both saves at –1

12th  – explosive noise, unconscious for 2 rounds, no save, items must save versus normal blow at -2

13th – shockwave, save versus spell or knocked down, 1-6 damage, prone for 1 round, 30% + caster level chance to blow open doors, items must save versus crushing blow

14th – shockwave, save versus spell or knocked down, 1-6 damage, prone for 1 round, save at -1, 40% + caster level chance to blow open doors, items must save versus crushing blow at -1

15th - shockwave, save versus spell at -2 or knocked down, 1-6 damage, prone for 1 round, 50% + caster level chance to blow open doors, items must save versus crushing blow at -2

Fosnir’s Rain Charm

Level: 2, Casting Time: 2 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 2 rounds, Area of Effect: 2” rad circle per level, Components: V, Saving throw: neg.

It must be raining (moderate to heavy) when the spell is cast. Once cast, all victims who fail their save find that the rhythmic sound of the rain soothes them, and any aggressive acts are abandoned for the duration of the spell. Victims will defend themselves, but they will not attack others. 

Fosnir’s Wind Charm

Level: 2, Casting Time: 2 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 round per level, Area of Effect: 2” rad circle per level, Components: V, Saving throw: neg.

It must be windy (moderate to heavy) when the spell is cast. Once cast, all victims who fail their save find that the sound and feel of the wind distracts them to the point that they will drop whatever they are carrying in their primary hand. They will not think to pick it up until the spell ceases. They may defend themselves or attack (using anything else) during the duration of this spell. 

Morellion’s Amazing Audio Manipulation

Level: 2, Casting Time: 2 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 2 rounds per level, Area of Effect: 30’ diameter sphere, Components: V, Saving throw: special

Morellion’s Manipulation allows the caster to absorb, redirect and change any sound in the range and area of effect. Three results are possible: eliminate the need for a verbal component to the next spell cast (as long as it is equal or lower level than this spell), allow the caster to copy the sound and make it occur again, and finally it can be used to imitate the sound of something (e.g. allow caster to talk in the victim’s accent). The spell can also be used to record noises and repeat them, and if cast when an opponent is using a verbal component spell (or a command word for a magic item) it neutralizes the spell and prevents the item from being activated. The material component of this spell is an electrum piece.

Teutch’s Tumbling Phrase

Level: 2, Casting Time: 1 segment, Range: 0, Duration: 4 rounds + 1 rd/lv, Area of Effect: individuals, Components: V, Saving throw: none

This spell is generally cast in response to a silence spell, when the caster uses Teutch’s Tumbling Phrase, she holds her hands facing each other, palms open. When she wants to cast a spell with a verbal component, she flicks each word of the spell from a fingertip into the space between hands. Bringing her hands together when all words are there completes the spell. The material component of this spell is ink from giant squid smeared on the caster’s fingertips.

Amen Koster’s Awesome Response

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: 1 round per level, Area of Effect: special, Components: V, Saving  Throw: special

Amen Koster’s signature spell was specifically designed as an answer to the silence spell. The response is cast on the magic-user or another designated target and the spell “sits” until discharged, for a maximum of 1 day. When a silence spell is cast on the magic user (or on the area where he is) the spell is nullified, and the response takes all of the sound in the area and redirects it to focus entirely on the caster of the silence spell. When this happens the victim must roll a saving throw versus spells or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to the level of the caster. 

Fosnir’s Water Charm

Level: 3, Casting Time: 3 segments, Range: Special, Duration: special, Area of Effect: 3” rad circle per level, Components: V, Saving throw: neg.

The caster must be on or very near to a body of water (no more than 1” away) to cast this spell, though the water can be anything but completely calm at  the time. If the victim fails their save the rhythmic sound of the water will cause them to immediately lose the ability to perform anything other than the most basic actions for the duration of the spell, as they cannot concentrate. Thus victims may defend themselves, but they may not spell cast or use a magic weapon that requires an action on their part to activate, for the duration of the spell. So the victim could flee, or block an attack, or hit with a sword, or enjoy the benefit of a defensive magic item, but nothing more complicated than that. The spell lasts for 2 rounds for every 4 levels of the caster, e.g. a 2nd level caster’s water charm would last for 2 rounds, a 5th level casters for 3 rounds, etc. 

Bolerastun’s Bombastic Thrum

Level: 4, Casting Time: 4 segments, Range: touch, Duration: 1 round / level, Area of Effect: Special, Components: V, Saving’s Throw: special

The bombastic thrum allows a magic user to set up synchronized vibrations in solid objects that can cause them to shatter. The magic user approaches the object in question (say a wall) and begins to strike its surface with the bottom of his fists or his palms in a regular pattern. Each round the blows will lead to synchronized internal vibrations that threaten to cause all of the material in the AOE to shatter and be destroyed. Each round there is a cumulative % chance equal to the MU’s level +2 that the object will shatter. So for example, an 8th level caster would have an 10% chance of shattering the object on round 1, a 20% chance in round 2, a 30% chance in round three, until round 8 (the last for the spell duration), where he would have a 80% chance for the object to shatter. Objects must be stationary when the spell is used (no striking a moving sword for a small percentage chance of it shattering). The AOE for this spell is the shape of a rectangular solid, 1/4’x1/4’x1/4’ max in volume per level. The AOE can be shaped in any way (e.g. cube, long box, etc.) as long as the volume is not exceeded. So a 8th level magic user could impact a volume of 2’x2’x2’, or 1’x1’x8’, or 1’x2’x4’, etc. Note that if the magic user is successful at destroying some of an object (e.g. they impact a 2x2x2 portion of a 4 foot thick wall), the DM must determine if that damage is sufficient enough to compromise the object in question, and thus this could result in the collapse of the overall structure. The material component of this spell is a pair of gold coins that are set on either palm and smashed together, being consumed at that time, and then the magic user can start to strike the wall.

Illeana’s Raise the Chorus

Level: 4, Range: 0, Duration: instantaneous, Area of Effect: special, Components: V,M, Casting Time:4 segments, Saving throw: neg.

The caster needs a length of rope (any rope will do) to cast Illeana’s battlefield spell. Each person who grabs the rope, up to a maximum of 1 person per level of the caster, adds their voice to the spell and increases its power. When the spell is cast the caster shouts and a powerful wave of energy emanates from in front of them straight forward. Think of the rope as the horizontal baseline of the spell, it runs through the caster and the other contributors to the spell (the line will generally be 3’ for each contributor). From this line forward for 4” + 1” per contributor, the wave of sound will travel. All who are hit by the wave must save versus breath weapon or be knocked back and carried to the edge of the area of effect by the wave. Victims will suffer 1hp damage for every level of the caster and will be prone for 1-2 rounds when the spell deposits them on the ground.

Moorlith’s Rapidly Oscillating Strike

Level: 4, Range: caster, Duration: special, Area of Effect: touch, Components: V, Casting Time: 4 segments, Saving throw: None

The oscillating strike will only work in an area where there is a lot of ambient sound (e.g., during melee, by a waterfall, etc.). This spell absorbs all sound in the area and channels the vibrational energy into the caster’s hand. If the caster rolls a successful to hit (with a modifier of +1 to hit for every 4 levels of the caster) then the vibrational energy is discharged, leading to three impacts:

1. 3-12 damage (3d4) on living beings

2. Victims are knocked back 1’ per level of the illusionist, and must save versus paralysation or be prone for one round (+ 4 to hit)

3. Any objects struck (called shot at -2) have to save versus crushing blow or be destroyed

The caster may use the spell one time for every 4 levels of experience, but these attacks must occur within an hour of the spell being cast and no more than one can occur in a round. Due to the fact that the spell absorbs sound energy, any spell casting with verbal components done on the round of one of the caster’s attacks is disrupted. 

Morreon’s Sonic Sentinel

Level: 5, Range: 0, Duration: 2 rounds/level, Area of Effect: 5" + l" /level radius sphere, Components: V, Casting Time: 5 segments, Saving throw: none

Morreon’s Sonic Sentinel allows the caster to “read” changes in sound from their environment to detect any movement within the area of effect. For the duration of this spell the caster has +2 on all surprise rolls, can target invisible or otherwise hidden opponents with no to hit penalty, and gains a +2 to hit against all opponents in the area of effect. In addition, the caster can accurately estimate distances within the area of effect, and can use the sound energy of the spell to determine the thickness of walls and the relative density of materials. 

Rinson’s Roar (reversible)

Level: 5, Casting Time: 5 segments, Range: 1” per level, Duration: instantaneous, Area of Effect: Special, Components: V, Saving throw: special

This sound created by this spell duplicates a dragonne’s roar, it causes weakness to all within 12" of the caster unless they save against paralyzation. Furthermore, any creature within 3" or less of the caster will be deafened. Both effects last for from 2-12 melee rounds. Those weak from fear from the sound lose 50% of their strength; deafened creatures cannot hear any sound and will strike at -1 on their attack dice due to disorientation. The reverse of this spell makes the caster and 1 other person per level of the illusionist immune to the Dragonne’s roar for the duration of the spell. 

Tonormoran’s Song of the Siren (reversible)

Level: 5, Range: 2” + 1” per level, Duration: special, Area of Effect: 1” sphere per level, Components: V, Casting Time: 5 segments, Saving throw: Special

Tonormoran’s spell allows the caster to duplicate the enticing sound of the siren for 1 round per level. When cast, all victims in the area of effect must save versus spell every round the spell is in effect or feel drawn to walk towards the point designated by the caster as the source of the sound. While doing so their AC bonus due to dexterity is dropped, and they will pursue no aggressive action, though they may defend themselves. Once they reach the destination they will stay there and pursue no other action until the spell completes. The reverse of this spell makes the caster and one person per level immune to the impact of the sirens song for 2 rounds per level.

Xinnith’s Song of the Sphinx (reversible)

Level: 6, Casting Time: 6 segments, Range: special, Duration: special, Area of Effect: special, Components: V, Saving throw: special

Xinnith’s Song spell allows the caster to recreate one of three of the androsphinx’s roars once per day from his own mouth. The first roar causes all creatures within 36" to save versus fear (as a wand) or flee in panic for 3 turns. The second roar is louder still, creatures within 20" must save versus petrifaction or be paralyzed with fright for 1-4 melee rounds; and, in addition, creatures within 3" of the caster will be deafened for 2-12 melee rounds unless they are ogre-sized or larger (or have protected hearing organs). The third roar causes creatures within 24" to save versus magic or lose 2-8 points of strength for a like number of melee rounds; and, in addition, any creature within a 3" hemisphere of the caster will be knocked over unless the creature is ogre-sized or larger. Creatures knocked over must save versus dragon breath or be stunned for 2-12 melee rounds. Creatures not knocked over will take 2-16 hit points of damage (unless they are lion or part lion). The force of the third roar will also affect stone within 3", cracking it unless a saving throw versus petrifaction is made. The reverse of the spell makes the caster and 1 person per level immune to the impact of any androsphinx roar for 1 turn per level.

7th Level

The Dreaded Thunder of Xor’Kass

Level: 7, Range: 7" + l"/level, Duration: Instantaneous, Area of Effect: special, Components: V, Casting Time: 3 segments, Saving throw: Special

Xor’Kass created a spell that makes a sonic boom in a constrained space, but does not allow the sound to dissipate. The area of effect is a globe anywhere up to 1” per level in radius. The dreaded thunder is powerful and deafening, and has the following effects on victims:

Save versus paralysation or deafness for 1 hour, - 2 to hit. If the save is failed by 4 or more the eardrums are permanently damaged and will have the -2 penalty until healed by a cure critical wounds spell or better.

All victims in the area of effect are knocked back from the chosen center of the spell’s area of effect 1’ per level of the caster, experiencing 1 hp of damage per 2 levels of the casterand must save versus petrification or be prone for one round (+ 4 to hit)

All items in the area of effect must save versus crushing blow at +2 or be destroyed.

The castercan create one “boom” for every 5 levels of experience. The material component of this spell is a mixture of a potion of clairaudience, a potion of levitation, and a drop of harpy blood that must be drunk during casting. 

1 comment:

  1. Min endeløse ros går til denne dybe charmer, der er værd at efterligne. Tak doktor. Hej gutter, jeg hedder Donna 38. Jeg bor i San Francisco-bugten i Californien. Mit følelsesmæssige liv tog en stor drejning og er blevet velsignet, siden jeg blev henvist til ham af en familieven, der blev søster, smerten var så uudholdelig, det traumatiserede mig, fordi jeg havde smerter, havde urolige nætter, der næsten gjorde mig elendig for omkring et år før mit møde med Dr. Egwali, der hjalp med at genoplive det, jeg troede var væk. Tro i første omgang var jeg også i vantro på grund af mine forskellige møder med en række spellcastere og hjemmesider, alt sammen på vej til at bringe min yndige mand tilbage til mig, jeg har altid været stærk og vidste, at der måtte være et pålideligt sted at hjælpe mit eget ægteskabelige traume for det bragte faktisk så meget kaos. Kathy fandt Dr. Egwalis artikel og gav mig den, jeg kontaktede ham og forklarede, hvad jeg gik igennem, han sagde, at han var nødt til at udføre visse ritualer, hvoraf alle de nødvendige procedurer blev fulgt, lige siden disse ritualer blev gjort, har vores liv været så farverig, han har siden været min ideelle mand og kærlige over for mig og vores børn .. Tak igen læge, du kan slutte dig til ham på et hvilket som helst af disse medier og være en lykkelig sjæl, da jeg håber at finde held!

    Viber / WhatsApp: +2348122948392


Building Bhakashal - Session Report Image by Tooth Wu - Artstation - My Thursday group did not meet t...